Monday, January 11, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 11, 2015

Apparently trying to fit into his new gig, this former A+ list singer turned B+ lister who has dated a lot of famous women told party goers he had dropped some acid in the limo on the way to the party. He kind of went overboard in telling people. I guess he wanted to be cool.

John Mayer


  1. Oh look, I dropped acid....I am so cool.

  2. Cinabun1:14 AM

    This isn't "cool"...he needs a new dictionary.

  3. meowie1:26 AM

    "A poem should not mean, but be."

  4. Way back when, when the drugs were better and cleaner cut than today, I guess, I did a drop of LSD.
    It was a nice buzz, but not worth doing all the time. Or, bragging about.

  5. Kno Won Uno1:36 AM

    With every passing day, I'm more certain that there isn't a single celebrity who's over the age of 15, emotionally. Their entire lives center around drawing attention and hanging with the cool kids and as much affirmation as they can claw out of the public.
    It creeps me out a bit.

  6. likely massive2:14 AM

    'drop acid'

    as a 20something I can confidently declare...we do not say that. we dont say 'drop acid' also taking that would be like, during a daytrip in the forest. you dont take it before a concert. you take pot or molly before a concert.

    john mayer is old, sorry.

  7. Apple Tartin2:35 AM

    He did the same thing with Rolling Stone he smoked pot during the interview and then admitted after it was just to look 'cool'. He is just a sad nerd with a cheerleader fetish, and wants to punish women for rejecting him in high school.

  8. Malibuborebee3:40 AM

    He's touring with The Grateful Dead. Even without Jerry, they will always be cooler John "Scatplay" Mayer. That said, Mayer's actually an excellent guitarist, too bad he's such a tool.

  9. He's actually a pretty damn good guitarist. Probably one of the best of his generation. It's sad that he's such an insecure douchebag.

  10. @Kno Won Uno Everything you just said is why I will never date another actor.

  11. Unemployable7:07 AM

    @Meg Yeah, guys with jobs are all the same. Women should take a closer look at disenfranchised losers. Sure you end up paying for everything but on the other hand: no car + no money + stoned all the time = a boyfriend that's easy to keep track of.

  12. Like I said at the time of the original post, acid makes you overshare. NBD.

  13. Claire9:26 AM

    And how many young people say they "take pot?"

  14. Alakazaam9:28 AM

    He might have been a dork about it but he grew up in a wealthy town where everyone smoked pot and yes when it was available

  15. ellie1:43 PM


  16. ellie1:45 PM

    you take pot?! lmao!! no one says that. people always say drop acid. i have no idea what kind of backwards 20-something life you're leading, because in mine we smoke pot, not take it.

  17. ellie1:46 PM

    damn that's the most accurate assessment i've heard of that dirty creep. i can't stand his voice or his face and he looks like he smells like olive oil. no thanks.

  18. Madhatter9:36 PM

    Likely Massive.....Who says you don't take L before a show...that's the best way to go! Who says, "taking pot"??? Plus Molly & L & plenty of chron together make a great time!!! Get a clue!!!!!

  19. Madhatter9:39 PM

    Apparently, you don't care for punctuation, either!!!

  20. ....because I didn't capitalize my letters? I used punctuation. I'm sorry if lowercase letters confuse you :(
