Monday, January 11, 2016

Blind Item #8 - Golden Globes - From JV

The nicest winner of the night was probably this B+ list mostly television actress who stars on a hit almost network show. Full disclosure is that she and JV are friends. That being said, JV said that the actress let anyone who wanted take a photo with the award and even helped make each photo look special for the person. She didn't care if they wanted to pretend it was their award. She was just really sweet and nice to everyone.


  1. Tricia 1312:20 AM

    Laverne cox

  2. Tricia 1312:22 AM

    Nope uzo aduba won

  3. Kno Won Uno12:27 AM

    And why not?
    You never know the true character of a person until they've been recognized with an award of some kind.
    Either their carefully hidden assholery comes bursting to the fore or they naturally default to nice person.
    Once you've won, why not have fun with it & let other people have fun with it?! Everyone knows you won.

  4. Tricia 1312:27 AM

    Almost network CW deep
    Rachel,Bloom/crazy ex Girlfriend

  5. Charlie12:27 AM

    Rachel Bloom was the only almost network winner, right?

  6. Tricia 1312:29 AM

    Her speech was crazy nervous energy, Nina funny. She thanked 100 people in like 45 seconds

  7. Cookie12:33 AM

    Rachel Bloom from CW

  8. Derek Harvey12:34 AM

    Rachel Bloom was so annoying

  9. I just agreed on the previous post. If she could have taken it down a notch, it may have been cute.

  10. Derek Harvey12:42 AM

    She did NOT do herself ANY favors...No director or actor/actress in the room will want to work with her after THAT

  11. Courtney12:51 AM

    Kinda harsh and a lot dramatic, there...I highly doubt that moment right there was the end of her career. Throttle down, Turbo.

  12. Cinabun1:24 AM

    ROFL thx

  13. Gadzooks2:15 AM

    It's Blooms first time. Probably buzzing too. Very funny comedian Check out her youtube stuff. .

  14. lanky3:04 AM

    hate to say it derek but youre right....i get it, she was excited...but shes not helping herself by going manic with excitement

  15. Malibuborebee3:59 AM

    Her career may not be over but she definitely did some damage to it.

  16. LaBomba8:53 AM

    What Derek said I had to mute her bizarre rant and then I needed Gatorade and a a nap

  17. Taurpio9:25 AM

    Didn't the girl from Downton Abbey win? She seemed nice lol

  18. Derek's Asshole10:29 AM

    You are such a jealous queen. God forbid you let anyone express happiness.

  19. lol I remember mentioning how fast she was talking, and thinking that she probably played the crazy ex-girlfriend role very well haha

  20. Wendy1:00 PM

    Aww, give the girl a break, she was excited!!! You could tell she didn't think she was going to win at all, I thought it was cute. A little spastic lol, but oh well.
