Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 30, 2015

While people passed out from the heat waiting for this former A- list tweener actress turned A-/B+ list singer to show up and perform, our singer was having a great time riding rides at a park and having security show everyone what a big shot she thinks she is. Three hours after she was due to perform, our singer finally showed up and delivered one of her meh performances that lasted just a few minutes. She then acted like she had done the fans a favor and skipped everything else she was supposed to do.

Ariana Grande/Disney World


  1. sandybrook2:35 AM

    Thank you Disney for depositing another talentless POS on the world.

  2. Can't blame Disney for this one. It was the Head of the Class perv & Nickelodeon that brought the world this mess of a human being.

  3. Her voice is so annoying. I don't understand why is she famous?
    Fade, please. Fade away forever.

  4. back again3:15 AM

    i'm no fan of the Donut Licker but I do think that she has a good voice.The girl can sing.

  5. Gregorio3:43 AM

    I agree. I don't think she is the most humble, nor good person, but to deny her singing ability is mistake. Voice wise she is A+ like it or not

  6. Paint Chips3:53 AM

    Three hours is an insane amount of time to wait.

  7. Diana8:38 AM

    Oh, please, anyone stupid enough to be her fan deserves to be shit on.

  8. Malibuborebee8:51 AM

    Her fans are mostly little kids. Sure, they're stupid but they have an excuse.
