Sunday, January 03, 2016

Old Hollywood Blind Item #4 - Mr. X

Several actresses are counting down the days until this former A-list funnyman kicks the bucket because they don't want to be silenced by his legal team. This impending scandal will eclipse Bill Cosby in terms of the number of accusers and the lewdness of the sexual assaults. These accusations go back to the mid 1950s.


  1. sandybrook11:17 PM

    Jerry Lewis

  2. Kno Won Uno11:20 PM

    I like it!
    It's him or Don Rickles, I think.

  3. Tricia1311:23 PM

    Jackie Mason

  4. Sylvie Yung1:01 AM

    Rumors about how nasty Jerry Lewis was and is have been around for decades. Some of the rumors defy description. Back in the 60s my room mate was a flight attendant. She said he was the rudest, most disrespectful passenger she ever had. He is still around because the Big Guy doesn't want to have to deal with him. Neither does the other one.

  5. Scott4:17 AM

    Hugh since another blind claimed Hugh taught Bill Cosby

  6. I never got a laugh out of him. He was not funny in the slightest.

  7. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)5:20 AM

    If you mean Hefner, I don't think he would be described as a funnyman, although I'm willing to believe there are a lot of ugly stories about him that are yet to come out. I think Jerry Lewis is the answer to this one.

  8. texasrose6:10 AM

    Probably him but isn't Jerry Lewis a forever A list??

  9. Studio549:43 AM

    Well, AGAIN, WHY didn't these women go to the police? I think there will be HUGE blowback if it's a bunch of women who didn't go to the police in a timely manner.

  10. Malibuborebee11:59 AM

    Whether or not a rape victim immediately goes to the police is rarely any indication of whether or not her story is true.

    If he was raping actresses and bit players (likely) then they'd have been blackballed forever if they came forward and nothing would have happened to Lewis anyway.

    The stories of Jerry Lewis as a father are on par with Bing Crosby's.

  11. Umm... did you read the part about how this goes back to the '50s? Do you know anything about how things used to be for women, and in many ways not much has changed? Oh, and have ya ever noticed how when anyone goes up against someone rich and/or powerful, they tend to be discredited, at the very least? That's WHY.

  12. Shalene11:49 PM

    I honestly can't imagine any woman that could not hurt that. Kinda like Andy dick. I'd break Andy. I'm not even a bad a$$
