Monday, January 04, 2016

Blind Item #5

This B list actress likes to pretend this break baby doesn't exist, but her athlete husband is still hooking up with the mother of the baby.


  1. Tricia1311:51 PM

    Gabrielle Union/ Dwayne Wade

  2. What is a break baby?

  3. They had either broken up or were "taking a break" when he got this other woman pregnant

  4. They were in a steady monogamous relationship then broke up. In that time frame (break) he hooked up and got another woman pregnant (baby). He went back o Gabby and eventually married her. Makes it look like he cheated on Gabby but really didn't.

  5. NewYearBlues12:58 AM

    Gabby gives interviews talking about Wayne 2 sons and conveniently leaves out the oops baby

  6. Whywhywhy???2:27 AM

    Or at least Gabrielle would have you think they were....

  7. Whywhywhy???2:30 AM

    Gabby is the typical mean girl. I would not be surprised if she were seeing idiot Wade before his marriage was over.

  8. DoctorMaybe4:30 AM

    Gabrielle Union is so fine, she could stomp on babies for fun and I would still walk on my knees to drink her dirty bathwater. I don't like babies anyway.

  9. CounselorKellie7:22 AM

    Gabby is a total narcissist and a fake. First of all, they weren't on a break. He cheated, she left and he ran after her. The engagement was a pity proposal and the only way he could get her back. That never works out because she let go of her self respect. Let's not forget she is close to 10 years older than he is. Rarely works.
