Monday, January 11, 2016

Blind Item #18 - Golden Globes After Party - From JV

"Notice I didn't drink any of that.That's because you didn't listen to my order. Get it right next time. I said one lemon and one lime. Not two limes.Take pride in what you are doing even if you are a bartender at a party"

Apparently this was the nicest interaction this B list mostly television actress on a middling cable show who used to be on a hit network show had with anyone other than people who could do her a favor.


  1. Derek Harvey4:04 AM

    felicity huffman

  2. Kno Won Uno4:06 AM

    Well, for a bartender to screw up "1 lemon & 1 lime" - something should be said. If you ordered bacon & someone handed you half an order of bacon and half an order of flax seed, you'd be frickin irate.
    That's just not cool. I don't care who the supposed bitch is, she's right. I don't think this is even blind-worthy.
    Slackers get away with doing a shitty job too often. And then whine when they're called out on it. "Waaa...someone told me I got their order wrong and I DID!"

  3. Derek Harvey4:09 AM

    leah michelle

  4. Derek Harvey4:10 AM

    nvmnd no cable show

  5. monica4:20 AM

    I concur. The actress was right. If you order something, you gotta get your order right. However, I think the blind is about the fact the way this is worded is quite rude, and it's depicted as the nicest thing this actress did. No idea who it is but given the description, it doesn't sound like anyone particularly relevant to me.

  6. I immediately thought of Patricia Heaton when I read this blind. Have no idea if she was at any of the after-globe parties.

  7. stacy casey4:38 AM

    Gillian Anderson

  8. Tricia134:46 AM

    Jean Smart-Fargo
    Network hit was Designing Women- notoriously awful

  9. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)4:48 AM

    Yes, but the polite way to handle this would be, "Could have a lemon, please?" without the lecture. Berating service staff is a dick move.

  10. Scream Queens and Glee are/were both on Fox. So they'd both be "network shows." She was my original thought too, though.

  11. Derek Harvey4:56 AM

    My bad---thought she was on American Horror Story

  12. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:59 AM

    "Lemon and lime". I usually agree that bartenders, waiters or other professionals must be told when they do a shitty job, but those two words are very easy to mix, and if the guy was serving a lot of other people, or there was loud music, or any other stuff interfering, I would give him some slack. Otherwise, she is right, oafs must be berated.

  13. Unemployable5:01 AM

    "Garnish my ass, just hand me the damn bottle already! Take pride in what you do, Barkeep! Now hide my car keys and go find me something to throw up in!"

  14. Kno Won Uno5:02 AM

    The polite thing for the server to do would have been to make the drink as ordered, but why hold that person accountable for their own work, amirite?
    Making the wrong drink at a Golden Globes party is pretty low rent.
    I've been a server, it's not like being in a concentration camp. Saying "you made my drink wrong" is absolutely not rude unless the bartender is a toddler.

  15. Kno Won Uno5:12 AM

    Nowhere here does it say anything about the tone of this conversation. How do you know the guest didn't whisper or try to be discrete?
    She didn't scream "YOU SUCK, YOU FUCKING MORON"
    It's a JOB, not a "safe space" and that's how adulthood works. You fuck up, someone tells you. Big. Fucking. Deal. Happens to me every day.
    People have curiously insane expectations of being coddled & petted where they're employed.
    No one is there to make the bartender happy & comfortable.
    It's the exact opposite.The bartender is there to SERVE.
    There are probably 100 people in line behind him, waiting for a job. Personal responsibility without whining - it's a valuable skill.

  16. CindyC5:18 AM

    Eva Longoria?

  17. Snootches5:18 AM

    This sounds like an older person lecturing a young bartender. That said, Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda (although she could be considered mostly movie) are my guesses

  18. Holly G.5:33 AM

    +1 great guess. She is not nice by all I've read. Rude enough (and older as someone said) to say this to a a younger person just trying to do their job.

  19. Gemma5:51 AM

    Not on cable show.

  20. I've ordered water and lemon in a Mexican restaurant and received water and lime. It took me several services to realize that lemon in Spanish means lime. It could be the bartender was Latino.

    I don't see making a fuss over something so trivial. Bacon and flax is one thing, a drink flavoring is another. Are these people so into their booze that anything slightly off sends them into a tizzy? Don't answer that.

  21. Molly6:02 AM

    I like the guess as well, though I like her as an actress.
    I say it's probably someone from Fargo or AHS.

  22. Honeybunny6:29 AM

    No one is perfect. The faster you realize this the happier you'll be.

  23. black6:33 AM

    I bet something was added to that drink afterwards :) enjoy

  24. black6:34 AM

    'B list mostly television actress on a middling cable show'
    B list. middling. not good things for you.

    girl, you dont have the fame to validate the attitude. when you become someone, then you can.

  25. Commenting for the first time here - I read this site as much for the comments as I do the stories (if not more!) I'm not interested starting anything, but do want to defend the bartender. Mixing up a lime and a lemon is an extremely easy and common thing to do when you're busy under normal circumstances, let alone when you're under immense pressure. Doesn't come close to mixing up bacon and flax seed! Far more similar to tripping over words in, say, an acceptance speech. Not to mention, it's highly possible he just didn't properly hear the order. No need to make the bartender feel stupid or small - and telling him to take pride in his work is doing exactly that. Being a bartender in LA, I'm sure the guy is used to this treatment, but it doesn't make it acceptable. If this is how you treat service staff, you probably want to avoid being a regular anywhere, because at best you'll get really really slow service - no matter how nice the establishment or who the clientele is.

  26. PinkRabbit7:16 AM

    Wow, KnoOneI'dEverWantToKnow: You are a classless cunt, ×100. Kindness and graciousness are wonderful qualities - you should look up their definitions. How someone treats people who serve - whether it be grocery clerk, hotel maid, bartenders, etc. - speaks volumes as to their character. Getting a garnish wrong is a human error, not the end of the world (unless you have absolutely no life). I can't imagine being rude enough to speak to someone trying to make an honest living, in such a manner.

  27. I have 2 gripes with servers - confusing lemons and limes, and offering fresh pepper immediately before I've had a chance to taste my food.

    Lemons, limes, cherries and other garnishes are often prepped and next to each other. Yet I don't think I've ever seen anyone bring a cherry when a lemon is requested. The point is, they are not interchangeable and swapping them is just apathy and/or laziness. This bi*ch should have been nicer but bad service is not ok.

  28. There is no reason to freak out of over lemons and limes. You can freak out when lives or a lot of money is line. Everyone makes simple mistakes, maybe it was dark and the wedges were in the wrong bin or the lime was really yellow. Everyone should be treated with a certain amount of respect, be the better person. The 100 people behind him would probably make a error once in awhile too.

  29. ellie8:21 AM

    Not Lynette Scavo :(

  30. ellie8:24 AM

    +10000000000000000000000000000. I've never been in food service, nor have I been any sort of bartender or waiter...but I give exxtreeeeme slack when it comes to them. You are NOT the only person they have to take care of (and if you are, then you should cut them zero slack because it's inexcusable lol) and it's easy to mix dumb things like that up. Saying "Oh, I asked for a lemon, not 2 limes. Can I get a lemon instead?" Is a) holding the bartender accountable and b) relatively polite. I don't see any reason for the interaction to get any more rude unless the bartender has continuously made mistakes with your drinks last night. ALSO, I wouldn't be surprised if bartenders & the like are somewhat starstruck when bartending a fucking Golden Globes party!

  31. ellie8:26 AM

    all night** not last night

  32. ellie8:27 AM

    Yup, that was read exactly like John Oliver lol. Thank you for that laugh

  33. ellie8:31 AM

    You seem to be one of those people that thinks the newer generation wants to be coddled or held responsible for their actions. The thought process goes "young people don't want to be yelled at, berated and/or disrespected. Guess this means they don't want to be held accountable! They think they're special snowflakes who should be coddled" or whatever the thought is. It's not about not being held responsible, it's about a level of respect. We're a lot less of a "respect your elders" generation because they didn't tell us that growing up. It was all about "respect your peers". I don't care if someone is an older person than me. If you're rude or disrespectful, you'll get a face full of that right back. I don't believe in age or experience giving you a free pass to be a dick.

  34. ellie8:32 AM

    not you directly lol, just in general.

  35. ellie8:33 AM

    I think cherries and limes are hard to mix up, even when you're busy. That's like the bacon and flax seed example.

  36. Cinabun8:51 AM

    Nope, not even then. Nothing wrong w/ being kind. Don't gaf who someone is. Everyone goes down the ladder sooner or later. Just mo

  37. nonsygirl10:02 AM

    As someone who has worked as a server and a bartender, I give major slack to staff esp. if it's hectic (as I imagine it would be at a Golden Globes party), dark, multiple orders, etc. Mistakes happen and while annoying, the comments by the actress come off as condescending no matter what tone they were said in. IMHO, there's a special place in hell for people who are rude to servers and bartenders. The work is hard and people can be such dicks. It doesn't hurt to be kind and polite. I've had mistakes in my drinks or food and I just politely point it out. And servers/bartenders are cool if you're cool to them. Shit happens. In the scope of the universe a lemon and a lime is not a big deal. I mean, if she asked for vodka and was given whiskey, that would be a big mistake. But c'mon, pick your battles. Mention it kindly and I'm sure the bartender would be more than happy to take care of the issue. No reason to be mean.

  38. You can tell a lot about a person from how they treat "the help".

    And then there's Helen Mirren...who (according to the Today Show people who were backstage during the show) bussed her own table after dinner because she didn't want to "make a fuss".

  39. Malibuborebee11:12 AM

    People who are rude and nasty to those who are in no position to stick up for themselves are people of bad character.

    You do not show your temper to staff and servants. Ever. Have a quiet word and correct the mistake, fire them later over it, whatever. You never embarrass them or take them to task in front of other people. It is beyond tacky and barreling into 'totally unacceptable dickhead' territory.

  40. Shalene11:20 AM

    I can only imagine the amount of spit you've drunk throughout your life. I would never talk to my service provider that way. If anyone I'm with does I'm leaving right then. People make mistakes. Just be nice and they won't tea bag my tea

  41. meowie11:39 AM

    She's so amazing.

  42. quietstorm270812:43 PM

    Julia Louis-Dreyfus

  43. poker face2:43 PM

    From what I can tell, doesn't seem to be the site to look at if you wanna see character.

  44. poker face2:44 PM

    Real character anyways

  45. My guess is Claire Danes? Her show is getting worsening reviews and by all accounts she's a self-centered ass.

  46. Jonathan Andrew Sheen1:05 AM

    I'm on her side for this one. I don't care how "hard" food/drink prep is. Somebody's going to take it into their body. If you can't be bothered to get their order right, change your career.
