Friday, February 19, 2016

Blind Item #12

This B+ list dual threat who has a franchise and a television show/mini series should really be careful. His boyfriend was busted for dealing drugs and is now springing traps on other dealers for the cops. If the dealers find out, they will come after the boyfriend and our actor.


  1. Derek Harvey3:45 AM

    Jamie Dornan

  2. Tricia133:45 AM

    Luke Evans

  3. Derek Harvey3:46 AM

    or zach quinto

  4. Derek Harvey3:46 AM

    nvmnd lol

  5. Derek Harvey3:47 AM

    Star-Trek and The Slap

  6. sandybrook3:47 AM

    The Rock :D

  7. Derek's asshole3:51 AM

    Dumb guess.

  8. Tricia133:52 AM

    Doesn't say FB(Luke)- so I think it may be
    Chris Pine-Star Trek and Wet Hot American Summer

  9. Tricia133:54 AM

    He sings / and does TV& Film. Fits entys ever unclear definition though lol.

  10. Derek Harvey3:56 AM

    and his bf is a "model" in NY aka drug dealer

    Zachary Quinto and model boyfriend Miles McMillan take their dogs ...
    Daily Mail-Feb 4, 2016
    Zachary Quinto took his dogs out for a walk in New York on ... Quinto has two lookalike mutts, one big and one small, and they're clearly ...

  11. Derek Harvey4:05 AM

    I'm such a giant asshole. Somebody please find something big enough to shove up my ass.

  12. @Derek4:10 AM

    Duck and take cover, all the loons will come after you now, Dornan has many stalkers! LOL

  13. Hannah S.4:14 AM

    + and / or agree with Chris Pines who is definitely gay. Known in community and although he's in closet - doesn't say- but doesn't say openly gay either,he has a BF that's been around. And he does sing quite well. "Into the Woods" showcased it.

  14. Jonathan Andrew Sheen4:21 AM

    How about Matt Bomer? "American Horror Story" for the TV Series/Miniseries, and the "Magic Mike" series for the franchise.

  15. Derek Harvey4:23 AM

    Sticking with Quinto
    it ALWAYS says if the actor is closeted or not and he is on Broadway right now in a MUSICAL

  16. I would say Quinto but his bf is a top model and doesn't need to deal drugs for cash.

  17. Derek Harvey4:58 AM

    Male models don't make much money but they do a lot of drugs

  18. Wendy5:02 AM

    I like Derek's guess. AHS is always mentioned as a mini series I feel like, and his boyfriend looks like the type of guy who would sell drugs.

  19. “model” in NY aka drug dealer

    Got a chuckle out of this.

  20. Derek's Protuberance5:24 AM

    His enormously swelled head is already up there.

  21. Snarknado5:55 AM

    Oh the irony, the mother lode of irony. You could iron my shirts with all the irony.

  22. sydguy6:12 AM

    Unfortunately, I have to agree with this. No matter how much I like Quinto, I would say that he needs to find better boyfriends.

  23. HuggieBearIsMe7:53 AM

    Hi Enty. I know you won't read this, but on the off chance that you do I would like to help you with something. I'm the daughter of a former film exec in "old Hollywood." My mother was a character actress for a very long time. My husband has been a PR rep for two decades. I was born & raised in Los Angeles & know every damn film exec & producer in this town.

    Now that I got that out of the way....... THAT'S NOT WHAT DUAL THREAT MEANS!!!!!!!!!!!! You're using the terms wrong! This is like that movie Mean Girls, stop trying to make "Fetch" happen! This has never & will never be the definitions of dual & triple threat. It means acting, singing, dancing. I know someone posted on her awhile back that it could be a combination of acting, directing, writing, singing or dancing, & I would be ok with that. But your definition? That's insane. That's not what it means. Whenever you misuse the terms you don't sound like an entertainment lawyer that knows everyone in showbiz. You sound like an idiot. Stop being an idiot Enty.

  24. Unemployable8:20 AM

    He acts in Hollywood movies, indie flicks, network tv, cable tv, tv commercials, radio commercials, sex tapes and was in a high school play once. He's an octuple threat!

  25. sandybrook8:28 AM

    We've been trying to tell them ever since they started with dual and triple threats that they are wrong and they refuse to listen huggie. :( Just shows they aren't show biz ppl.)

  26. sandybrook8:30 AM

    to be here our reality has to be totally suspended

  27. HuggieBearIsMe9:42 AM

    Yep. An entertainment lawyer not knowing basic terms or refusing to use them correctly doesn't make any sense at all. I've always loved gossiping though, but you would think I'd outgrow it at some point!

  28. @HuggieBearIsMe, are you willing to post any good stories? I would love to hear some! Share, share, share.

  29. HuggieBearIsMe2:58 PM

    Bad timing on your part. I just had a problem with forgetting that everyone can read the stuff I write on here. Talking about a person I know & talking about their private life like I would with friends behind closed doors. I'll have to really think careful about what I put on here. With no delete button there's almost a 100% chance people I write about will see it. I guess it depends what you think of as a good story. I've got positive stories, but if you're looking for who is gay or things like that then I doubt I'll tell those stories.

  30. Like set stories. People that flip out and go on rants. Prior to cell phone vids

  31. Unemployable12:06 AM

    Yes, you're certainly proving that, Rick.

  32. It would be fun to guess

  33. sandybrook12:08 AM

    Ignore it

  34. Loblaw12:15 AM

    You know Enty isn't Enty anymore right?

  35. Tricia131:13 AM


  36. HuggieBearIsMe1:25 AM

    Yeah, I think I talked with somebody on here before about how many Enty's we thought had run this site. I think it's four or five. Hard to say, but I doubt we will ever know the truth on it.

  37. HuggieBearIsMe3:02 AM

    I shouldn't do it but this involves three people that have died. I'll give it a shot at writing a blind.

    Early in their careers when working on a random TV show episode this permanent A lister (at the time no where near that,) & another A lister (also not at that level at the time) had to scare off an A list writer (don't think he was A list at the time) because the writer had cornered a young male PA by acting like they came from New York where they worked as enforcers for the mob. They made threats to "talk with Lucky," (Luciano the head of the national crime syndicate) if he didn't leave the PA alone? Later in life my mom said she knows that one of the actors had made nice with the writer, but wasn't sure about the other.

    The actors found the PA cornered by the writer in an office just off set. The writer was threatening to have the PA fired & "blacklisted from Hollywood" if he didn't perform a sex act for the writer. The two actors basically did improv on the spot to scare off the writer. The writer would go on to be very very successful & was a long time fixture on talk shows. He was known for getting into feuds over his lifetime. (I should add that this wasn't normal behavior for the writer so he may have been drunk.)

    Name the future A list writer, future permanent A list Actor, & the future A list actor.

  38. Gegser4:52 AM

    Writer: Norman mailer

  39. So this is pre 1962?

  40. Snarknado3:11 PM

    Too sick rick. You're attracting demons.

  41. Zilla14:00 PM

    Aren't these blinds the best, the ones that, if revealed here or elsewhere, put the well-being or actual lives of those concerned at risk? Golf claps all around, I say.

  42. Snarknado4:55 PM

    Gore Vidal. Began his career by writing television scripts.
    Future permanent A list actor, Paul Newman, working on Vidal's "The Death of Billy the Kid" for Philco Television Playhouse, 1955.
    With Future A list actor, Jason Robards.

  43. HuggieBearIsMe6:12 PM

    Yes. Snarknado got it below.

  44. HuggieBearIsMe6:14 PM

    You got it! Like I said the way this all happened was not how Gore usually acted. My mom thought he was beyond drunk & that's why he acted that way.

    Quick question, do you consider Jason Robards a permanent A lister?

  45. Snarknado7:22 PM

    That was a hard one! At first I thought it was Truman Capote and spun my wheels with that until I realized "Who would ever cower from him?" Lol!

    Jason Robards had enough good creds for a permanent A list. When I went down the cast list for this production, he was the only one who fit a future A list. Anything less than an A for him would have been confusing (like the Enties do to us.). Paul Newman, though, might be A+.

    I referred to your blind often, and, although hard, each clue in it was solid enough to narrow the field one by one. Made for a brilliant puzzle!

    If only you would take over the blinds here! But I can see why you wouldn't want to give away your valuable memories on a site that doesn't match the quality of what you can offer.

  46. HuggieBearIsMe12:49 AM

    Thank you! The biggest thing keeping me from doing blinds regularly would be that eventually I would have to do current ones, or ones where people are still alive. I gave way too much info about myself on here so they would know it's me. Even if I changed my name people could figure it out. If I ever do decided to do another I will post it in the daily open discussions that Enty posts weekdays. Don't know if I'll do it but I will think about it!

  47. HuggieBearIsMe12:54 AM

    I think Enty posted one about an actor cheating on his girlfriend. The girlfriend was the daughter of a vicious head of a Mexican drug cartel. Enty basically said if the head of the cartel found out the actor would be killed. All I could think is "How many famous actors are dating daughters of head's of drug cartels?"

    Almost everything on here is BS, but that one stuck out as really over the top. Like who would put up a blind like that & risk getting the actor killed?

  48. back again3:39 AM

    Waaay To go @ Snarknado! my 1st thought was Gore Vidal & I was thinking Paul Newman too..I would've had to go through Newman's movies to ever get to Jason Robards though as he wouldn't have come to mind..I know I wouldn't've guessed him even then though!
    @ Huggie,I don't think Jason Robards is permanent A..he was an A actor though.
    I do think that Paul Newman is permanent A+ --- kids today still know who he is & like his movies!
    (i used to ski at a small private mountain w/Paul Newman & family called Timber Ridge years ago in Vt. when a kid..he used to bring his own beer & drink it on the lift which cracked us up-as kids we thought he was much cooler than our dad cuz of that).

  49. back again3:41 AM

    @HuggieBear, thanks for the fun Blind!!! : )

  50. Snarknado6:43 AM

    As soon as I came to my senses about Capote, I started at the year 1955. Lucky guess!

    Can you imagine a star trying to ski there now? Instant Paparazzi, every moment of it. Then: "What A+ star washed up was drunk and balding on a ski-lift with a couple of blondes endangering every one there who is known for green eyes." A mock-up of Enty, (who would say green) and add, "His long suffering oscar winner/nominee triple-threat C list wife is talking divorce."

  51. Snarknado6:52 AM

    Here's one for ya, Zilla:
    "What porn-loving potty-mouthed octuple-personality was chased down the street like Frankenstein by a certain gossip site group, Name sounds like Rick."

  52. HuggieBearIsMe9:45 AM

    That sounds like him. He was a pretty great guy! I almost worded the blind to say "This permanent A list actor may have died, but you still see his face in an unexpected place." Meaning you see his face at the grocery store on the Newman's Own products. But I thought that would be too obvious. Glad everyone liked my blind, maybe I'm better at writing them than I thought!

  53. HuggieBearIsMe9:46 AM

    What happened with Rick? I couldn't get on the site earlier today & now I'm looking & don't see any of his post. I do see people posting to him, clearly responding to something he said or did but I don't see anything from Rick. Did Enty actually do something about an abusive commenter?

  54. Snarknado2:45 AM

    Even with the Newman's Own clue, it still would have been a puzzler that requires google. I was googling James Dean to see what he had done in 55 when I saw something about Paul Newman taking the role of the movie made out of The Death of a Gunman. Still took a stretch of googling and imDb to find the cast lists. Can you imagine what Derek and Trisha would have popped up with, right off the bat? That would have been interesting.

    IMO, you should look around for a gossip site that is more suited to your well-crafted work and submit this one. Ask if you could be a guest blind contributor with Old Hollywood blinds. "Heddy Hopper". Lol, a combo of Heddy Lamar and Hedda Hopper.

  55. Snarknado2:47 AM

    Addenda: submit a different one. Anyone who read this one would recognize it on another site and spoil the fun by answering it bada bing bada boom.

  56. Snarknado2:53 AM

    Rick was wiped from the site. Didn't actually take that many days for them to do it, but so many blinds and photo threads are posted that it made it look like he was here way too long, since he was bombing the posts with his comments.

  57. HuggieBearIsMe3:29 AM

    That's probably a good idea. Someone from here would have posted the answer right away & then said what my screen name is on here. But I'll definitely look at some sites to see if any will post some other old Hollywood blinds.

  58. HuggieBearIsMe3:29 AM

    You're welcome!

  59. HuggieBearIsMe3:30 AM

    That's good! They usually don't act that fast, but I guess he went too far even for Enty. If anyone, including Derek or Tricia started posting links to porn gifs they would probably get banned too.

  60. Zilla14:13 AM


  61. Snarknado2:24 PM

    Here, any answers, or commenters trying to work it out the clues between themselves, would be buried under "derek" trolls, trolls faking someone's name, and the usual crazies. Not a respectful place for your insider knowledge.

    On the bright side, everyone would swear the old Enty they loved is back! Lol!
