Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Blind Item #2

The celebrity offspring of this A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was spotted doing drugs again with this former A list singer turned bloated drug user.


  1. Tricia1310:46 PM

    Courtney Love/Lily rose Depp

  2. Derek Harvey10:46 PM

    Lily Depp

  3. Tricia1310:47 PM

    Or Lily Rose/MarilynManson

  4. Derek Harvey10:48 PM

    marilyn manson

  5. sandybrook10:50 PM

    Welp since Lily is a minor someone should be arrested for contributing to her deliquency

  6. Tricia1310:54 PM

    At his gig the other night I doubt daddy Jonny cared,,or anyone around did.

  7. Derek Harvey10:58 PM

    Well now I KNOW that aint Tricia...

  8. Boredtechindenver11:06 PM

    AGGGHHHH, Shit, fuck, aggghhhhhh. Gaga nommed for Best song. Just kill me now.

  9. Boredtechindenver11:07 PM

    AGGGHHHH, Shit, fuck,. Gaga nommed for Best song. Just kill me now.

  10. Tricia1311:08 PM

    Of course it is Der Der my good friend

  11. back again11:19 PM

    Yeah, at that Unicef(?) Benefit the other night... I thought that Amber was keeping an eye on Lily while Johnny & Marilyn Manson jammed...
    I know everyone thinks that Amber's the antichrist but I believe she genuinely cares about Lily Rose & wouldn't want her drugging with Marilyn Manson....(call me naive & living in a unicorn world)

  12. back again11:22 PM

    Hahahahaa.... OMG..I just heard that there was a HUGE explosion in Malibu !!! ...oh never mind that was just Gaga's Huge Head Bursting!!!

  13. Derek Harvey12:13 AM

    You are naive and living in a unicorn world. Did you see how bitchy and high she was presenting at The Golden Globes? and that was on TV--her "good" behavior

  14. Megley12:23 AM

    Can't be Love. Entry didn't say "possible murderer". Lol.

  15. Tricia1312:39 AM

    Ha...yes I agree. It ain't Love unless there's a murder reference!

  16. Lily Rose is lesbian btw

  17. Sad, but not surprising. That girl has grown up fast.

  18. Guest3311:38 AM

    well given the slim pickings of suitable parties and timing Lily Rose and Manson seem likely but I'll be optimistic and say maybe it was just weed???

    I sure hope she's isn't going for the hard stuff! Do these kids learn nothing from watching their parents go down the drain! Geez.

  19. If this is LRD then it is very disconcerting. Where the hell is her Mum? My mother is Austrian but spent half her life in France and I've spent a number of years there on and off too. Since I'm an honorary French person I am baffled as to why VP is allowing this? Before their split these people were so admired by those in France (and elsewhere) because of how normal and low key they were raising their kids. It was not uncommon to see JD with one of them in a neighborhood in Paris just doing normal stuff. The French may have libertine views about certain things but they also loathe people who raise feral children. Has the mother just shut down due to this breakup?? Quelle horreur.
