Sunday, January 31, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

November 11, 2015

This B list celebrity/talk show host/wannabe singer quit her most recent gig because she already earned her next level bonus and knew there would be no more. Oh, and this also saves her the embarrassment of some other gigs where literally no one was paying to come see her.

Tamar Braxton/Dancing With The Stars/going on tour


  1. sandybrook2:22 AM

    Ha over in the tweets Enty's talking about how amateurish something looks on a website. Bwahaha welp he had plenty of practice.

  2. Kno Won Uno2:52 AM

    That's rich.

  3. Snarknado1:18 PM

    This website is run from Venezuela. Guess you could say it's "outsourced".

    And that may be the answer to WTF? after garbled blinds.

  4. Cindy1:47 AM

    But wouldn't winning DWTS have given her the opportunity to boost her ticket sales?

  5. Bubbles5:15 AM

    How is someone who has been singing professionally for at least the last 20 years a "wannabe " singer? She's been doing that longer than she's been doing any of her other jobs.
