Sunday, January 03, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 24, 2015

This foreign born B list mostly movie actress seems like she is in a dozen movies this year. Honestly, it is only slightly less than that. Because she was working so much she did not see her full frontal loving foreign born actor now ex-boyfriend as much as she would have liked but she was not expecting him to continually cheat on her either.

Alicia Vikander/Michael Fassbender


  1. meowie12:55 AM

    Thought her and MF were just a Weinstein-orchestrated stunt?

  2. Katie1:33 AM

    Entry needs to release a gay straight or bi list because celeb sexualities flip flop more than their ratings on this site

  3. swift blow to the head2:36 AM

    alicia and fassbender are a conjured-up PR couple put together by Weinstein specifically for awards season. Now that Steve Jobs has floundered, part of the endgoal has deflated - but not all hope is lost! Alicia, of course, will probably get (multiple) nods. I expected this fake blind, considering the Oscars are coming up in February.

    Way to bend over, Enty.

  4. Whywhywhy???2:37 AM

    Amen. I was reading the comments on Drake and going huh? I still don't get why people remain in the closet. There seems to be a a lot of acceptance and sooner or later.... the door opens..who gives a diddly what you do behind closed doors.

  5. Chuchu5:40 AM

    Steve Jobs is Sony not Weinstein. And for a PR couple they don't get seen alot on red carpets and such. I think most people weren't even sure if they were still dating or not. Fassy has dated a costar why is it such a hard thing to believe he's sagging this one too?
