Sunday, January 24, 2016

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A- list dual threat actor will eventually start filming his franchise again. Maybe. If it ever gets ready to film. Anyway, he has been unloading property and often staying away from home as he and his wife work out a divorce settlement before the announcement.


  1. MontanaMarriott11:03 PM

    I still don't get Enty's definition of "dual threat" but Sam Worthington, Avatar 2,3?

  2. Hugh Jackman

  3. Derek Harvey11:07 PM

    Jaime Dornan

  4. Cookie11:18 PM

    Hmmm maybe daniel craig

  5. Is this about Cumberbatch? I wonder if he's getting tired of playing fake house with that drug addicted con artist.

  6. Tricia1311:28 PM

    +1 although he sold this awhile ago- haven't not seen him and Lara Bingle In a photo together for a while.

  7. Dual Threat? I always thought Enty meant singer/actor or even actor/director(?).

  8. Probably Dornan. Some crazy fans on Twitter are saying he's staying at a hotel and selling his house! Enty hope u have real proof and not taking this from his crazy fans Twitter page! Don't see Dornan leaving his pregnant wife and daughter while the wife is pregnant again!

  9. Can't be dornan. They start filming middle of next month till July.

  10. Not so sure how they r filming that soon apparently thing behind the scenes r a mess...casting, script, etc.

  11. Kno Won Uno12:08 AM

    Enty doesn't use dual threat like the rest of the world.
    An actor who does film & stage is a dual threat in Enty World. Dumbfounding.

  12. Now I'm sure we'll be seeing pictures of Dornan in the DM with his family in 123....,

  13. Oh I did not know that. I just assumed that since the studio had been booked for those dates everything was ready to go. Well then this blind could be about Dornan. He has been filming The Fall in Belfast so he has been away from home for a while now.

  14. I have been missing those pictures. HAHA. We have not seen those DM pictures recently. So staged, easy for everyone to see.

  15. Rebecca12:55 AM

    Cumberbatch was my thought too. *patiently waiting for more Sherlock...

  16. Candee12:56 AM

    Jamie Dornan. All hell broke loose on Twitter yesterday about this.

  17. Oh come on Dornan and his pregnant wife are getting a divorce???? If they have been having trouble as this site says why get pregnant again! No matter what the truth divorcing a pregnant woman would be a PR nightmare for him! I don't believe this. This is fan fiction from all the crazies on Twitter! If true I really hope Enty has a realiable source and not some deranged whachos on Twitter!!!! Also the wife doesn't seem like the type to give up someone famous so easily!

  18. Daddy Long Legs1:51 AM

    Lisa you clearly belong to the deranged Damie shithead fanclub. Why pretend???

  19. If you actually can read I said this blind is not believable! As far as a Damie lover I know the difference between real and reel life! So get your facts straight!

  20. This sounds like Benedict Cumberbatch and whoever it was that he married. Wasn't all of that fake? Didn't she fake a pregnancy or something? Isn't she an escort too?

  21. Hunty3:21 AM

    Sounds like Cumberbatch to me. No way this blind belongs to Dornan, not since he is expecting another child.

  22. Could be him but what franchise is Benedict filming?

  23. Unknown3:50 AM

    Sounds like someone is trying to clean up some shit here lol

  24. Beccalynn4:04 AM

    Marvel's new superhero movie, Dr. Strange, or something like that

  25. Beccalynn4:04 AM

    oh wait, Sherlock lol. Not Dr. Strange!

  26. Whoever it is the divorce announcement will eventually come out.

  27. HH3146:18 AM

    Now that is an interesting guess!
    I wonder what franchise, please God not Magic Mike again

  28. Malibuborebee6:26 AM

    Wait - she's a drug addicted con artist AND a former hooker? Wow. Busy lady.

  29. Well, Jamie Dornan is considered a "dual threat A- list actor" on this one:

    But I don't know, it's hard to believe he would leave his pregnant wife.

  30. Probably it will include the debut of the new baby. The wife should be delivering any time now, if not already.

  31. @ Daddy Long Legs7:47 AM

    This is what the "deranged Damie shithead fanclub" over at LTD on Tumblr has to say about this blind:

    "Anonymous: Wow news travels fast A new blind has been posted on Twitter about this on J

    That’s because the people who write those read what fans say on twitter and don’t care if they’re true or not.It’s a hit or miss,if they get it right they say they knew about it all this time,if not they move on the next blind.Sometimes fans send them their theories and they take them as facts.Don’t forget these are the same people who wrote that Jamie was expecting a child with a porn star lmao.Just don’t make this thing bigger than it may be,if true then great but it’s better to be neutral so you wont be disappointed at the end. - C
    It’s because a “fan” sent it to the blind site. Blinds aren’t real. - J "

  32. JustMe7:56 AM

    Jamie Dornan.
    dual threat: Actor/Singer (and model!)
    Franchise: FSOG
    "Often staying away from home": He's in Belfast filming The Fall. Only goes to London on the weekends.

  33. Yeahsure9:26 AM

    Why, Hi Gator! How's all the baby goats?

    Cumerbatch isn't waiting for his franchise to film he's in the middle of filming Dr. Strange and he's not cooling his heels waiting for Sherlock to start up again because he's already done filming Season 4 and they've already made noises about how it might be the last season.

    Nice try though - speaking of con artists.

  34. Yeahsure9:31 AM

    She's also personally responsible for climate change AND arranged that huge snowstorm on the east coast of the US this weekend. Probably responsible for the civil war in Syria, too, and the slice in oil prices.

  35. Who cares if this isn't or is Dornan! Him and his wife are no big things and if they are getting a divorce who cares it doesn't affect anyone! He's not with his co-star they can't stand each other and he looks miserable with his wife!! He's got a lot more problems then his crazy fans!

  36. ShinySeeker10:30 AM

    It's not like sh has a career or anything. LOL

  37. GossipHound10:42 AM

    Wait...Cumberbatch has already filmed season 4 of Sherlock? I thought Moffat said they weren't starting production until April 2016.

    Cumberbatch went from Hamlet to Doctor Strange with only a few days in between...when the heck did he have time to film season 4?

  38. LadyFLAFLA10:58 AM

    Hugh Jackman

  39. LadyFLAFLA10:59 AM

    Hugh Jackman. Dual Threat: Movies and Broadway Singer/dancer.

  40. Unknown11:55 AM

    Obviously your interested or you wouldn't be over there reading about the deranged shithead fanclub its all garbage including your messages

  41. Hmm...12:05 PM

    Is this the source of the blind?

    There are a series of tweets starting with this one:

  42. ^^^^^^12:11 PM

    Wow Dornan's PR Team must be on here as Daddy Long Legs! He or she is always going nuts over Dornan. Must be one of his stalker fans.

  43. Unknown12:12 PM

    Yes I think so. Some fan claims to have seen Dornan in some situation and is all upset about it. Rumors

  44. !!!!!!2:54 PM

    Who "has been unloading property"??????

  45. Unknown5:28 PM

    A Dornan stalker fan ? Lol Hardly, just somebody who hate hypocrites. Dornan causes these blinds because of his actions.

  46. In the last 6 months, the Dornans, according to the DM, have sold a house and bought or not bought a new one.

  47. Artemis9:03 PM

    It's gotta be Cumberbatch.

  48. Hey Gambles (aka Matthew Siskin, the deranged lunatic that got fired by Beyonce for trolling her fandom and is Sophie Hunter's minion)! Nice of you to troll Enty.

    Get a life, man. Aren't you damn near 40 years old?

  49. @Unknown1:06 AM

    Did you see where she linked THIS blind in another of her tweets, along with "well now this just got interesting"?

    This coming only days after 'waiting' posted on the 'Not so cozy' blind that it was time for another Dornan blind. And voilá! I think it was already in the works and 'waiting' was well aware of that fact. I am beginning to believe the person, who intimated that Enty is getting these blinds from sources, who, IMO, have a certain agenda to promote. This makes the blinds less credible from the get go.

    BTW, the original Tweeter @marianhappylui, who caused the uproar, no longer exists on Twitter. First, she made the account private and then took it public again, before deleting it entirely...? Smells fishy. I think it was probably just a hoax. If not, she would have reported exactly what happened, when others asked, rather than leaving things unclear, before her sudden departure from Twitter. After making the ambiguous statement that something occurred to turn her off, why not give details if they actually existed, rather than posting a video to prove she was in London? It's quite possible she planned to do this all along, since the account was started less than four months ago.

    Either that, or another likely scenario is she approached them and got snubbed, and what she tweeted was her way of retaliating. A lot of things don't add up. Like if JD, who has a home in London, was staying in the hotel, because he is separated from his very pregnant wife, then why would SHE be there too, if they are NOT together? This Marian person referred to seeing 'them', right before the tweet that caused all the fuss.

    Then, how funny is it that @glamorousgurl35 claims the wife ISN'T pregnant at all?

    To quote GG35: "As for the "pregnancy" well I never believed she was in the first place. Guys this marriage was doomed from the beginning."

    Well maybe she isn't any longer if she's already given birth...? Do the math. She is about due, since she had a slight baby bump in late June. All the same, for such an avid fan of Dornan's, GG35 is insinuating that her beloved idol is going along with that kind of underhanded duplicity...? Why would he knowingly condone his wife faking a pregnancy? And for what reason exactly? This kind of thinking is as irrational as it gets.

    The irony is how it's the Damies who came to Marian's defense when she was supposedly a devoted Jamelia, because they want so badly to believe there is trouble in the Dornan household. Which, going by the images of the couple together, may actually be the case.

    For the record, I am neutral, when it comes to shipping. This is proof that they - BOTH the Damies and the Jamelias - cause the drama within the FSoG fandom. Also, I am not a fan of either Dornan, but I dislike liars even more. And IF this blind turns out to be about Dornan and it is based on either of these Tweeters, then it is a lie too, since it is not based on any credible 'facts', but merely on a couple of people trying to push their own agendas on unsuspecting readers.

  50. "...bought or NOT bought a new one." FFS, why the misrepresentation?

    According to DM, Dornan sold his Cotswold cottage last year, as was reported on September 16, but two weeks later, on October 2, they also reported that he upgraded to a five-bedroom 'mansion', which would make perfect sense since his family is expanding.

    Where are there any reports, DM, or otherwise, that the purchase of the second property did NOT happen?

  51. If they have bought this place it looks like they have not moved in. Maybe that's why everyone thinks they are selling property.

  52. Not blind at all2:17 AM

    That's funny, suddenly appeared several people defending Jamie wedding. That is not the intention of the Blind Item. I don't understand this excessive concern with his family. lol Btw, nice speech @Unknown, but you won't convince no one.

  53. Hey Yeahsure, you know that every time you mention gatorfisch, people just go over to her blog on Tumblr and find out how much of a con artist Sophie Hunter is, right?

  54. @^^^^3:11 AM

    How does anyone know whether they have moved into the new place or not? From the pictures supplied in the DM article, it looks pretty enclosed, privacy-wise, with the structures located at the end of a fairly long driveway.

    Is there any ACTUAL evidence to support this theory? Or, is it merely more wishful thinking and/or unfounded made-up claims, on the part of those, who cling desperately to the hope the Dornans will divorce so that he can be with his co-star?

    We, as the public, really have no idea what is going on in their private lives, do we?

    Are they happy? Are they not?...Is his wife pregnant? Or, is she merely pretending to be pregnant?...Is the baby born? Is it not?...Are he and Dakota in love? Or, do they dislike each other, as some reports have asserted?

    WE won't know ANY of this, until THEY, the actual people involved, elect to inform us. Yet, I read a lot of things online, where people speculate without having any REAL facts to substantiate their conjecture. Which, to say the least, requires a desired outcome for the postulators, at both ends of the spectrum - their biases blinding them to see only their own POV, in the process, as they passionately maintain their perceptions.

    For instance, the Letters to Damie crew have made it known they think he and Dakota have already consummated their relationship. Until either one of them - Dornan or Johnson - admit to this being FACTUAL, it shall remain nothing more than sheer FANTASY. Regardless, they - the LTD admins - treat it as a given. Have they ever considered that, in doing so, they may be damaging the reputations of the very people they claim to exalt as their adored idols?

    Here is an article that attempts to explain the motivation of the shippers:

    IMO, Dakota Johnson and Dornan need to take a page out of Outlander's Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan's book and make a public statement about the status of their off-screen relationship to clear things up, once and for all. EITHER way, the TRUTH needs to be out there, at this point.

    Not that the Damies will ever believe them, if they directly deny they are in love. Besides, with the prolonged drought between films one and two, for now, I think it suits the studio execs to have all the hype surrounding them, even if it impacts their stars' personal lives negatively. It keeps the franchise fresh in the public's mind, while they dawdle and fumble around with the production schedule.

  55. His fans are or maybe her fans are so convinced he would never leave his pregnant wife but people get divorced all the time for different reasons. The divorce rate in USA is close to 50%.

  56. "Btw, nice speech @Unknown, but you won’t convince no one."

    Obviously, you are one of those people with a certain agenda, of which I wrote, or it wouldn't matter to you, one way or the other, what I put forward to discredit the blind. A Damie proponent, who doesn't want your position challenged, dare I say...? Or, is it possibly that you are the 'contributor' to the blind being posted, in the first place?

    BTW, I am NOT defending Dornan's marriage, but rather the TRUTH, as it stands presently. Until actual FACTS come to light, to prove otherwise, this is just baseless gossip, pure and simple.

  57. Yeahsure4:01 AM

    Oooohhhh aren't the crazy Hunter hater psychos out in force . . . wassamatta, hon? Kinda takin' things in other peoples' lives a bit too much to heart for sanity, aren't ya?

    Matthew Gambles. JHC. Aren't you psychos bored with this game yet?

  58. Yeahsure4:04 AM

    I can't think of anything more productive than directing people to your sites so they can really see what pathetic head-cases you are.

  59. Jamie Dornan! Everytime I see a pic of him with his family they all look miserable. That marriage is going downhill, everyone can see that. Kids or not, they won't last!

  60. Yeahsure = Sophie Hunter's bitch. Why don't you go out and find a real baby for her so you can help her with her weak ass con game?

  61. Anyone who starts out with a phrase that says "According to the DM..." should be ignored immediately. You know the Fail is a tabloid and publishes LIES on a daily basis, right?

  62. Yeahsure6:22 AM

    Over-invested, much? Hysterical, much? Sweetie, try chamomile tea - Prozac - therapy - anything that pries that doggie bone out of your poor foaming mouth . . .

    This is a gossip site, not a Bible camp.

  63. Yeahsure6:27 AM

    So? Who cares what Hunter does or doesn't do? She can have one or not, she's meaningless except as a piece of casual gossip.

  64. You didn't understand what he meant. This is just a gossip, a rumor and then you came to do a huge speech as if it was a big deal. Tabloids do this everyday and you talk about Damies and Jamelias and whatever. For whom says it is not defending Jamie's marriage you're very well connected and worried with the subject.

  65. Jessy8:39 AM

    Daniel Craig? Enty reported trouble in paradise between him and Rachel. And the franchise could be Bond or Millennium.

  66. There are a few pictures of Jamie on the internet from the Fall set and he looks like he doesn't have a care in the world. I for one think this blind, if about him, comes from tweets from fans and is totally not true. I mean if a crazy fan says Jamie is getting divorce than of course it's true!! I think it's horrible that blind items are starting to come from crazy fans who apparently can write whatever they want and then they turn up on gossip sites. I truly doubt Dornan is getting divorced!

  67. Is this about Dornan and the other blind about a foreign actor pulling out of franchise is also him? Doesn't make sense for both to be about him...

  68. Obviously neither r about Dornan. He's filming the sequels and those pictures today confirm there is no divorce announcements!

  69. Unknown8:36 AM

    Maybe not divorcing, he didnt look all too smitten with his wife either. The return of the happy couple photos lol

  70. Not to play devils advocate, but did anyone ever think the reason Jamie looks unhappy is because whatever time he has to spend with his family not confined to the house he has a million camera's in his face. I mean the wife never looks like she minds, but especially when Jamie is with his daughter, it can get annoying. Imagine going out of your house and there are photographers, stalking fans, a million people analyzing the state of your marriage, cheating rumors, horrible reviews in movies you are in, all while you have a new baby on the way. I mean I wouldn't exactly be a happy camper either. I don't think the marriage is all hearts and rainbows, but I also don't think a divorce is anywhere on the horizon.

  71. Unknown2:54 AM

    Whatever you say lol

  72. Just another CDAN-er12:41 PM

    Old news, but surely not Cumberbatch since he is scheduled to film S4 of Sherlock this April.

    Could be Dornan; that FSOG sequel may or may not be filmed this year.

    However, I had a hunch that didn't go away telling me that this blind could (NOT does) belong to Mads Mikkelsen, if those other blinds associated to him were to be true.

    He is an A-lister back home but A-/B+ in the States (but then again, didn't Enty refer Bardem as A- list?); he is a dual-threat in both senses of the word, either film & television or actor/ex-dancer; the franchise in question is Hannibal due to the showrunner's relentless pursuit for a streaming service or another channel to pick it up (whilst at the same time being occupied with American Gods and that new Star Trek series) which may or may not happen; and he was away from home a lot recently due to filming Rogue One and then Doctor Strange (although he was seen at home every now and then).

    But then again, it is just a hunch, not rocket science.

  73. Well well well10:54 PM

    It seems we are close to reveal this Blind Item. Jamie Dornal is shooting Fifty Shades. He arrived at Vancouver completely hidden and he left his family behind. Why the first time (the first film) he went to Vancouver one month early and his first daughter was born there and now he didn't take his wife for do the same? Very strange. And at last weekend he didn't come to London to see his family. Why? Something is wrong with this marriage. Many questions and no answer.
