Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 7, 2015

This barely out of her teens former tweener actress turned hated singer fired two of her bodyguards when they wanted to get some rest after an 18 hour day. Apparently our singer thought they should be there to stand outside her hotel room door in case some horde of fans made their way to her elevator key secured floor.

Ariana Grande


  1. Kno Won Uno1:05 AM

    She needs more staff then.
    Also, she's a brainless twit stuffed with nasty bitch packing peanuts.

  2. sandybrook1:21 AM

    She's either deluded or paranoid.

  3. Just wondering but I could have sworn that she was at home in LA. So I wonder if she was at a hotel at that time.

  4. Edit: let me rephrase that; as far I can remember there were no news at the gossip sites or on Social Media that she went somewhere else other than home. If you know what I mean. Or was she at Disney Land/World?

  5. hokey pokey1:54 AM

    Didn't she also recently renege on a special deal that would lead her to wanting more security?

  6. Who is she???

  7. Ninja Edit: Fuck. I need caffeine. I meant; she stayed at home, but still went to other places. No holed up at home. There could be a possibility that she could have been to Disney Land/World with her friends in a hotel. If you know what I mean.

  8. @Enty An EDIT Button would be cool.

  9. AndrewBW2:26 AM

    @Kno "brainless twit" -- is that a typo?

  10. Kno Won Uno2:39 AM

    My A is broken

  11. texasrose2:55 AM

    More likely she wanted them there just in case of of her Johns she stiffed (took $$ but never showed) showed up and wanted his money back.

  12. Penelope 211:30 AM

    She still has fans? And if she fires them, then she's still unguarded. But she's not too bright, so that wouldn't surprise me.

  13. Malibuborebee6:33 AM

    Her superbitch status has been well-established and that's pretty much all I know about her. I still couldn't pick this nasty little pop-tart out of a lineup.
