Saturday, January 16, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 16, 2015

With nothing to promote this time around, this pint sized former A list reality star from multiple reality shows is just letting her husband do what he wants with who he wants. It is what he has been doing the entire time they have been together but she has stopped sticking up for him.



  1. Reeks of desperation!

  2. Honeybunny12:43 AM

    Does he have money, status, or can get her a huge TV or movie deal? I don't know why she would let him do that to her. Maybe she is gearing up for Marriage Bootcamp? SMDH

  3. Kibble12:47 AM

    It seems Snooks and Jionni have a new reality series where they flip houses. Snooks refuses to get off the reality TV gravy train.

  4. And he had the Ashley-Madison account.

  5. texasrose1:45 AM

    Having an Ashley-Madison account just proves they are stupid but not necessarily a cheater because it doesn't sound like anyone hooked up with it because not women on it.

  6. NewYearBlues6:12 AM

    She just wants a husband in the house for promotion reasons she always preferred the ladies anyway

  7. Penelope 211:06 AM

    She should do an "After the Divorce" reality show about how a Jersey Girl makes it as a single rich mom.
