Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Blind Item #2

This former A- list mostly television actor who was on a long running network show had two network shows going at once a month ago. Now he is down to one. Back when he was in high school, our actor should have been arrested for assault against a girl in his school, but a teacher decided to give him a break which left the girl traumatized.


  1. Tricia1310:53 PM

    Will Arnett

  2. Tricia1310:55 PM

    Or George Eads- who just left CSI?

  3. Derek Harvey10:59 PM

    zachari levi

  4. sandybrook11:02 PM

    Aziz Ansari

  5. Snookiemonster11:14 PM

    John Stamos

  6. Derek Harvey11:16 PM

    Heros Reborn cancelled last month

  7. Groaning2:19 AM

    This scum has to be outed! I am going to assume that the teacher was a female who had a crush on the boy?

  8. nameless4:07 AM

    Yea thats pretty serious. I agree, all of the people involved (minus the traumatized girl) should be outted.

    It's the friggin internet, make it happen.

  9. Malibuborebee4:54 AM

    George Eads is gay.

  10. Malibuborebee4:55 AM

    If Enty has it then it's already been outed and it's on the internet somewhere. It'll come around.

  11. Spook7:10 AM

    Doubt it. He was a brown kid growing up in the south- there's no way he would have gotten a break for something like that. Plus, I've never heard anything even close to bad about him.

  12. Spook7:12 AM

    Also, Master of None isn't network.

  13. TatooRose8:09 AM

    +1 for Will Arnett because he had 30 Rock on for 8years.(Also had Arrested D my personal fave but that switched to streaming I think?) Could be either show. The Millers was cancelled last year but Bojack Horseman is still on. And he's a d*bag!

  14. back again9:18 AM

    Why did George Eads leave the show?

  15. Anti5ocial9:20 AM

    Though I'm sure there's a bunch of other descriptions, and A- list may not be one of them, I'll go with Oliver Hudson. Long running shows include Rules of Engagement and Dawson's Creek. 2 shows at once would be Nashville and Scream Queens (assuming he's back for Season 2)

  16. back again9:23 AM

    oh, nevermind-i'm thinking of Michael Weatherly & NCIS---i wondered why HE was leaving. I don't even know who George Eads is.

  17. Turimukitu1:54 PM

    Rob Lowe? https://mobile.twitter.com/RobLowe/status/692575202404765696?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet

  18. Turimukitu1:55 PM

    Rob Lowe

  19. shiba3:49 PM

    Not good if it hits the internet, because no way to keep just ONE identity secret. Not fair to the girl to out her.
