Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 30, 2015

As a condition of taking him back, this A list reality star cut off her wishes he had more money B+ list rapper. Now he is really broke and has moved in a friend and sleeping on an inflatable bed.

Kylie Jenner/Tyga


  1. Snookiemonster12:19 AM

    Id say get a job but i dont think hes even qualified to work a deep-fryer.

  2. ???
    I am confused.
    The friend moved in and is sleeping on the inflatable bed?
    Or Tyga moved in a friend and Tyga is sleeping on the inflatable bed -- while the friend sleeps with Kylie??

  3. Snookiemonster12:30 AM

    Should say "moved in WITH a friend"

  4. A good fry man is the backbone of the kitchen. It's a hot sometimes dangerous job, especially in a busy kitchen. I know fry cooks. And Tyra is no fry cook.

  5. Kno Won Uno12:59 AM

    Sick Kennedy reference, Jack. ;-)

  6. I saw a ep of his reality show on like MTV3 or MTV4. He's ugly, stupid, and had just purchased a real Egyptian royal throne and turned it into a toilet, a REAL toilet.

  7. saras2:12 AM

    Both gross pigs one just has more $$$ from momager pulling strings.

  8. SonofEnty4:22 AM

    "November 30, 2015

    As a condition of taking him back, this A list reality star from a reality TV family has cut off her "wishes he had more money" B+ list rapper boyfriend.

    Now he is really broke and has moved in with a friend and is sleeping on an inflatable bed."

    You're welcome.

    Also lmao B+ list? He had one "hit" song and hasn't gotten enough screen time on KUWTK to move him past B- at best. Remember, his newest album only sold like 2500 copies (probably all bought by Kylie).

  9. Savvy7:18 AM

    I am laughing so hard at this, so true!

  10. Mystery Man10:40 AM

    Are you really suprised.

  11. ellie1:11 PM

    What. The. Fuck. Classlessness knows no bounds.

  12. Ugh. That's horribly disrespectful. I just...oh hey wow...I can't even.

    I can't fkn EVEN tyger. I can't fkn EVEN!
