Thursday, January 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 21, 2015

This A list rapper finally cracked and threw her phone against a wall. Her boyfriend would not stop texting and calling every five minutes to see what she was doing. The guy is really insecure and jealous and she was just tired of it while out of town performing. Not to say that he doesn’t have a reason to be a little jealous. She was being awfully chummy with someone.

Nicki Minaj


  1. Kno Won Uno1:04 AM

    Meek Mill is a turd. Talentless, juvenile waste of space. I have no idea why Nicki is dickmatized by this obvious loser, but I think even less of her than I did before because of it.

  2. Errol1:54 AM

    I dunno, I think they're evenly matched *shrug*

  3. Kno Won Uno1:56 AM

    That, too. At one point, she was far upmarket from him - but not now.

  4. "Run-away!"

  5. Cinabun12:13 PM

    Not fast enough. From either of them. ☺

  6. Cinabun12:15 PM

    Anyone see the DM about Farrah's instagram on how Ray J's d#ck made the K clan? Can't stand her, but she's def got their #. Too funny.

  7. She's trash3:57 AM

    Nikki should be more worried about the way she supports her rapist brother. Any decent person would have cut him off by now, the evidence from multiple victims is overwhelming.
