Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Mr. X

December 17, 2015

This former A+ list rapper turned A- list rapper/side show celebrity was in one of his moods when he refused to speak to a flight attendant on a recent flight. He said he would only speak to the head flight attendant and wanted the head flight attendant to personally serve him.

Kanye West


  1. Kno Won Uno1:23 AM

    Why's B string staff serving First Class? I don't think that happens, so I think this is made up.
    Not that Kanye's not a little bitch sometimes, but the flight attendant part doesn't make much sense.
    If a commercial flight has Kanye on it, they know it and some steerage-class n00b isn't going to be assigned to him. C'mon, man.
    He has his own planes, I thought.

  2. ..such an ass. He is such a diva.
    I think this solidifies his gay-ness. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.)
    A heterosexual man wouldn't "act" this way.

  3. Serve him? In what way? ;)

  4. texasrose1:44 AM

    Let me guess, the head flight attendant was a dude.

  5. NoWhining2:02 AM

    First class generally has more than one flight attendant, unless it's a really short, commuter-type flight. If he was flying LA to NYC, there would definitely be more than one. Could be the senior attendant didn't want to serve his self-entitled attitude.

  6. saras2:07 AM

    Don't fly commercial if you are going to be a twat. Just probably wanted the male service.

  7. And-so-on..2:08 AM

    He's a delusional man-child declining in popularity because all he has left is dumber-down and copy-cat talent that is mostly shown with wasted expense and much whining and pettiness if he is not heralded a genius,... So many mistakes and troubles he lives in a world of lies and deserves to suffer thru any and all of the stupid decisions, depressing strife has now..

  8. Derek Harvey2:15 AM


  9. Groaning2:38 AM

    What a douche nozzle! Why won't anyone film his little rants?

  10. Cinabun7:21 AM

    Actually, they do. It may be acted out differently, but acting like an a##hole, no matter what one prefers sexually, is acting like an a##hole.

  11. Flight attendants rotate through cabins on long haul flights. I was on a long haul flight recently and my friend was working on board, she started out in first class but rotated into coach a couple times. There were two primary first class attendants though.

  12. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~1:50 PM

    the head flight attendant must have been a 6ay man....

  13. The usual douchebag behaviour by the West guy.
    One can only hope he wont be allowed to defile the memory of David Bowie. The petition to prevent the atrocity is on a good way.

  14. Guys, GUYS! Let's not fight over rappers treating women like thots. Because of course they do. They are thots...they ARE rappers.

    If we're gona fight let's makeit over #OscarsSoWhite

  15. CaliCheeseSucks2:57 AM

