Monday, February 29, 2016

Blind Item #10 - Academy Awards

One of the biggest a-holes of the night award goes to this foreign born A/A- list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. He badgered a female seat filler the entire night. He would move from one seat to the next to get closer to her and just tossed out one sexual remark after another. He thinks of it is as flirting. It was awful.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Benicio Del Toro
    Though born in PR enty

  2. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Or Russel Crowe

  3. Michael Fassbender after Alicia was off basking in her win?

  4. lila fowler12:34 AM

    He appeared to be sitting next to Vikander's mother the entire time. I didn't see him moving seats at all.

  5. sandybrook1:25 AM

    If Hugh Grant showed up this sounds like something he would do.

  6. French girl1:32 AM

    I spotted twice Benicio Del Toro yesterday at the same place so Russel Crowe

  7. Brienne81:40 AM

    I don't see Del Toro as an a-hole...
    Fassbender or Russell Crowe...

  8. Sadie1:41 AM

    Is Benicio del Toro even A- list? I'd say a B. I'll go with Russell Crowe. He was looking desperate last night.

  9. Marianne1:49 AM

    Which ever a-hole this is, just ewww. I feel bad for the seat filler. Whether is del toro or Crowe, seriously you would think they would know it would have been plastered all over social media and that he would have a little more class, just sayin...

  10. HH3142:00 AM

    Crowe is asking to be slugged one day. Such an unpleasant asshole

  11. Was Gerald Butler there? Sounds like him.

  12. Glamourboy4:43 AM

    Calling bullshit on this blind. If someone is filling in a seat it is because there is ONE seat available. If there were two available then two Seat Fillers would be called. They have plenty of them. There would be no empty seat for this person to go into. I hate when a blind is such total bullshit, it makes me wonder about the rest of them...

  13. robynsing5:11 AM

    I am going to wild guess--Keaton. He came from such an odd place when heading for the stage for the Best Film acceptance---from far left of stage way in back and he shook his fists in the air and said 'fuck yeah" on camera.

  14. Brienne85:30 AM

    Keaton isn't foreign..

  15. rdmtimp10:11 AM

    Never been nominated for Oscar.
