Thursday, January 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 11,2015

Apparently things have not been as lovey dovey as they used to be between this A- list mostly television actor and his bff co-star B- list mostly television actress. They have a long history together, but he has been hitting on anything that walks while on set and the actress thinks he is a completely changed guy from what he used to be.

David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson


  1. Kno Won Uno1:35 AM

    ...or she doesn't care.
    I can't think of her as a moron, so I'll keep thinking she's well aware of DD's predilections.

  2. sandybrook1:36 AM

    Uh Enty Oscar nominations? You've always copied and pasted them by now :(

  3. meowie1:40 AM

    She wants to believe.

  4. Hunty1:42 AM

    Duchy hits on anyone he bumps into on the set whereas Gilly goes between ladies, co-star of the year and Mads (if that still happens).

    Brilliant! The Gillovny romance/showmance has gone south, but don't worry. They will pretend to look lovey dovey and will cater to their fans' wishes until the final episode of the revival is aired and then, off they go on their separate ways (unless they decide to make another series or movie). Tsk, tsk, tsk.

  5. Enty's upset "Joy" only receive one nomination: JLaw's.

  6. Rocky1:48 AM

    I must admit, he never peaked my interest but i love him in Aquarius. I'm a woman who likes tall men who have meat on their bones.
    His lanky self is appealing cause he's charming (at least from what i can see)
    He's not married, he's a man and he works in the industry. What can anyone expect? Just hope he's careful safe sex wise.

  7. I think they know each other too well. They've probably have hooked up in the past. He has his porn addiction, that he has no interest in giving up & his hook ups and she knows that. They just like to tease fans now, like most of these types of shows & movies.

  8. sandybrook2:02 AM

    bwahaha... I think he spent all his ad money on Powerball tickets last night. Over in the tweets>>he's calculating how many possible combinations had been used.

  9. Is Duchovny really the bigger star here? A-? Where?

  10. AndrewBW2:31 AM

    I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!

  11. gilly-yo2:53 AM

    You know, I think we get nowhere trying to decode the ratings, but in terms of who's the bigger star...

    He was lead on Californication and that was successful, lasted for seasons...Anderson has The Fall, which is not well-known in the States and was supporting on yeah, on par, I think he's the bigger star here.

  12. Zilla13:07 AM

    What does she expect? He is an admitted sex addict.

  13. Unemployable7:28 AM

    Sex addiction. Ha! Biggest myth since American exceptionalism. Every guy runs around all day long inserting his peener into every living creature that stands still for 4 seconds. That's natural behavior for a man. Its like... evolutional or something. Its how Darwin intended it!

  14. Molly8:49 AM

    Precisely. Enty's rating is all over the place, but this is clearly just wrong. With The Fall, Hannibal, War and Peace, her theatre career and the other upcoming projects, she's obviously the bigger star.

  15. Molly8:57 AM

    lol! I too wonder about her and Mads Mikkelsen.
    As it mentioned by someone in a previous blind about Mads/Gillian - Mads wasn't seen with his wife for almost 2 years now. So regardless of the him and Gillian, something doesn't seem to be right in his marriage.
    I checked myself and there were tons of photos of Mads and his wife at every possible event and then - nothing. He has been attending every event for the last 2 years by himself.

  16. What happened to them shacking up?



  18. grammarnotse11:43 AM

    It's "piqued", you dumbass.

  19. Cinabun1:56 AM

    Uh, maybe reread Darwin. Somewhat nice try @ justification but doesn't really work. Scientifically makes more sense for females to be this way. Just sayin. Women should be doing this more than men.☺

  20. Unemployable8:07 AM

    That's funny Cinabon, you sound just like my ex- oh, wait a minute... Ok look, this may sound like a strange question but have you ever broken up with one of your boyfriends by beating him furiously with a bag of Nacho Cheese Bugles?

  21. Cinabun1:14 AM

    Nope. Only wonder bread. ????
