Monday, February 29, 2016

Blind Item #11 - Academy Awards

This foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is a multiple Academy Award winner/nominee was rude to everyone the entire night. Her driver complained. Her assigned publicity people complained. She blew off countless networks and reporters. For someone nominated, you would think she would have been a bit more participatory and kind.


  1. Tricia1312:46 AM

    Charlotte Rampling?

  2. Tricia1312:47 AM

    Or Kate Winslet, but I can't see that somehow

  3. lila fowler12:51 AM

    I don't think Rampling is A list. Is Ronan? McAdams? I'd put both of them at A-/B+... Winslet and Blanchett are def A list.

  4. lila fowler12:53 AM

    Oh wait. McAdams is not a multiple nominee and neither is Rampling. I guess this is either Blanchett, Winslet or Ronan.

  5. Tricia 1312:54 AM

    Or Theron strikes again. Maybe she ran outta nicorette

  6. selenakyle12:57 AM

    Dang, I sure hope this isn't either Winslet or Blanchett...

  7. And McAdams is a sweetheart, she is never rude

  8. Ms. Anne Thrope1:03 AM

    J. Law. I read that she went to a diner "to be seen" after the ceremony & had her bodyguards keep everyone away and was on her high horse. She did talk to a little girl on her way to the bathroom & made her night though.

  9. Ms. Anne Thrope1:04 AM

    oh sorry, missed the "foreign born". Still hungover & waking up after being out at a concert late last night lol

  10. French girl1:06 AM

    I saw Blanchett 's Red Carpet interviews so Winslet

  11. Kno Won Uno1:07 AM

    I thought Ronan came off as very sweet when interviewed.

  12. IceCream1:11 AM

    Seen reports that Kate Winslet was in a weird mood all night & was in a bit of a huff after the show. This was from people at the ceremony working etc.

  13. Howyoudoin1:15 AM

    Alicia Vikander. Multiple nominee as in nominated in 2 categories. Can't anyone read Enty any more? She was p*ssed about Fassbender not planting her one on camera. Fassy also supposed reamed out a exec w initials that spell How Wanky. Apparently Fass didn't get enough AV so he didn't get an Oscar. Fassy fight via thegossiplife

  14. Paint Chips1:18 AM

    There doesn't seem to be a lot of love for Blanchett lately, so my votes on her.

  15. sandybrook1:23 AM

    I think it was Charlize. Everybody else mentioned here wasnt blowing off the interviewers.

  16. French girl1:23 AM

    it was the first time that Vikander was nominated

  17. French girl1:23 AM

    She was not nominated this year

  18. JoshBaskin1:27 AM

    Considering Kate said that she didn't care about the nomination because she loved that film enough and that she was only going to support Leo, I would guess her.

  19. Sadie1:38 AM

    I'll go with Cate Blanchett. She seems to be a real beyotch.

  20. Marianne1:45 AM

    I'm guessing Kate Winslett, I watched the red carpet interviews and I didn't see her there. But I also did some fast dvr-ing this morning before work so I could have missed her too.

  21. HH3141:58 AM

    Second Vikander. She seems like an entitled POS

  22. Jaded2:02 AM

    Rooney Mara

  23. Maggita2:28 AM

    J.Law skipped the red carpet, and according to Enty has been quite the bitch toward everyone and anyone, so this fits. Also a multiple nominee.

  24. Maggita2:29 AM

    Damn it! I missed the foreign-born part. Is Kentucky a different country?

  25. Bitingontinfoil2:57 AM

    ....or cocaine ;)

  26. anna from savannah4:22 AM

    Charlotte Rampling is probably the only actress from her age group who hasn't spent a couple of million on plastic surgery. That said, back in 1969 I was working for a film company in London. An American friend of mine was in town to show his documentary on Castro to television stations. He asked me to attend the private screening and I invited my boss. Just as we were leaving the office this creature arrived with her boyfriend and just stopped the show. My filmmaker friend and I stood in the office speechless. It was the very young and incredibly beautiful Charlotte Rampling. She was dressed in a bikini-like outfit covered to her ankles in a sheer gossamer tunic. I have never seen anyone look as gorgeous as she did that day ever. She was told where we were headed and came over to me and said, "Oh, can I go too?!" My filmmaker friend almost kicked me down the stairs to escort her to the car. She loved the documentary and thanked the filmmaker afterward. She is a triple A class act.

  27. cebii4:26 AM

    she's American

  28. robynsing5:08 AM

    It has to be Charlize...she's always a cnut.

  29. vodianova5:10 AM

    Blanchett and Winslet both did red carpet interviews and both looked super excited to be there. There are pictures of the two of them during the show and they're beaming, especially Winslet given it was Leo's night. She walked the red carpet with him for goodness sake lol, beaming backstage after he won. Why would she be in such a bad mood on the night her best friend finally won an Oscar?

    Maybe Charlize Theron? The blind doesn't say the person blew off ALL reporters. I only saw one interview with Theron, although she didn't seem rude. I think JLaw is the only one who blew off a bunch of reporters, and she came across as distant to me.

  30. Tricia136:48 AM

    That is a fabulous story. And I easily picture her as the young stunning in the most classic sense, kind of way. She has a face that could be muse like- and likely was. I really love her(and her work) , and with all the class she exudes - a rare breed. She was still that beautiful in a small Indy film (not too too long ago) called "Swimming Pool".i guess now they would her a "handsome woman"But as you said, at least naturally so.

  31. Shoot4theMoon7:20 AM

    Great story! Thanks for sharing.

  32. Chuchu8:28 AM

    She was nominated in two categories? I'm thinking your one of those Tumblr girls who think her and fassy are having a fake relationship. Dear lord I thought the cumhards were bad. The bitterness of you fan girls is nuts.

  33. rdmtimp10:09 AM

    Not foreign born.

  34. Naiveatheart10:34 AM

    I thought Ronan was the youngest actress to be nominated twice? I could see her nerves and presumption of losing to Larson send her to the edge of misery and not wanting to interviee. Might have gotten hard to fake it at that point.

  35. That must have been around the time of The Night Porter, disturbing but great film.

  36. I meant to add that she looked very sweet last night.

  37. Emeraldcity11:39 AM

    DM is reporting from a photo assumption that Kate Winslet is pregnant, maybe those baby hormones kicking up.
