Saturday, January 16, 2016

Blind Item #1

This world leader shows photos of former lovers who are now dead to remind current lovers what the price is for breaching confidentiality. The photos are from homicide scenes.


  1. Tricia131:00 AM


  2. Tricia got it. Kim is a criminal

  3. Lurker1:10 AM

    Najib Razak, the Malaysian Prime Minister

  4. *hoisting champagne*
    ( and looking hawt doing it:)

  5. Kno Won Uno1:13 AM

    It's one of those days, I see. I have a toddler visiting me in real life - I think I prefer that today.

  6. Nothing makes panties drop like homicide scenes

  7. Tricia131:15 AM

    Angela Merkel

  8. And you would think that they would keep everyone alive who would/have give forbidden information? No way.

    The only one who would know this are the closest circle of Kim (if it is him) and even then they would NEVER do this out of fear for their lives.

  9. Katie1:23 AM

    Sultan of Brunei

  10. Cindy Who?1:26 AM


  11. nasty baby1:30 AM

    easy, this is Putin.

  12. Katie1:35 AM

    Actually, probably a bunch of them.

  13. Putin or Bruneii.

  14. texasrose1:42 AM

    This must be Putin. Kim Jung un doesn't need to carry pictures around- they know.

  15. How low can you go Derek. You KNOW my child was murdered. You disgust me.

  16. Jeebus1:53 AM

    Of course its the Sultan. All part of the Wahhabi sex & slavery game. Only idiots and Mossy shills say Putin does that shit.

  17. Derek Harvey2:07 AM

    First off I do not post under your name or any other-so do not assume it is me. Second-I did not know your child was murdered nor do I give a rats ass. Third-why do you not change your user name if someone is trolling you. No one will care one way or the other---we will just look for the constant whining and my name being mentioned 24 7 and figure it is you. Like I am not constantly trolled- Get a GRIP.

  18. anna from savannah2:09 AM

    Thank you, Jeebus. You echo my sentiments exactly.

  19. Sarah LA2:13 AM

    Anyone else notice all this trolling and BS always happens when Derek "disappears" and comes back? He brings misery with him wherever he goes- or " trolls " better put.

  20. Sarah LA2:15 AM

    I didn't know that as a sometime poster and reader but very sorry to hear that @ boni. This site has become a bad joke.

  21. Derek Harvey2:22 AM

    Anyone else notice that Sarah LA does not know what she is talking about and needs to take a seat

    and the way you kiss Tricias ass on every post is very suspect

    and THIS

    Blind Items Revealed #8 – Kindness - Crazy Days and Nights
    7 days ago - What I do KNOW is that all those post that had the “Tricia13” registered in ... Tricia seems to think she has to dominate the board & Derek is her ...

  22. sincerely2:27 AM

    @derek harvey

    maybe you should spend less time on the internet

  23. Sarah LA2:28 AM

    Settle down freak- I made an observation. Who TF spends all their time trolling,archiving and reposting?
    I stand by what I said.

  24. PoniTayl2:31 AM

    It appears we have our own little game of CLUE happening here this past week. A ton of new posters all of a sudden. WAIT... is this that crowd surprise thing where you all start singing and dancing unexpectedly?

  25. Yes sarah, he is certifiable I only put that personal info out because he was using my name and posting gay slurs. Even Tricia thought it was me. My son was beaten to death in a hate crime 22 years ago. HE knew that. I stuck up for Tricia, while most kissed his ass due to fear they would be next. Thank YOU for having the balls so few here have.

  26. Derek Harvey2:32 AM

    In case you have not noticed if you open-up the reveals--I am not on here or any other site very often. It is your idol that throws-up over every post all day everyday. ..and I noticed others calling YOU-out particularity on that link I posted...As Heather Duke would say...Quelle Surprise...Troll. So Stupid.

  27. Derek Harvey2:36 AM

    Exactly..I remember your name--you have been posting for a while...I notice the ol timers (not calling you OLD haha) but those that have been around a while--usually are neutral and not all---Poor Tricia-Poor Boni. If all that trolling bothers them so-much then they can leave. I get trolled and I just laugh it off assuming anyone with a brain knows it is not me. Enty has done nothing about fixing the security regarding it being so easy to post under other-names so clearly he does not give a shit...

  28. Sarah LA2:39 AM

    I'm not here much, and now will be even less .I just noticed he seems obsessed with her and icky and cruel. And yes- other people seem to look away or support and enable it almost , which is also fucked up.
    Hope you will be ok- sorry about your loss.

  29. Thank you.

  30. Derek Harvey2:52 AM

    You like to dish it out but can not take it..Here is an observation-you are an asshole.

  31. Derek Harvey2:56 AM

    Disregard what I just said because I didn't take my meds yet haha. I'll be back in a bit though better than ever BITCHES! Ha Ha.

  32. LauraOK3:01 AM

    Boni, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your child. I cannot fathom that kind of pain. Sending lots of positive and healing thoughts to you.

  33. Thanks Laura. You are very kind. You don't see much of that here.

  34. ItsaBeautifulLife3:23 AM

    Anyone else find it a little odd that Tricia13 screams from the rooftops on all the other post that Tricia13 using her photo isn't her? Yet this one that has the "Kim Jong-un" guess & has a few agreeing w/ her isn't being bitched about. If it wasn't her then she is falsely taking credit by being silent because she's getting kudos.

    Me thinks someone purposely wanted to show off their picture (again) with a celebrity and hawk their own website but is trying to do so under the guise that they were hacked. In the process she's throwing Derek or others under the bus while doing so. 2 birds one stone....

  35. Tee hee I always forget my meds too!

  36. No. Because even though some do not have the balls to call you out, NONE are stupid enough to not see when it is YOU posting under all the other names.

  37. Derek Harvey3:32 AM

    Exactly ...First it was someone named Trilby that was harassing her. Then it was a poster named Mookshi (whom I have seen post here and has always seemed pleasant to me). It was all --Derek, Mookshi is harassing me and posted my mug shots. - I have the e-mails and will re-post if need be. I felt sorry for her but then she started getting really bitchy and annoying. Talking down to everyone and being so pretentious. So I reposted her mugshot -that I was only aware of through here, cause she was being so unbearable and rude. Now it is all me and only me that hates her. Oh wait-it is also Maliubree Borbee out to get her and anyone else that gets sick of her whining, lying, trolling and hypocrisy.

  38. STOP using my name!!! It's a beautiful life is absolutely correct!

  39. Boni,
    Sorry about your loss! Agree w everything u day about dh....he's just horrible, pathetic.

  40. Derek Harvey3:35 AM

    want me to re-post Tricias e-mails where she accuses many others of harassing her--will that shut you-up. People that have been posting here for years. Prove I am going under different names---you cant. As far as I am concerned you seem to be the most hung-up about it--we all read your nasty msgs and then months later you cry wolf. As far as I am concerned you are my number one suspect...

  41. Derek Harvey3:45 AM

    Oh and here comes MsV--Never posts anything, ever-unless my name is involved. Soon we will see Mia, Caitlyn,Mya--The whole gang will show-up for this post....

  42. Admit it dh...u love me

  43. ItsaBeautifulLife3:47 AM

    @Derek, you're right. It's always the same sing & dance. For people that lurch & just read without posting enough becomes enough. Soon a person has to speak up when one person is being ganged up on. Anyone that defends you becomes a target & is accused of being you or having multiple names. I guess they believe the hype their wanna-be queen spews about her well connected family in celebrityville.

    If Enty would make this a register to comment site it would cease.

  44. Thanks MSV

  45. Sarah LA3:48 AM

    What mugshot? That changes everything...

  46. Sarah LA3:57 AM

    I did not post that. Now you are posting as me @Derek Harvey? What the fuck is the matter with you!

  47. Derek Harvey3:57 AM

    Exactly, I wish Enty would. He or She wants people to bond here and post user pics and discuss topics in Your Turn but they do not even have the decency to give posters psswds and assign usernames...makes no sense to me...

  48. Sarah LA3:58 AM

    And you sound like him or exactly like the few people that defend him, so of course now you defend yourself. You both / all are fucked up.

  49. Sarah LA3:59 AM

    That was for "Its a bullshit Life".

  50. That's his M.O. and why so many are afraid to stand up to him.

  51. Derek Harvey4:10 AM

    Newsflash---we know the truth and do not give a fuck about your paranoid delusions or what you think or say. Get a life, woman. What is your obsession with me---I rarely ever --like maybe once or twice-have addressed you or attempted to converse with you. Unless you directly address me...why are you so bothered by me and so gung-ho about putting words in my mouth and accusing me of things...strange...very strange...

  52. Boni - So sorry for your loss. I can't imagine.

    Derek said: "Second-I did not know your child was murdered nor do I give a rats ass. "

    You are a FUCKING CUNT for saying this. I don't post much, and am not aligned with any person on this board. To say that you don't give a rats ass about someone's CHILD being murdered?!? GTFO of here you pathetic excuse for a human. You are lower than a pedo, Derek.

  53. Boni – So sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine.

    Derek said: “Second-I did not know your child was murdered nor do I give a rats ass. ”

    You are a F*CKING C U N T for saying this. I don’t post much, and am not aligned with any person on this board. To say that you don’t give a rats ass about someone’s CHILD being murdered?!? GTFO of here you pathetic excuse for a human. You are lower than a PED0, Derek.

    (Awaiting moderation - reposted - maybe ENTY will finally ban you Derek)

  54. Derek Harvey4:17 AM

    oooh GOOD ONE! So clever...

  55. Derek Harvey4:20 AM

    Why would I be sound like the sicko...

  56. ItsaBeautifulLife4:20 AM

    I commented because I got tired of seeing the "Derek Pile On Show" repeatedly. As expected I then became the target. Just like anyone else who stood up for him.

    If the same logic was applied that Tricia's court jesters apply then I'd say you sound like Tricia & the handful of imbeciles that kiss her pompus ass. I suppose you are all the same person attacking Derek.

  57. PoniTayl4:21 AM

    Derek....they're trivial, here, Snickers Bar on the house bud:)

  58. Thanks Sam.

  59. ItsaBeautifulLife4:24 AM

    Sarah LA, how sad that you have a bullshit life. Some of us do have a beautiful life. Don't be jealous dear. Oh, my! Now I sound like Tricia!

  60. Derek Harvey4:29 AM

    Cheers : )
    But careful your rep will be ruined for giving me candy and you will be forever labeled a troll

  61. PoniTayl4:31 AM

    Chuckles, I'll be fine:)

  62. PoniTayl4:32 AM

    and wipe your chin, u have a bit of chocolate there...

  63. Derek Harvey4:33 AM I said up-thread-they love dishing it out but as soon as you call them on it -you are a troll etc. But those rules do not apply to them...I know children with more logic...

  64. Derek Harvey4:36 AM

    *better logic

  65. ItsaBeautifulLife4:39 AM

    @boni, I forgot to add that even though we disagree I send my condolences regarding your son. No parent should have to bury a child. Believe what you will but it isn't me posting other than It's a Beautiful Life. And I certainly NEVER would post something about someone's deceased child. That's cold & heartless.

  66. Who dat?4:41 AM

    Nobody cares about fake internet children

  67. Sarah LA4:44 AM

    Then go live it- by all means !Seems you cannot stop commenting though and went from one comment to very personal , almost obsessive ones. Strange. As for a "pile on show" I think maybe you should realize people that get harassed and shit on by your friend (self?) on a constant basis have a right to say something , and those people have a right to have people agree. Derek brings on his own hate by being - hateful.
    I'm done.

  68. ItsaBeautifulLife4:46 AM

    Whoa! Wait a minute! Where is my Snickers? You have to share!

  69. Derek's Protuberance4:46 AM

    Fuck off PED0

  70. Derek Harvey4:46 AM

    Just a little Dirty Sanchez, is all ha ha ha.

  71. PoniTayl4:50 AM

    'Not gonna touch that one dear...

  72. Derek Harvey4:56 AM

    You are brain-dead...Everything you are saying about BeautifulLife -applies to You and what you do. So dumb...why do I bother...

  73. Pins Mins5:27 AM

    how was the kid murdered?

  74. this entire comment chain is one person having an internet fight with themself

  75. Sarah5:43 AM

    I'm a different Sarah and I like you Derek Harvey! Haters gonna hate! Big kiss!

  76. NoneOfYourBusiness5:53 AM

    Boni: "That’s his M.O. and why so many are afraid to stand up to him.
    You are correct. This is his MO. Been in the site many years, pre crossover or chaos I call it. This is what he does. He lies, threatens, intimidates and gets what lone strange types who like back him and bully. It has run more than a couple of good people off the site over time. When he had his last meltdown\ disappearance it seemed hopeful he had finally been locked up or at least in treatment. I would be concerned - truly- if were Tricia13. And Enty should be held accountable as well.

  77. I am starting to believe he is a woman. I have never in my long life known a man to be so jealous of a woman. I've also noticed most of his other personalities are women. Oh, and do men really ever watch "teen moms" and "real house wives'? Either way this is a sick, horrible person and I'm sure anyone with a brain sees that. It's sad and pathetic.

  78. NewYearBlues6:15 AM

    @wow I think you mean Derek playing the part of Tricia got it

  79. NewYearBlues6:19 AM

    Even if you didn't know that's a shitty and childish thing that only a sociopath would take pride in saying
    Can we get a kindness blind of Derek being blocked please

  80. NewYearBlues6:21 AM

    It's called "off his meds" and health care is free in Canada do no excuses

  81. Wendy6:25 AM

    I literally have no idea what the fuck I just read.

    I don't know who's who or whats real. This is so fucked up. Its a fucking website people, it should not be this serious! Holy shit.

    And I am neutral, because I literally do not know who to believe.

    Enty needs to figure out how to fix this comment shit or he's going to lose readers, but he really doesn't seem to care.

  82. Tricia136:28 AM

    LOL OK Tricia

  83. Tricia136:29 AM

    None of us are real

  84. we're all just shit in the machine

  85. Derek Harvey6:31 AM


  86. Sarah LA6:37 AM

    so now you think it's an insult to call Derek a woman oh nice real nice now I see you're evil

  87. Tricia136:38 AM

    I'm real but you're not please stop using names that are only mine to drop

  88. Dearie me where are my pills?

  89. Derek Harvey6:45 AM

    So evil BYE BITCHHH

  90. Derek Harvey6:48 AM

    Boni the redneck--and yet she claims her son was killed for being gay...Yeah. Ok.

  91. Derek Harvey6:50 AM


  92. Derek Harvey6:52 AM

    locked-up or in-treatment? lmao----if Tricia is "so concerned" then why is she here 24/7? If she went to tell a police officer or lawyer-they would tell her to stop posting here lmao--but no-that is just too much common sense for a bird brain crybaby..Some people here are such drama queen idiots lol

  93. NewYearBlues6:52 AM

    there is this movie called Cybil that explains Derek ok!!!

  94. NewYearBlues6:54 AM

    "Sybil" A young woman whose childhood was so harrowing to her that she developed at least 13 different personalities.

  95. Derek Harvey6:59 AM


  96. Colourmebad7:43 AM

    And it's OK to make fun of people with mental disorders?

  97. Derek Harvey8:00 AM

    Why don't you post under your other names---like SugarbreadMaker?

  98. Cinabun8:10 AM

    How horrible. My sympathy and love to you.

  99. PoniTayl8:14 AM

    I didnt' read any of this ignorant thread, HOWEVER...I only have 6 Snickers Bars...SOOOOOOOO......STFU Already!

  100. PoniTayl8:18 AM

    I have been akinned to Derek for years, YOU on the therhand have no knowledge of me or him.
    Would you like to explain your new-found obsession with Dereck with me?

  101. PoniTayl8:19 AM


  102. "Did you mean "akin" maybe - like related by blood? So sorry to hear that. Maybe you need more snickers to get your blood sugar back up.

  103. I'm a poopihead!

  104. Spook8:43 AM

    I'm so sorry for your loss, Boni. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I hope you and your family find peace. <3

    Can Enty please give us a nice new years gift and ban Derek? I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say we all hate the bullying and the *ssholery in the comments.

  105. very funny asswipe very funny

  106. Spook8:49 AM

    Honestly, I feel sorry for him. This is all he has, and it's obvious he's jealous of Trisha. He's a sad, old, insecure man and a sorry example of a Canadian. For shame, Derek.

  107. really might i suggest a vacation derek

  108. Spook8:51 AM

    Take off your tinfoil hat, honey.

  109. no just bullies like derek with mental disorders
    i think sybill got help if i recall the movie correctly

  110. Spook8:54 AM

    Pot meet kettle, Derek?

  111. Derek Harvey8:54 AM

    Or better yet assign user names and passwords so idiots like Spook don't come out of the woodworks to talk feeling and emotions over some sob story.

  112. Derek Harvey8:58 AM

    I don't whine about being trolled, idiot.

  113. Spook8:59 AM

    It's called not being a narcissist, Derek. "Talking feelings and emotions" is the appropriate response to someone telling us about their child's murder.

    Also, I've been here for a while. Unfortunately, I actually have a job, a life, and sh*t to do in the real world.

  114. Derek Harvey9:04 AM

    Well I never posted under her name yet am being accused of doing don't expect a shoulder to cry on from me for some Looney-toon drama queen. This is a gossip site not web therapy....

  115. Colourmebad9:04 AM

    How do you think bullies become bullies? So as long as a mental disorder doesn't affect you, you feel sorry for them but once they bother you even though they have a disorder that they can't control, then it's ok to shit on them ok thanks I get the hypocrisy now.

  116. Derek Harvey9:06 AM

    Suck a dick, troll.

  117. Spook9:07 AM

    Please stop embarrassing yourself, Derek. Just because it isn't web therapy doesn't mean it would kill you to show a bit of compassion.

  118. Spook9:09 AM

    I was referring to you calling the people here "drama queen[s]".

  119. Derek Harvey9:14 AM

    I'm not the one calling anyone out I am merely defending myself against the trash like you here

  120. Cinabun9:20 AM

    +2 billion

  121. Derek Harvey9:29 AM

    And read what she wrote down-thread...I must be a woman cause I watch Teen Mom...smh..I don't argue with the ignorant and sexist. I barely remember her saying that but now I sorta recall she makes a big whoopti do about it at any given chance--I have a life and going out ciao-

  122. Derek Harvey9:37 AM

    Props for defending people with mental illness. I am fine and do not have multiple personalities / usernames like many others here but they seem to think that is a cunning insult...I think it is great of you to defend people who go through life unheard and abused by society.

  123. Derek Harvey10:05 AM

    Not Derek, again, but I'd like Boni etal to STFU already too.
    If you're looking for sympathy for your loss of a loved one, if it's even true, on a freaking gossip site, you're not alright.
    Try getting out more or reaching out to family and friends. You know, real people. In the flesh.
    Just stop the bullshit.

  124. PoniTayl
    January 16, 2016 at 4:18 pm
    I have been akinned to Derek for years, YOU on the therhand have no knowledge of me or him.
    January 16, 2016 at 4:39 pm
    “Did you mean “akin” maybe – like related by blood? So sorry to hear that. Maybe you need more snickers to get your blood sugar back up.

    My favorite part lmfao- ignorant indeed PoniTayl. Jane THANKS that was needed !

  125. Just to add though what I've noticed is that every single time anyone posts anything against Derek or his alters whatever, they immediately get posted as (boni, tricia, spook, sarah LA I saw), so I fully expect to now be trolled too!

  126. Lavert10:39 AM

    I don't know anything about Derek or Tricia, and for that reason choose not to take sides.
    However this nastiness never occurs except on days/threads when Derek posts.
    It's a fact; it just doesn't.

    She might be an awful person; he might be mentally ill. I don't know.

    But this fighting only appears when Derek appears.

  127. Sickofitall10:42 AM

    NOOOOO shit people
    Come here who like to make fun of celebs and she just wants attention so she made up a fake dead baby who the fuck cares who you are lady this isn't a real place go to Fucking church or volunteer if you need to feel warmth from real people because this is not the place for fucking funerals unless it's a famous person are you famous NO and Derek has been nothing but nice to all you jerk wads until you started accusing him of sick things long time reader first time commenter but IM DONE

  128. +1000 Lavert . How can you not notice?

  129. Derek Harvey11:11 AM


  130. religiouslyconfused11:16 AM

    Probably a country with a dictator running the show, or a very religiously conservative nation. Russia could be a possibility along with Kim Jong-un, but the latter is married.

  131. he probably deserved it

  132. Like the flesh of your dry asshole as its being penetrated by the only person who can stand to look at you that night


  134. Derek Harvey11:22 AM

    So Mr detective why don't you just come out and SAY ITTT

  135. Derek Harvey11:24 AM

    this is DUHHH about enty and the old posters hes murdered

  136. Eek a feeling11:59 AM

    YUM I'll use that to rub one out before bed !

  137. Thanks for all the page views guys my paycheck will be so big that I'll be able to afford enough bacon to last me and mom for days!

  138. all any Tricia troll has to do is type in her website here ^^^^ and open up an account anywhere and upload a manipulated photo like on of the ones featured on nye reader's photos.. it's just that simple for a troll from canada with no life to troll tricia .. ^^^^^^^^^ see it's derek and his fake photo wishing he was tricia and 1st cause he can't be either and he knows it

  139. see how easy it is to post as someone else and link to someone's sight derek??
    we know it's you so stop it
    maybe you should take a vacation
    there are some lovely resorts in Canada, maybe you could get a discount with Marriott online maybe?

  140. yes this only happens when derek goes off his meds
    can i suggest a vacation spot derek?? click my name to find a relaxing spot boo
    i hear teen moms go there too

  141. we still know it's you derinda!!

  142. Beckymae12:39 PM

    It's a story ollllllld as time ;)

  143. Beckymae12:41 PM

    Older than time, actually...

  144. Sugarbreadmaker1:07 PM

    once again

    Suck a dick

  145. fkabeckymae1:07 PM

    Shut up!

  146. Beckymae1:10 PM

    Bwahahhahaaaa, this is fun....who are you? Derek?? Hay, gurl, haaaaaayyyyy!

  147. Beckymae1:10 PM

    I'm still alive #loveyoumeanit

  148. MarleyMe1:22 PM

    But Gossip Cop can they actually register an account using Tricia13, upload an avatar along with linking to a website?

    The answer is No! As I experimented with that theory the other day. (see screenshot in this link So the Tricia13 posters are all the same person. It doesn't allow duplicates of the same name. Period. I'm thinking some she is posted signed in & some not as some appear with her avatar.

    And to Ra the same can be said for anyone supporting Derek too. If you speak up you immediately have a twin or triplet, (see link below) unless you are registered. Then you just get accused of being Derek.

    I think Tricia is the sick one & she has a lot of you fooled. Then she sits back & plays the victim. It's her sick grab for attention.

    Maybe it's time you turn in your badge Gossip Cop. Your dislike for Derek is clearly affecting your fake job performance.

  149. ellie1:32 PM

    Same, I'm wondering same.

  150. DEREK come back we miss you at anarchy
    we will let you back we promise
    Lady H misses you too
    VIP as well

  151. ellie1:45 PM

    +infinity. I have no clue what's going on. All that I know is I don't have an issue with either Derek or Tricia, but this backstory has got to be interesting. Why was Tricia arrested? Who beat up this dead kid? Is Derek actually a woman? Pass the popcorn and start dishing.

  152. Derek's Blood test1:59 PM

    Die of AIDS, fag.

  153. Peace3:30 PM

    Derek is obviously a sociopath so many of his comments leave no doubt about it. If everyone just stopped responding to his manipulative bile and totally ignored him it would kill him (not literally of course but I'm an optimist).

  154. Lavert8:17 PM

    I love Anarchy, and what it evolved into.

    Anarchy is such a sweet, supportive environment. The posted material isn't really new or juicy; it's the community of followers. People talk about their lives and feel kinship and receive support.

    There is no competition to guess the answers and no slinging mud is allowed.

    Why don't the people who miss Derek come over here?

    Keep Anarchy peaceful and drama-free!

  155. Honeybunny9:09 PM

    I think it's Putin. Also I think "Derek" is one of the "Enty's" which is why they won't kick him out. I go to another website and the comments were just as crazy as Dereks, come to find out one of the people that work for the website was the one doing the comments. I got a feeling that's what is happening here. SMDH

  156. Anarchist11:04 PM

    That post from 7 of Eleven was meant to be sarcastic Lavert. He pulled his crazy here too. Derek's not missed and it will stay drama free because the site is actually moderated.

  157. Seriously?11:20 PM

    You people take this gossip site stuff way to seriously. Not just the blinds but the people commenting here. The comments here are as bad as on TMZ. There is life outside of the internet you know right?

  158. Derek Harvey11:22 PM

    PS: I am a pu$$y because I use smh all the time. Only a sissy can say stuff like that. I'm a lezbo and hate faggggs.

  159. Derek Harvey11:29 PM

    Nvmd, i don't give a fuck about any of you if you aren't trying to go jump off a cliff.

  160. Unemployable11:45 PM

    Best thread ever!!!
    More fighting! More fighting! More fighting! More fighting!

  161. Sarah LA1:28 AM

    I love TMZ!

  162. VIP was a CDAN staffer which is why she was always 1st and why she always had a link to the story proving it true seconds after the blind was posted. She's now with me at come join me Derek we miss you

  163. MarleyMe1:57 AM

    "Gossip Cop
    January 16, 2016 at 8:26 pm
    see how easy it is to post as someone else and link to someone’s sight"

    Gossip Cop, anyone UNregistered without an avatar can in fact use any name they want to. However a REGISTERED user WITH an avatar has to be a unique name. Gravatar does not allow a name that is already in use. (see screenshot below) That is the thing that many are overlooking.

  164. MarleyMe2:04 AM

    January 16, 2016 at 6:22 pm
    Just to add though what I’ve noticed is that every single time anyone posts anything against Derek or his alters whatever, they immediately get posted as (boni, tricia, spook, sarah LA I saw), so I fully expect to now be trolled too!"

    Ra, the same thing happens to anyone defending Derek. As soon as I did I had a 'twin' or 'triplet' posting nonsense one liners. So your theory doesn't fly.

    So obviously someone is playing games on BOTH sides to stir the pot.

  165. MarleyMe2:43 AM

    Ra, this is the thread I was referring to about the twins/triplets or whatever popping up out of the woodwork:

    It happens on both sides.

  166. Ganesh3:23 AM

    Anarchy is for losers who want to post about their sad little lives - all their "gossip" is links from other, better sites.

  167. Beckymae4:41 AM

    Bwahahahaaa! It's just like Gladiator ;)

  168. Derek Harvey4:52 AM

    Another ped0 handing out candy! It's true. Y'all flock together.

  169. I touch myself when I watch Matlock re-runs.

  170. YourFakeAccount2:24 AM

    BeckyMae was Annie Wilkes awhile back. The one who trolled Derek. She used the same account. Different picture and name.

  171. I think it's Obama, gay rumours have been floating around. Check out Larry Sinclair, Young, Spencer, etc stories. But who knows anymore.
