Saturday, January 02, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #15

September 26, 2015

This former boy bander turned a list solo singer turned part-time movie actor broke up with this one named former A+ list singer in a group turned B list solo singer because of the amount of drugs she was using. It was almost 24/7 and he was sure some pap would catch them together while she was using.

Justin Timberlake/Fergie


  1. muchlu4:34 AM

    wasnt this ages ago, before she was even famous?

  2. sandybrook4:38 AM

    She was famous for being on Kids Inc. already. He was 16 when they hooked up so she was doing something that wasn't kosher because she was a lot older. In any case little JT found little Miss BritBrit.

  3. June Gordon5:08 AM

    She smokes the pipe -- he sucks it.

  4. Meredith5:15 AM

    It's the Kids Incorporated/MMC romance my 8-year-old self dreamed of! Well, minus all the drug use.

  5. angie5:35 AM

    he probably broke up with her bc he likes guys

    just sayin

  6. texasrose6:25 AM

    Well good for him.

  7. Whywhywhy???6:35 AM

    Mouth drop...then ROTFL

  8. Claire9:25 AM

    "This former boy bander turned a list solo singer turned part-time movie actor "

    This is not even CLOSE to being blind. LOL

  9. I've heard she's a mess again. Went to a program for 4 WHOLE days.
    : (

  10. shump1:19 AM

    Right, tho?! Might as well have titled it Rustin Trousersnake.
