Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Blind Item #11

This former A+ list tweener turned B+ list mostly movie actor still has a chance to make it to A list unlike the rest of the people on his tweener show. Anyway, our actor turned over his social media to his publicity seeking girlfriend and she has turned it into a mess. Everything posted is about her and she spends all her time making it seem like they spend 24/7 together. The problem is she is not very good remembering which account she is signed into.


  1. Tricia133:30 AM


  2. Derek Harvey3:30 AM

    xac efron

  3. Derek Harvey3:30 AM

    zac effron

  4. sandybrook3:36 AM

    Zac's twitter is all about him, Instagram looks just like the twitter..

  5. Derek Harvey3:40 AM


  6. Derek Harvey3:44 AM

    Then we will get "my buddies and I were having a gay orgy with him last night in Hawaii it is ALL True"
    "Prove it-is Zac with Sammy or not? I said Prove IT" and it will go on for an hour

  7. sandybrook3:47 AM

    I don't know Derek, Cubs may be in school right now.

  8. mariaj4:03 AM

    i just took a look at Efron's twitter, and except some pic from a trip, is all about him, for a loong time.

    Didn't check his instagram, but i do not know how this could be about him.

  9. Just wondering, but are not High School Musical movies instead of a show?

  10. Theresa5:03 AM

    Zac Efron former tweener, 'High School Musical' Disney channel
    Sami Miro his beard.
    Yesterday she "accidently" posted a pic of herself talking in the first person on Zac's twitter and Instagam while "he" was posting pics from his Mustang his grandfather gave him
    She delete the pic. within two minutes and posted on her own accounts
    She also favors her own pics from Zac's Instagram and twitter.
    Can't trust a beard when they get angry.

  11. Here's proof this fan copied the mistake https://twitter.com/Nados1000000/status/686722399207878656

  12. Lil ol me5:22 AM

    Well it's Black Efron, oh I mean Zac Efron . He is either crazy in love with this social climber or just plain crazy. Seems she wants to give him a black makeover with his Black Panther Shirts and Rap lyrics that do say the N word. Only he thinks it's ok because he is now Black himself and dates a black woman who puts it out there that he is indeed a black matters supporter and activist.. What Efron is? Wait a minute no he isn't (she put that out there) he is too dumb without a brain in his pretty little head to know what she is doing to him, or she puts it out there that he is and he like a puppet will do anything his new puppet master tells him to do. The only thing is if Efron were really black she wouldn't date him since she only acts as a spokesperson for Black equality but only likes to date white successful men. She is quite a piece of trash and Efron better wake up soon or she will destroy his career.

  13. What the He!! is he thinking? She has done this before and she only wants to make herself look important to Zac so she favors tweets about herself and what she is doing . What an idiot to let her do that when he pays good money to have a team of professionals. I knew he never did post his own Tweets or Instagrams. What a liar he is to say he does.

  14. In the know5:39 AM

    I thought this to be Zac and Sami right off and after reading your comment it even makes more sense what has happened to Zac.
    It is a relief to read that social climber is posting for Zac but sad to know he is oblivious to what is going on.
    Time for Zac to get a new beard.

  15. Theresa5:52 AM

    This is definitely Zac and Sami and this is not the first time this mistake was made.. She was posting pics on his Instagram and twitter of Japan while he was filming on James Franco's new movie.

  16. Green5:57 AM

    There was a Blind Gossip Item last week that said Zac is trying to ease out of the fake relationship and she won't let go.
    Never go with a nonprofessional beard.

  17. Kells6:08 AM

    Zac Efron and his beard Sami. Time to cut the cord Zac, before it's too late and you slip even further down the chain. Miles, Logan and Ansel are all being considered for the Hans Solo project and you weren't even on the list.

  18. Kells6:09 AM

    Even Dave Franco is on that list!

  19. Kells6:16 AM

    Zac's fake gf Sami is posting for Zac and she constantly fucks his socials up. She's incompetent and yes they are the answer to the Blind Gossip item about the guy ready to split but can't can't because the "gf" won't let go. Get a clue Zac..your low rent movies and beard have caused your fans to completely jump ship.

  20. thisisbull26:21 AM

    just wondering if derek harvey is going to be okay, lol...

  21. thisisbull26:29 AM

    lol, finally someone agrees with me about zac dating a bottom feeding trash ni66er is just NOT okay. hopefully one of the girls on baywatch will be his type. gonna keep my fingers crossed. this low life ape is trying to turn him black:(

  22. Theresa6:30 AM

    Zac hasn't been thinking straight for some time now. He is high more than not and even in danger of losing his B/F over this.
    The B/F successfully finished a stint in rehab. last year and is trying to get Zac help once again.

  23. thisisbull27:00 AM

    in total agreement with "lil ol me". this ni66er sami forced zac to wear a black power shirt to the lakers game:( she also tried to make it seem like zac was for equality for ni66ers with the whole 'black lives matter' post to his twitter account. why would zac care about the life of a ni66er and whether or not their lives matter?

  24. i agree with you to an extent, but when zac was hooking up with michelle zac was dressing like a club hopper and his hair looked like a douche. i think at this sami is trying to pretend to be zac and act like its him when clearly it's not.

  25. i agree with you on some points. but you know sami is reading this and prolly gonna post to prove something she doesn't care what others think but she does.

  26. why are you going after me? im not a fan of sami either, but its flat out obvious this blind is bout zac and sami. so why are you hating on it?

  27. may i ask what fans? because i feel like zac fans are totally not jumping shit and honestly think its zac tweeting.

  28. why do you feel to make fun of me all the time? its not nice.

  29. Zac's big dick boy friend told him to dump the beard or he is walking. The two hate each other and Zac has been ignores Sami when he is around.
    Zac took his boy friend Winfield to Singapore and Japan for a romantic getaway then took Sami for PR.
    The two guys had a threesome while there and Zac was hooking up with guys constantly while there with Sami .
    Sami had one of her pussy posse with her.

  30. Zac spent Christmas with his family and Winfield and New Years Eve with Sami. Zac does hook up with both but likes the boys better
    Zac and Win share a male model at times.
    Ryan is so jealous

  31. Kells7:38 AM

    The fans who didn't show up for WAYF. The fans on The little JJR that you visit who see the truth;)

  32. Molly7:50 AM

    This has to be Zac Efron and his "low rent Instagram model" girlfriend. She seems to be trying really hard to make herself relevant, but it's not happening.

  33. Kells7:50 AM

    If that's really the case then okay then. He's become repulsive so if he likes the song the dong who cares?

  34. Kells7:54 AM

    Would believe you but knowing Zac, he vibes off women too much (as long as they're his type) to believe him to be gay. Sorry poor suffering little Winfield....you will be thrown under the bus in due time as will Sami.

  35. Kells7:56 AM


  36. who is ''win'' and if zac and sami didnt spend christmas together, then where was she? because her instagram looks like she was with zac?

  37. what exactly is ''low rent model instagram girfriend'

  38. Honeybunny8:01 AM

    Why do you all sound the same?

  39. how do you know this? and how do you know sami and her ''posse''

  40. because alot of these people idk who they are all want to sound like they know things and been saying zac has a ''boyfriend'' for years. im pretty sure its the same person at this point.

  41. do you really think there telling the truth on jjr? who knows, but we all sound like were just bitter and hate sami for no reason idk.

  42. Molly8:07 AM

    That was supposed to be "low rent Instagram model" girlfriend. She claims she's a model, but all her modeling is done on Instagram. :)

  43. thisisbull28:09 AM

    thanks for agreeing with me. zac needs help he is morphing into a ni66er and fans are turning away from him as am i:(

  44. Kells8:11 AM

    I don't think anyone hates her or is jealous (why would they be?) She's an opportunist who is running his reputation and socials into the ground. zac needs to get rid of ALL of the dead weight in his life. Then maybe he will be successful again.

  45. thisisbull28:15 AM

    we hate mostly her because she is a ni66er and is trying to turn his dumbass into a ni66er too and others hate her because she is not vanessa.

  46. who is ''we' your friends? also why do you keep mentioning the ''n' word?

  47. some of the ''hate'' sami is getting is uncalled for, but at the same time her instagram is open and its fair game to judge, her ''fans'' dont like when so called ''haters' judge her but its fair game for everyone else.

  48. she's been modeling for like the last couple of years it seemed and after her and zac started dating is when she randomly became a model for some reason and went after her ''dreams''

  49. thisisbull28:57 AM

    you know who 'we' are. zac listens to music that says the 'n' word so it is fair game and it is who she is and who zac is trying to become. you even subtweeted about him wanting to me a ni66er on twitter. until zac decides to date a non-ni66er, i can no longer support him. and most people agree but are too afraid to admit this.

  50. Derek Harvey8:59 AM

    I'll be fine. They scheduled the Electric shock therapy for Thursday.

  51. Zac told me and others last night. A few of us partied late and he was upset his boy friend wouldn't come over.
    He was also upset that his boy friend went to the Warner Bros party with out him Sunday night
    Win went with some body else.
    Sami was with her girl friends

  52. thisisbull29:12 AM

    Please provide pictures. we want her gone!

  53. Enty had a blind not that far back about Zac and his boy friend. They were having sex with Max and Zac was backing his boy friend up.

  54. Robert9:14 AM

    How is the racist garbage this idiot is putting up allowed to remain in public view?

  55. Robert9:16 AM

    Enty - why are these type of comments allowed to remain on the board?

  56. thisisbull29:18 AM

    i am saying what all are thinking/feeling. go fuck off somewhere, thanks!

  57. Sami doesn't always post her Instagram when it happens. She posted a pic about visiting friends after Christmas but she was there before Christmas.
    Last gay pride she spent the day with her x lesbian lover when she lived in San Fran.
    She has a pic from Palm Springs when her and some of the pussy posse visited there for a lesbian pride weekend a few years back

  58. Arnt u the same person who said that zac kicked u to the curb? And last night? There was a pic of zac and Crawford visiting Ryan on set? So ur telling me that zsc and smai are not together 24/7 and r together like 15 % of the time unlike same implies? Do u know her personally?

  59. Samis lesbian lover? You mean her friend Ashley who was on the real world exs who was dating someone else on and off?

  60. Efron is headed down the road to nowhere if he doesn't do something. I feel he is bi and his Bf should hit the road. He will never be happy with efron because he just plays and goes from one beard relay to another. Unless he comes out the BF should split. Last night he was with his druggie crew and that never ends either. those two are old BF's , the ones that stand by for quickies and are on call.

  61. I don't follow u on Twitter , well at times I do think he wants to black. So u want him to date a white woman? That won't change anything. I don't understand how Sami being black is the problem? If she was white I don't think there would be an issue. I'm not a fan of her either but it's not her race.

  62. Derek Harvey10:42 AM


  63. thisisbull210:49 AM

    Lauren why are you hating on donald trump on twitter? i thought you were a ni66er hater? or are you mad that trump not only hates ni66ers but other races too? you certainly blame ni66ers for zac acting/talking/dressing the way that he does.

  64. thisisbull210:52 AM

    don't lie lauren you mention something racist everytime zac posts something that involves his ni66let.

  65. First of all your the one who keeps saying the n word towards Sami for no reason and second what is your deal right now. Also do u really think trump is gonna become our next president? If anything calm down.

  66. Um you started this for no resson. So you shut up

  67. thisisbull211:14 AM

    i say it because you are too chicken shit to say it yourself, but you will definitely rant in codes on twitter and just jared, jr. yeah, donald trump will be our next president because you are low key going to vote for him. never said i wanted zac to be with a white woman when i don't recall him ever being with a white woman. we are both in agreement that as long as it isn't a ni66let, amirite?

  68. What is your problem with me? All I asked was why u keep saying the n word and u keep goin off on me for no reason.

  69. Derek Harvey11:29 AM

    Zac is GAY! I sucked him off twice! Now STFU!

  70. Derek Harvey12:15 PM

    That wasn't me Lauren---people post under other peoples names here

  71. thisisbull212:18 PM

    I'm not going off on you, just don't pretend that we disagree that zac should dump the black because she is trying to turn him black too

  72. Theresa1:52 PM

    It is well known in Hollywood that Zac is bi.. He loves to party and these are his go to guys. Zac's B/F is part of this crowd but stays well hidden. I have heard rumors that he does do threesomes with Zac but he went through rehab. and is now using his influence to help Zac.
    I wouldn't doubt that they ended the night with a drug fueled party.

  73. So school started back today.

  74. Kno Won Uno9:58 PM

    I'll just slither back to my cave.

  75. LaBomba10:54 PM

    Enty doesn't care and traded the security of his readers for ad and click revenue

  76. Do you think using 66 instead of gg is less offensive?

  77. Yes Zac and Win did kick a bunch of us to the curb. but he is now seeing most of us again. Has been for almost a year.
    I know about the pic. I was there that is where the party started that I was telling you about .
    Sami and Zac are not together 24/7 not even close he spends more time with his boy friend.

  78. thisisbull21:15 AM

    tourettes syndrome?

  79. thisisbull21:23 AM

    I don't know guys, we really need to ramp up the hate for this fake couple. it just seems like the same group of about 20 of us who infiltrate every message board in order to release out utter disgust in them being together. is it working? no, because when you compare the likes or thumbs up to the number of hate or negative comments, we are losing. the same 10 or so people are commenting on the just jared jr site everyday, all day, and lauren tries to get the negative conversations going everywhere else and it is just not enough. we need more people on our team. we need more blinds posted as well. we want her gone!

  80. Kells4:43 AM

    Max Joseph? Okay, that's made up bullshit. If you are going to embellish, do it in a way that is halfway plausible?
