Saturday, January 02, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #37

December 9, 2015

It is the sad fall of a man who was once an A+ list celebrity. He still has A+ list name recognition, although with people under 25, it might be lower than that. Our celebrity has always been deep in the closet. Everyone knows he is gay, but somehow we never even bothered to ask him because we all just know. When he would come on late night television, you were guaranteed a great 10 minute segment. A few years back, he met a guy through a dating service. The guy, is about a quarter the age of our celebrity. He says he met the guy through a dating site. Most people believe he was found either through an escort site or a hookup site. In any event, our celebrity fell in love. Lust. Hard.

The next thing you know, the boyfriend moved in and was spending vast sums of the celebrity’s money. Vast sums. Sometimes a hundred grand in a month. The celebrity bought him multiple cars and a condo. The condo was for when the boyfriend needed to “work.” What it really was though was a place the guy would go with hookups he met at various bars. The boyfriend started staying less and less at the home of the celebrity because of “work,” but still managed to use the credit cards the celebrity got for him to pay for every expense imaginable. When the celebrity started questioning the $5000 nights out in clubs, the boyfriend said he was just entertaining clients. Our celebrity was so in love with this guy that he just accepted the stories and cut a lot of people from his life who were trying to paint the real picture. Then one day, the boyfriend told the celebrity that he was moving out. Oh, and that he wanted $2M or he would sell his stories about the celebrity to the media. Surprisingly enough, the celebrity paid the money. I think he was hoping it would keep the boyfriend. Nope. Since the day the boyfriend walked out, our celebrity has just been counting down the days until he dies. He has no life in him any longer. He never leaves the house and only rarely gets out of bed. A sad end to a great guy.

Richard Simmons


  1. Kno Won Uno10:14 AM

    Oh, Richard...come back out into the world, pal. We all knew this was you and don't care at all. Most people have trusted someone they loved & lived to regret it.
    You're a fun person - don't let this jerk take who you are after everything else.
    Seriously. We'll never mention it.

  2. Caitlyn10:25 AM

    @Dena got this right away- good guess!
    I was too young for his fame peak, but it's a sad ending.

  3. Very sad. And as far as anyone knew, Richard Simmons was always "fruity" (my dad's description of him) and this was back in the day before people even gave any thought about gay. I know exactly what he is talking about, and he's right

  4. Highly doubt it's 'ethical code'.
    I'm guessing Enty is afraid of lawsuits. Certain names bring bigger attention and not even that lil' disclaimer at the bottom of the webpage would help.

  5. So very sad. Richard Simmons always struck me as a nice guy. What a rotten thing for the boyfriend to do.

  6. So sad. Saddest blind reveal in some time. I hope he can find some joy and reason to live a life

  7. Tiffany11:10 AM

    Met him on a flight to Italy once. Nicest man I've ever met! Joked around with us and loved on our son. So sad to read this. :(

  8. Christine11:22 AM

    Oh, Richard, plenty of fish in the sea. You are a glorious man. Live it up.

  9. Claire11:32 AM

    Sad! Poor Richard, and fuck everyone who contributes to people having to stay in the closet.

  10. Stacey12:04 PM

    So what is the name of the boyfriend? He deserves to be hated and pelted with rotten fruit.

  11. Flipnut12:46 PM

    Really, truly hoped this wouldn't be him...though it couldn't have been anyone else. Love that guy.

  12. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)1:14 PM

    I totally agree! This doesn't have to be the end for him. Antidepressants and a therapist could turn this all around for him. There are so many of us out here who love this man.

  13. NewYearBlues1:36 PM

    i grew up on sweating to the oldies! love richard no matter what his sexuality he has a huge heart!!

  14. who is this guy he was involved with? karma. i really hope richard simmons gets better and out of this depression. :(

  15. June Gordon1:59 PM

    What does that old queen expect? If a man a 1/4 your age is sucking you dick it is for the CASH! Richard was never attractive even when he was young. That ugly old queen has to PAY to get fine YKW and he did. Next!

  16. Log Ladylike1:59 PM


  17. Hayley2:41 PM

    Happy New Year, June <3

  18. Shiba2:48 PM

    And because Richard Simmons no doubt agrees with your harsh assessment June, he stays shut away inside his house.

  19. Snarknado3:02 PM

    Come back Richard! I still use your steamer!

  20. Snarknado3:07 PM

    You're taking on water June, beginning to sink fast.

  21. We all knew this was him, although I wouldn't say 'the end'. He isn't that old and can come back. True friends will still be there when he is ready to make a try of it. I'm sure he still has plenty of money.

  22. Richard Simmons is a national treasure.

    Truly someone who spent his life making others smile.

    He was the first person who ever took the time to really care about the obese.

    What a caring, loving individual.

  23. numoon38:42 PM

    Wow, I hope Richard can somehow find the will to live. Really a sad reveal. Who hasn't been hurt in love?

  24. Enty can out everyone EXCEPT the abusers. What this guy did to Richard Simmons is sick. But we'll never know his name. When enty reveals the blind items about any sort of abuse, it's almost always the victims.

  25. Awwww I love this!

  26. It was always known that Richard was gay, Nothing wrong with that.
    Richard wasn't outed because he brought a sense of fun and excitement to people/especially woman who needed his version of anti-depressant: which was low impact exercise.
    Somehow way back when, Richard knew excessive eating kept you in a depressed state; and, exercising would lift you up - make you feel better about yourself.
    So sad to see Richard is truly human and allowed a manipulator into his life -- which resulted in his depressive state.
    I hope Richard reads this column because the world is a better place with Richard "Dancing and Exercising to the oldies!"

  27. NoseyNeighbor10:36 PM

    I agree with June. Richard knew what he was getting into. There are plenty of men close to his age that he can date. Happens all the time. There are also plenty of less financially dependent men around that he can date too. But...he wanted a hot young thing. He wanted eye candy in bed and around the house and the guy wanted money. Even exchange.

  28. So? That gives the "hot young thing" the right to emotionally abuse a person? Maybe he should have know better but guess what, he didn't.

  29. Pretty sure the exploitation and death of Aaliyah was far worse and more sad.

  30. True, but I don't think it's a competition.

  31. I got to meet Richard at an event for bullying.He is so lovely.A really kind man.
    I hope he realizes he inspires millions.
    Keep Strong Richard!!!
    We love you!!!xx

  32. Whywhywhy???3:05 AM

    + a gazillion

  33. Pander7:37 AM

    Um you must not be gay and male. In that community you are pretty much invisible over the age of 40. Everyone is looking at the younger guys, the younger guys are looking for a payday. The only exception are people that paired up younger and made it work.

  34. Pander7:38 AM

    Right! Instead of outing Richard, out this scumbag, who is probably an inspiring actor or whatever..

  35. Enty was pretty close:

  36. Its called a midlife crisis.
    Happens to many men all over the world regularly. You pick yourself up,dust yourself off,get a new haircut and tackle life again. If you struggle get a therapist.

  37. That is so sad.

  38. Jack Mayoffer12:15 PM


  39. It goes to show you, no matter the wealth and appearence loneliness and self esteem could eat away at anyone.
    I feel bad for Richard. He just wants to love and give love like most of us do. I don't think Enty outted him. He gave off signs that you'd have to be sedated not to notice. But who cares...i think people make it worse when they want to make a big deal.
    I just feel bad for the guy who doesn't realize he is something good in this world.

  40. DEREK'S THONG12:29 PM


  41. Scallywag3:39 AM

    Supposedly his housekeeper Teresa Reveles was holding him prisoner in the house. Was she in cahoots with the boyfriend?

    And someone is still posting on his Twitter account as if everything is just groovy, speaking of bizarre.

  42. Rock Rose5:52 AM

    Pander: Exactly! Truer words have never been spoken.
