Saturday, January 23, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

December 1, 2015

This former A+ list tweener turned what appears to be a B+/A- list singer/performance art doing kind of person has been texting and calling this B+ list singer/actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee non-stop. They hooked up a couple of times when hanging out with a mutual friend but our former tweener thinks it is serious. Our actor/singer has someone he sees regularly and the tweener thing was just one of many people on his I will f**k anything that walks parade.

Miley Cyrus/Jared Leto


  1. Good morning from Long Island! Literally snowed in here. 3 foot snow drifts up against both front and back doors. Glad I am prepared!

  2. Snarknado3:13 AM

    Stay warm boni! Keep us company on Cdan!

  3. Snarknado3:21 AM

    Blind is dated December 1, 2015. And now she is engaged to Liam again.

    She needs rehab, psychoanalysis, aura cleansing, debugging, chakra balancing, vitamin supplements, Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour, hot rock massages, vajayjay steaming, and a brain scan.

    Run, Liam, run!

  4. Ms. Anne Thrope3:32 AM

    Hi. Same here in PA. I'm 5'7" and the snow is up to my waist. Crazy.

  5. Thanks. Warm and cozy. I need to find something good to binge watch. :)

  6. Wow! Stay safe!

  7. Yeah right3:53 AM

    Hardly, she's probably more sane than most Hollywood phonies, because she's upfront about everything she does while they all sneak around and hide behind their PR machines. She does alot for charity, too. And I'm not one of her fans, either.

  8. back again4:01 AM

    Same here @ boni & @ Ms.Anne and we are lovin' it!
    -s.o. just braved the elements(all 20 ft.of it,lol)to put out a virtual buffet for the birds so we're pretty popular with our feathered friends right now(which is always amusing to watch).
    And probably gonna watch "Everest" to stay in this whole snowstorm theme we got going here.
    y'all stay put & cozy!

  9. back again4:09 AM

    If you get Netflix,i think "Bloodline" is a good binge watch- i liked italot-plus it's escapism to the Florida Keys thru the snowstorm.

  10. Numoon34:10 AM reinstating the engagement to Liam a rebound thing? For all her antics, she must not be able to handle rejection well.

  11. AtlLady4:10 AM

    For some bizarre reason, I think there is a huge difference between public Miley and private Miley. Public Miley is for entertainment purposes only. Private Miley is a sweet, loving, caring girl who loves to sing. What can I say? I like her.

  12. back again4:20 AM

    are they REALLY actually engaged again or is she just wearing the ring again.I know they're moved back in together but have they officially announced anything.I haven't seen anything from his camp.
    I WILL say that all through Miley's 'metamorphosis',phases,antics,whatever..he never bad mouthed her and he was always very careful about what he said about her & how he said it--like it was never over & he still had her back,if you will.

  13. Cookie4:22 AM

    @boni if u have Netflix Bloodline is so good.

  14. Cookie4:23 AM

    @backagain lol. Just saw ur comment. I cant wait for season 2 of bloodline!!

  15. back again4:25 AM

    maybe i read it here but didn't Miley get really worried that she was losing Liam 'For Real' because he was enjoying himself too much with someone from "Independance Day"--Maika Monroe maybe???--like he really liked her & they went kiteboarding & hiking & stuff?

  16. I saw Bloodline. Loved it! Wish season 2 was out, that would be perfect.

  17. Tricia134:49 AM

    Greetings to all-@ boni @BA@Ms.AnneThorpe- I am envious of your blizzard situation(as long as you are all safe:) been awhile since I've been in one. Enjoy and hunker down with some good film/tv which you seem to be doing!Boni I don't Netflix much, but if you have showtime the have been running the season of The Affair. And Sundance channel has great Saturday movies too:) Enjoy!!

  18. back again5:14 AM

    -The Man In The High Castle" on Amazon's a trip! Good binge show w/an interesting concept..
    -"The Returned"- if you don't mind reading subtitles "Les Revenants" is original french version & a bit better..
    -on regular tv-i'm a fan of "Mr. Robot" -bingeworthy...

  19. back again5:15 AM

    Hi there!

  20. Kno Won Uno5:23 AM

    I'm in the Harrisburg are - it's past cataclysmic, heading toward batshit. I just saw some mostly-snow-covered hipster trying to shovel out his car with a kayak oar. Don't know where the poor thing thinks he's gonna go once he unearths his car, though.
    I'm just sitting in my house, waiting for it to stop.
    If I don't get the snow off my satellite dish, I won't be able to watch the division finals tomorrow. That would be el bado grande.

  21. back again5:28 AM

    that IS wierd! too funny...ikr w/season 2!

  22. I've already done the affair binge. loved it. I think I'm going to try Mr. Robot. It seems we have similar taste. :0 Thanks girls!

  23. Cinabun5:57 AM

    Thank you for the update boni, boy I was worried about you!

  24. Lavert6:23 AM

    ^^^^^this^^^^ was very nice! The blind was already solved, so everyone just had a friendly chat. Made me smile.

  25. Whywhywhy???6:52 AM

    Wonder what happened to former Disney star Miley??? Which one of those Disney execs turned her out??? Where were ma and pa Cyrus?

  26. sandybrook7:11 AM

    The Affair disappointed me (and those who remember them) kristin and cocoa. Too confusing for the most part as far as timeline goes, plus we really didn't like the climax.

  27. She came in like a wrecking ballllllll! maybe Jarred's person that's posting gossip was just misinformed or wanting to make him look all ladies man.

  28. I might be the only Los Angeleno who'd trade places, but I am so envious of everyone in snowy climates right now! Stay safe & warm!

  29. ellie9:17 AM

    Hello from Florida! It's....windy. It was also like at least 65 today which is freezing. Guess it doesn't compare haha

  30. ellie9:19 AM

    +1. I actually like her more now that she seems like an actual (sometimes crazy) human being. She was like Selena or Taylor before - a manufactured tween-bot. She barely even has a need for a PR team because bitch will never apologize for being herself (good for her). And she calls out the media and other celebrities for what they are. Definitely NOT a fan of her music, but I'd totally take some bong hits and go out drinking with her.

  31. ellie9:20 AM

    Ma and Pa Cyrus are bathing in Hannah Montana money. They ain't got time for things like raising children!

  32. ellie9:21 AM

    I think you're probably right.

  33. beckymae9:44 AM

    Mr Robot is untold! I am loving it!

  34. beckymae9:44 AM

    I miss Kristen Wigs like a limb.... :(

  35. He was with Monroe, but I don't know for how long. I think the bigger threat to Miley was J-Law hooking up with him all the time. He always appeared to have a thing for old Katniss, too.

  36. Claire2:21 PM

    I wouldn't call her sane just because she's more transparent than the phonies. I mean, I HOPE she's happy and well, but it seems like she's been acting out because she's desperate for attention, and that isn't healthy.

  37. Claire2:24 PM

    I don't doubt that she's a nice person, but she clearly has a pathological desire for negative attention.

    I have never head of her being on drugs, though (besides the obvious pot and partying with Molly) so I hope she's able to remain grounded and successful without killing herself.

  38. AtlLady10:40 PM

    Miley is only 23 and she had the double duty of breaking free from Disney as well as breaking away from the persona of Hannah Montana. She really hasn't done anything that outrageous compared to some of her contemporaries. I just have this feeling that Miley will be like her godmother, Dolly Parton, and have a career for a very long time.

  39. Snarknado12:56 AM

    If I went out in a public place with a fake titty breastplate, and a two foot long schlong over some vagina print panties, I would be arrested. No question. And every one would think I was crazy.

    I'm a big fan of Bangers and Dead Pets, and a big fan of her sweet side, but she is not 100% all there as long as she is 24/7 "shatter" between her ears.

  40. Snarknado1:09 AM

    "She really hasn't done anything that outrageous compared to some of her contemporaries" Are you talking Farrah A, or....or...

    What 23 year old A+ contemporary of hers has sold tickets to watch them do the things she does, or even near it? She is one of a kind.

    And she is no Dolly Parton. She had her chance to be like Dolly, as shown by the beautiful Backyard Sessions, but she chose another path.

  41. Snarknado1:18 AM

    The Affair did go off the rails, and I bet they just keep rolling on in the next season. I think it would be cool if they all went to jail, and wife's kid's went to her hated mother, and the mistresses kid to her ex.

  42. Snarknado1:24 AM

    Just finished binging Fargo, season 2. Haven't watched season 1, but this one--Wow.

  43. back again5:11 AM

    omg me too. my <3 jesse plemons but can't choose a fave character cuz they're all so damn good.
    -gonna watch season 1 now b/c season 2 was so good.

  44. Snarknado3:47 PM

    Ha--I'm doing that too!

  45. back again11:51 PM

    btw,just reread this & meant s.o.only had to venture outside about 20 place the birdfeed not that we had 20 ft.of snow.I was sarcastic cuz he was dressed like he was climbing Mt.Everest.

  46. Weezy9:55 AM

    Miley is straight poison...I get chills whenever I'm in the same room as her. Man I wish entertainment mags would run even half of the stories they are brought. Instead of using it as leverage to suck up to a celebrity and get them to do something for their publication. I'm talking things the majority of us would have a hard time even imagining.
