Blind Item #7
This A list morning talk show host has a lot of fans. She would have a lot fewer if they knew our A lister was cheating on her significant other.
This A list morning talk show host has a lot of fans. She would have a lot fewer if they knew our A lister was cheating on her significant other.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A list musician from a permanent A list band is married to a former controversial reality star. Apparently she went crazy the other night and trashed their bedroom and ripped all his clothes. He says she needs to get back on her meds and she says he needs to stop cheating.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This A list singer who is known for his great voice and high Christmas album sales scours the internet every day for mentions of him and his actress "girlfriend." If there is anything negative out there he tries to shoot down the rumor or innuendo. He protests way too much.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:15 AM
Labels: blind item
I revealed this blind item from November last month but thought it seemed appropriate to revisit it considering what has happened this week in the news.
November 25, 2014
This foreign born supermodel turned reality star turned producer turned she does everything confronted this A list band member at an event Sunday and told him to get his act together. She said she knew heroin sickness when she saw it. She saw it all the time with models.
Heidi Klum/Zayn Malik
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item revisited , blind items revealed
November 28, 2014
Reminiscent of the time that Pimpa Joe Simpson was playing matchmaker and then peacemaker between Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson, this celebrity dad has been trying to marry off his barely legal daughter to this former NFL quarterback and thinks they would be a great fit and even thinks they could have their own reality show and spread the word of the Lord. There is not a day that goes by that the dad does not call or text or send a photo of his daughter.
Jim Duggar/Tim Tebow
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
December 28, 2014
This reality family owns a clothing line. They had about $500K worth of returns last quarter. They could have donated the clothes but they got a bigger tax break by having them all destroyed so decided to not help people other than themselves.
The Kardashians
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 25, 2014
It is not just a ward of words between this A list rapper and this up and coming one album wonder with the garden name. The A lister had to be physically restrained from going after the one album wonder the other night when they got within ten feet of each other. People were actually looking to see if guns were going to come out because it was that tense.
Eminem/Iggy Azalea
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
December 28, 2014
Yes that was a foreign born A list mostly movie actor who everyone knows and who has not been acting much lately at a sex club out of his home country trying out a flogger on a woman tied to a pole. Not really in the character of his holiday hit movie.
Hugh Grant
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This former A+list athlete is married and a previously busted cheater in more than one way. Well, he is at it again. He actually hooked up with the girlfriend of one of his sons while she was dating the son.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This former A list reality star from multiple shows on network and cable is pretty much hated by everyone. How she keeps getting new shows is beyond me. She will do anything to keep her rich boyfriend on the hook because she loves the money and thinks it will also be more reality opportunities. The thing is though she is constantly leaving a drug user in charge of her kid(s) while she is gone.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born A+ list celebrity who was a performer back in the day before trying to erase it from her memory is losing hair and weight after a recent cancer scare. She needs to have a biopsy done but she keeps putting it off and has been a mess for the past month.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:15 AM
Labels: blind item
This former B+ list mostly movie actor who even got a chance to be the lead in a couple of low performing comedies moved on to almost television but has moved on from that to do other things. One of those things is keeping him away from his very open minded wife and in the arms of two other women who are making his work days much easier.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind item
November 25, 2014
This B list singer is a Grammy nominee/winner. he also acts. He produces. He also has a trademarkable last name through some word play. Anyway, he says he has a girlfriend and debuted her to the world just a month or two ago. I wonder what she would think of all his Facebook profiles he has to find women online who will do what he wants and fly to see him at a moment’s notice.
Trey Songz
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 25, 2014
This amazing B+ list singer/actress/future EGOT winner keeps running into fans who are shocked that she is not really young and apparently the comments started to hit hard so she had some work done to her face and other parts of her body to lose about 20 years.
Idina Menzel
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 25, 2014
This B- list mostly television actress from a hit cable show based on a book has been causing trouble the past few weeks in her new gig. She thinks she is the biggest star on the show and acts like it and makes you feel like it every second. She also has a boyfriend so this sex thing she has going on sometimes with her co-star is a little strange.
Janel Parrish
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 24, 2014
No matter what she does, this B+ list reality star from an A list cable reality franchise never seems to make the right move. She has no professional help and just blindly stumbles along through everything with a half cocked agent/manager situation and people who are only interested in her for money. Her latest move shows just how much she is lost. She is married. Multiple times now despite her young age. She cheats. Frequently. Most of it is because she is insecure and a lot of it has to do with the fact she is wasted most of the time. She gets herself into really bad situations when she is wasted. She has faked a miscarriage for publicity because she thought it was a great idea while wasted. She has sex tapes and photos with guys who no one knows about right now. Her husband cheats on her. Her ex-husband hates her. All of this continues to drive her deeper into drugs and drink. One of the guys she cheats on with regularly wants her to make a sex tape that is professionally recorded because he thinks they will make a ton of money. They probably will, but she had to quit her main gig to make it happen. He thinks it will be the answer to all the problems, but the problem that he doesn’t see is they will just blow it all with partying and she will have some long term repercussions that will probably make her regret it for a long time.
Leah Messer (she quit and then decided to do the show after all)
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
She was grinning from ear to ear on the red carpet of her new movie, but this B list mostly movie actress married to an A+list mostly movie actor can't stand her co-star in her latest movie. He is a permanent A lister and always treated me well. She thinks he is a dirty old man. Agreed. But he is still a nice guy. Most of the time.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This A list mostly television actress who gets paid a lot of money on her hit network show had a bad reaction to some botox and can't close one of her eyes all the way. Apparently over time as the botox wears off she will be able to.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
November 21, 2014
This foreign born B- list mostly movie actor who is also an author and comedian and radio host had sex with a woman who has been calling and writing him for almost a year begging to have sex with the B- lister. He even let her spend the day with him.
Russell Brand
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
It's Friday and I'm teetering on the edge of whether my brackets will even be relevant come next weekend. Spring starts this weekend which is great for those of you who have been experiencing winter for what seems like the past two years instead of just a few months. If you want to come hang out this weekend, I will be here blogging away. If you would like to follow me on Twitter, I am @entylawyer
#1- If you want the best drugs on just about any movie set, then you have to befriend this B+ list mostly movie actor who is known for being the lead in a book turned movie franchise which is still going strong. Because of family he has access to medical grade cocaine and enough pills to open his own pharmacy. The guy is wasted almost all the time and he is happy to share.
#2- This Voice coach, not named Blake Shelton is cheating on their significant other with someone on the show.
#3- This former B list celebrity who only got that high because of the A+lister he was married to still has high name recognition. He is also cheating on his wife with any fan that wants to hook up with him. It is the main reason he took his new gig.
#4 - At the Game Of Thrones after party the other night, the very tall one from the show was in a corner of the room with two men all over her. They did not hold back very much from full on sex. No one seemed shocked at all.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
November 21, 2014
Apparently the wife of this former A+ list mostly television actor who played the same role for a couple of decades found out about the almost $1M home he bought for his eldest daughter. The new wife was ticked. Really ticked because he didn’t give similar gifts to their kids and wouldn’t let him out of the house for a very important event.
Kelsey Grammer
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 21, 2014
This A- list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is out shilling for his favorite company again overseas. The same one that makes sure he gets his fill of hookers. He will only do work for them outside the country.
James Franco/Gucci
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 21, 2014
Which hip-hop record label headed by a former A-list rapper is signing acts by the dozen but quickly shelving their albums for tax purposes. Yes, the label is that close to being broke and their two biggest artists are slowly distancing themselves from it for the fear that their future work may never come to light.
Young Money
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed , Mr. X
Apparently a little thing like being married didn't stop this A list singer/part-time reality star from hitting on several of the celebrity women he was shooting a promo with earlier this week. He asked a couple of them to come back to his hotel room with him. If one said no he would move on to the next.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Apparently this A list mostly movie actor who is filming a much anticipated sequel is not done with the baby making with multiple women. Two models say when they were having sex separately with him last week that he begged them to allow him to not use protection because he wanted another baby. One of the models said yes. The other just said he begged her but didn't say whether she agreed.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The problems this A list acting couple is having with their young child is because the mom didn't stop taking some of her medicine while she was pregnant but never told the dad. He is clueless.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This is probably not going to turn out well. For the first time in forever this B+ list mostly television actress from a very hit cable show which is ending soon was boozing it up in public. Our actress who will be forced to exclusively be in movies soon had six or seven vodka sodas in an hour. The good news is she apparently learned her drinking and driving lesson. The bad news is the guy she hooked up with was wearing a wedding ring.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
For at least the second straight relationship, this A+list mostly movie actor had his mom do the breaking up for him with a girlfriend. The time before this, the mom actually took his A-/B+ list actress girlfriend out to dinner to break the news.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and still technically married hired an escort and then made her watch him workout and get sweaty before he had sex with her. He thought it would turn her on. She said it was awful. Maybe it was some kind of rugby fantasy he had.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This mid teen Disney star who is moving from her now ended hit show to some spin off is hooking up with a record producer twice her age. I think she is a little young to be having sex for tracks but that is what she is doing. Where are the parents? She is out "recording" until sunrise with this guy and no one says anything.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
This B+ list reality star from an A list reality show must be taking a break from rehab because he was spotted in a Jaco bar picking up hookers working there and taking them with him in a black van.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
Because he takes up to two hours to get ready and sometimes just gives up before going, this former A+ list mostly movie actor has his people call the paps to tell them when our former A+ lister is actually leaving home rather than them waiting for him for hours. Even when they are told he is leaving sometimes it can be an additional hour. Is it really worth it?
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Our favorite Teen Mom was at it the other night. She told the world she was behaving, but the only person doing any behaving was the one watching her kid while the Teen Mom drugged it up and hooked up with that crew member again.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
November 19, 2014
This A+ list mostly movie actress thinks she has this B list foreign born co-star wrapped around his finger. Nope, because apparently he has been also hooking up regularly with this other B list co-star who has been really good at acting since her first role as a tweener.
Jennifer Lawrence/Liam Hemsworth/Jena Malone
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This is quite the quadrangle that is causing all kinds of tension and drama. It affects multiple relationships and a hit show too. The first person (JK) in the quadrangle is an actor who is A- list. He has been in some of the biggest movies of all time. He also has the unique way of being at the right place at the right time. He was an original in a television show. Not the one who made it famous but the one who made the role what it was. Versatile. Just check out his acting when he co-stars with the comic actor who takes up all the space on film and how in a quirky comedy/drama movie his crazy part was handled with just the right amount of seriousness while doing something ridiculous. Now JK has found his way into a hit show. A very hit show. It has resulted in lots of problems with the home life and at work.
JK isn't married, but he might as well be. A very long term relationship with a woman (JF) that has also resulted in kid(s). Because JK is not around as much as perhaps he should be, JF has been meeting other people, most of them online. She met one person who is a fan of JK and the next thing you know she is being emotionally and physically blackmailed and doing things she didn't really want to do or plan on doing with the man.
Speaking of blackmail, then you have EB. EB is a star. Foreign born as with the rest of the people in this blind. EB is being blackmailed. JK and JF know about the blackmail which is why they were a noticeable no show at a very big event involving EB. They think he should take a stand. I know, I know, but you have to remember that JK doesn't know about the blackmailing of JF or he might be more understanding. This no show has caused a huge rift between EB and JK who used to be the best of friends. EB's significant other has also been isolating EB and loves that JK and EB have had this falling out. It makes her job so much easier to not have prying ears and eyes and third party voices chiming in.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item
November 19, 2014
This C list wannabe celebrity who is only a C lister because of the A list mostly television actor she married yelled at her driver two days ago because he made her stand in the rain for five minutes. He said the police had made him move but our celebrity said that he should have just accepted a ticket and paid it because our celebrity was worth it. She also suggested he tell the police officer who he was waiting for. Ha.
Hilaria Baldwin
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 19, 2014
Her manager wanted her to pose topless. After much consideration though, the still a minor Disney tweener was told to wear as little as possible and that she could have a wardrobe malfunction. That way the sexy images could still be published which wouldn’t be legal if she was topless. All of this to make sure she got the most publicity the day her record and book went on sale.
Bella Thorne
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 17, 2014
This permanent A list singer who is an American icon and lover of hats has been buying clothes from the same dress shop for the past forty years. Every single one of those dresses has a size 12 tag in it. About thirty years ago when our singer began gaining a little weight she told the owner of the store there must be some mistake when he handed her a size 14 dress. She made it very clear to him she was a size 12 and was proud of staying a size 12. Never again has she been handed anything other than a size 12.
Aretha Franklin
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This former A+ list comedian who had the most brilliant show on cable for awhile has suffered a setback or two, mainly because of his won doing. Oh, and the drugs. Anyway, the still very funny actor was in a hotel here and was convinced the maid who came to turn the bed was the escort he ordered and that she was wearing the uniform as some kind of roleplay. He started to get angry that she was not getting undressed. The woman ran to get her supervisor and everything was all calmed down. Right when all of the staff was in the room discussing the situation, the real escort showed up at the door. Everyone quickly left the room to let the two of them have some time together.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This former A+list mostly movie actor who will probably be permanently A list despite some truly awful movie choices because the fans, especially female (and his stalkers) will always love him mad everyone's day the other day. Our actor was at a hotel pool and having a cocktail or two and was talking to a woman who was there on her honeymoon. Our actor told the bartender to buy the woman and her husband a bottle of champagne and then said that he was actually going to buy the drinks for everyone for the next hour. $20K he dropped.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item , Kindness
All is not right in the world of this newly married couple. He is a wannabe actor offspring and not the most successful actor in the family. She is not an offspring but has about as much talent as her husband. I thought they spent every second together, but apparently he found the time to hook up with a woman he met while vacationing with his wife. The hookup happened here in LA although the groundwork was laid while on vacation last month.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This B- list mostly television actress who was on a hit network ensemble show for a long time before it ended a few years back looked so happy the other night when she was out of LA on the east coast with her girlfriend. The married actress and her husband have an arrangement and completely understands and supports her and she would never leave him. When she is out of town is the only time she feels safe to be out with her long time lover.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This married Atlanta Real Housewife was acting anything but the other night. It looks like she started hooking up with her ex again which is a much much better choice than her current husband.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
"How many of these can I have?"
"Well, they are for the kids and their families here as part of the charity event."
"But I could have one or two right?"
"I suppose we could spare one or two pairs."
The former B list model who changed her last name the second she got married to that A- list celebrity musician to better cash in on it, then helped herself to twenty pairs by quickly handing them to an assistant carrying reusable grocery store bags.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This B list national television talk show host is married to a woman, but wants to come out as gay. Network executives have no idea he is contemplating this. I guess all that cheating he has been doing has been with men and not women.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
What do you do if you just lost your monthly income and one of your best friends can't do much more than walk red carpets for money? Well, if you are this B list celebrity/ex-girlfriend of an A lister and her bff former A- list singer you find two guys who are willing to drop $100K on you and take you on vacation out of the country to the Caribbean. The problem is that the two guys were not satisfied with the service so to speak and feel like they got ripped off. Yeah, who are you going to complain to?
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
This B- list mostly television actor from an acting family has been the bigger shot the past decade. Strippers in Austin don't have much nice to say about him though because he kept trying to get them to service him orally and wasn't offering more than the cost of a lap dance. He said they should be willing because he is a celebrity.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
All those trips to Miami paid off for this married reality star from multiple reality shows. It is why she had to recently travel outside the country. She had her people find a couple of meaningless interviews to make it look like work, but talking was not the work she was paid to do.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
November 14, 2014
Which A list actor/comedian is contemplating not promoting his latest movie because he knows it will probably continue his losing streak at the box office?
Adam Sandler
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed , Mr. X
This actress used to be A list. By some definitions she was probably A+ list. Off the top of my head I can think of four or five movies that she was the female lead or biggest lead. Top billed. A nice little run. No one liked working with her more than once. There were not a lot of crews or cast that signed up for a second shot with our actress. Even now that technically has two franchises she is in at the same time, her appearances with co-stars are very limited. She does promotional work on her own away from other cast. She usually alternates premieres and rarely travels to any premiere other than NYC. No overseas stuff for her. Mental illness runs in her family and in her case it leads to a lot of paranoia. A lot of paranoia. An A list celebrity at the time boyfriend used to have to answer for his actions and whereabouts 24/7. Not just jealousy which is what you would think but paranoia that he was doing things and actions other than just cheating for which he had to account. Same thing with a celebrity husband. The thing about both of these men were they were gone for long periods of time or else there is no way this would work out well. She thinks people follow her all the time. She thinks everyone is out to harm her. She has employed a food tester during periods of her life for fear of poisoning. She protects her house not only with alarms and armed security patrols but also chants and salt patterns. She can be incredibly nice one second and the next second is screaming at you with spit flying out of her mouth. She can spend one minute throwing things at your head trying to kill you and the next trying to have sex with you. These are not isolated incidents. It is why she backed down from an expected challenge about 18 months ago. It was not even her enemies who threatened her with revealing these things to the public, but her one or two only friends because they thought it would do even more harm than good.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item
November 12, 2014
This former A list tweener is playing a very difficult game. She tries to hide the two relationships she is involved in from her estranged husband because he will stop paying all of the bills if he finds out that he doesn’t really have a chance at a reunion. He doesn’t, but hasn’t figured it out yet and keeps shelling out serious money every month.
Hilary Duff (I think he figured it out and she ended up still making him look like the really bad guy)
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 10, 2014
This former A-/B+ list mostly television actress who no longer acts much thanks to a controlling A list husband has some control issues of her own. Her husband got sent a screener of a movie starring his almost A list ex and apparently he didn’t throw it away fast enough. Our actress went ballistic and screamed at him and accused him of still wanting to sleep with his ex and was so out of control that she was spitting and hyperventilating.
Blake Lively/Ryan Reynolds/Scarlett Johannson
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
November 5, 2014
This B list mostly movie actor who missed out on a second chance in a big franchise has had some issues with women and violence in the past. This weekend he let things get out of hand again but convinced the woman to take money instead of calling the police.
Terrence Howard
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This former tweener before there was the term tweener has been working almost non-stop since those days but is in the midst of trying to find new work so she is doing product placement photos. While trying to do one recently she got into an argument with people to move out of her way so they would not be in the shot and she was not pleasant at all in her dealings with them. It was a public store and not roped off.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Things are getting kind of ripe in the hotel room of this A list mostly movie comic actor. The actor orders room service by the metric ton but never has anyone remove the trays or dishes and gets upset if someone attempts to do so. This has been going on for almost a week at this point. The longest he previously went before this was just a couple of days.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This pair took up right where they left off. This former reality singer turned actress turned homewrecker has a significant other but he got pushed aside so she could hookup again with an old flame who is going to help direct a one time thing.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress who is probably that high on the list because of her name recognition which didn't come about in the best way possible told some people at her current place of employment this week that she is scared of her significant other. Probably a good reason for that judging by recent events.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This Twilight actor has gone through a string of women to convince you he is straight but at a party the other night he let loose with another guy. They stripped each other down to almost nothing for some dancing and were making out and groping while doing shots.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This B list mostly television actress was actually in town to promote a movie even though she made her fame in two hit television shows, one network and one not.. Aging, but not old, this actress is married and was blitzed and happy and making out with several different men while also trying to find a suitable cowboy belt buckle or perhaps she was trying to take off their jeans. It was tough to tell.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor is A list when he is in that long running sci-fi franchise. He was recently out of the country because he found a new person to be his beard. It took him awhile to find just the right person and definitely doesn't want what happened last time to repeat itself. The foreign born model he was with before literally overnight walked out when she got a better financial offer from that closeted A+ list mogul who just can never seem to find the right woman to settle down with.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
This A list singer in a group or solo who also does a little part-time network reality and some other side projects is the customer of a company that she does business with daily. They have offered to come to her home multiple times but she always says no. If she said no, then she would get papped very infrequently and also not get a chance to show off her clothes and other merchandise.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
What C-list mostly movie actor who was B-list when he was co-starring in that franchise based on a book series stepped out with his boyfriend for the first time? He referred to him as his "manager".
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X
This is a long one, so bear with me. There have been very few times when this A/B-list host has really lost her temper. The most recent incident was last year, when she was scheduled to have this former A+ list diva on her show to promote her then-latest album. A few days before the live show, the diva's PR people marched the host's offices military style, with a complete list of demands presented to the host. Among them: that the show be pre-taped, that she only be filmed from her good side, that a full mini-bar be installed backstage, that she lipsync her song she was to perform, no mention of her split from her soon-to-be-ex husband, etc. Well, the host laid down the law to them and didn't agree to any of their terms. With that, the angry PR people decided to cancel the interview (without the diva's approval, mind you) and marched out of her office. As an act of revenge, the host booked the diva's arch rival, a fellow pop diva, not once but twice. But the diva may appear on the show after all in a few months to promote her new gig which might prove to be the comeback she needs. The host and the diva actually had a phone conversation a few weeks ago, and she revealed that she hired some new PR people because she was angry at how they bungled the promo for her album and she was glad she didn't appear on the show then because it would've been a nightmare.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X
What B/C-list foreign born actor who co-starred in a fantasy franchise not too long ago celebrated his new cable TV series with a trip to a WeHo club? He was seen stuffing dollar bills into a male go-go dancer's Speedo and later went home with him.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:15 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X
What A-list actor (and closeted bisexual) who stars in several action franchises isn't really dating that foreign born B-list actress and celeb spawn? It was more like an extended hookup which capped off with a threesome with another man involved.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X
November 4, 2014
Which A++ list actor and Oscar winner/nominee used one of his PR people as a decoy? The actor had the PR person dressed in his clothes as a disguise. He also paid some scantily clad hookers to pose with his fake self for staged paparazzi shots.
Leonardo DiCaprio
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
It's St. Patrick's Day, so of course these people are all going to be Irish born.
#1 - This Tony Award winner is probably better known for her cable role on a great History Channel show. Anyway, her B list mostly movie actor boyfriend (also Irish born) has been cheating with her with a woman he met on the set of that monster box office franchise that has finally finally ended.
#2- This B- list mostly movie actress who is offspring of an A lister (also Irish born) overdosed when she was a teen and sent to rehab and no one ever knew.
#3 - This BAFTA award winning actor is best known in the US for this book turned into a movie. For the past couple of years though he has only been able to get work in Europe because he got drunk on the set of the book turned movie which disappointed and beat up a crew member.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item
October 31, 2014
This former B+ list mostly movie actress who is a C list talent with A+ list name recognition and partying skills was forced to recently deny a relationship after she was threatened with a lawsuit for leaking that she was involved in a relationship with an actor.
Lindsay Lohan/Tom Cruise
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
October 28, 2014
It was pretty obvious from the second this A list mostly television actress from a hit network show first saw her boyfriend after a few weeks that he had been cheating. She doesn't care though as long as it does not interfere with performance. Her last boyfriend did it and she does it and just expects it. She would prefer he cleaned up after them though because she says she found an earring and hair pins and other things.
Sofia Vergara/Joe Manganiello
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
October 28, 2014
This B list mostly television actor might not have been in much since his hot pay cable show went off the air, but hey, he did have a movie of it too. Anyway, he goes through women like water and since he goes through them so quickly he makes them pay for everything. Sometimes he will buy a cup of coffee, but if they want dinner or a movie or anything that involves money being paid out before sex that day he makes them pay.
Adrian Grenier
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor who does superheroes and car commercials equally well had so many women throwing themselves at him that he ended up taking two or three at a time back to his room on three separate occasions during just one night.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A list model turned actress who is not that great of an actress but has movies and a failed television show under her belt is married. Her roommate in her hotel room over the weekend though was a male executive and the two have been hooking up for some time now.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This A list rapper had a seizure after performing a show over the weekend. Apparently he has been having them again but has wanted to keep them quiet.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This former A list tweener turned solo artist who is having a good year got into an argument with this B+ list rapper who is one of the biggest tickets in town. Apparently the tweener started talking smack about the girlfriend of the rapper. The tweener knows all of the guys she has hooked up with over the past couple of years and told the rapper he was just a number and another step on the ladder.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A+ list diva/former A+ list singer turned A lister had a reunion of sorts with her ex. They spent some time on the floor of his office hiding out from staffers and definitely his wife as they listened to the A lister's old music. She wants him to resurrect her career and push her back to A+ list status. Hope he told her to lay off the booze.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This former A list tweener is tired of other people getting all the attention she feels she deserves. Her singing comeback was a disaster and her return to acting has not been much better. So, she took matters into her own hands but called it inspiring others. Such a crock. She wants a reality show and offers for appearances and thinks this will get it for her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
They both have significant others but it didn't stop this former A list singer who is currently a B lister and part-time actor from hooking up with his actress ex. Apparently this is a fairly frequent thing they do. Considering how much the significant other of the actress cheats on her there is not much he can say.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
This mid-teen A- list Disney star is about to move into the getting close to legal category. To celebrate, her parents let her get some work done. Actually more than a little. Her face looks nothing like it did six months ago. She is already using fillers and injections and makes her look much older. Maybe that is what she is going for.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
This A+ list mostly movie actor was in town for something other than acting. He also has a type. He has a significant other but it didn't stop him from hooking up with this C+ list mostly movie actress who is a co-star in a buzzy movie with some higher listed television and movie actresses.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This twice lucky B+ list mostly television actor has two hit network shows to his credit. Different networks and both ensembles, but still, quite the streak. Yes, that was the foreign born actor taking a brief nap on the sidewalk after drinking too much. He fell asleep while one of the two people he was with went to get the car. Another stood by and watched him sleep.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
October 27, 2014
Going from the bed of a stripper you hook up with to an anniversary dinner is just about on par for this reality husband.
Joe Giudice
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Did he take a knife and kill her? A gun? Nope. No weapons. He knew she had a drug problem. He knew she would d anything to be with him. He liked controlling her. He flat out told her that they would see each other when he wanted them to see each other and that he would f**k whoever he wanted whenever he wanted and that she needed to be ready for him all the time. When she would start to push back or fight him he would talk her into doing more drugs. He has admitted he used her to stay famous. She was an A+ lister. A permanent one at that. He was a nobody who got lucky. Fame was fleeting. Now he is known for the same thing he was known for then. Nothing has changed. He is out there with other women, taking advantage. Gets them to do things they don't really want to do or had not planned on doing and bides his time. He picks the ones he thinks are going to be stars. The A+ lister was already a star. She was trying to get clean when he came into her life. He says he didn't like having sex with her but would do so every once in awhile just to make sure she was hooked and to think he cared for her. He was there when she died. Taking the drugs he made sure she got. He says now that he played it wrong and should have married her. Then she could die.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item
October 26, 2014
Do you remember that episode in Friends where the guy was no fun when he was sober, but everyone loved him when he was drunk? This A+ list singer has been sober for over 30 days now and everyone who sees her says they have never seen her more depressed and that she is like a robot going through the motions of each day and there is no spark in her any longer.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
October 26, 2014
This former ANTM favorite is a huge favorite of the Silicon Valley crowd because she makes all their nerd fantasies come true. It is expensive, but they love they have seen her on multiple reality shows and “gets them.”
Adrianne Curry
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
October 25, 2014
This former A list tweener not named Zac Efron was hanging out with his drug dealer friend who he had not been seen with in a few months. The last time they were together our tweener almost died.
Joe Jonas
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This foreign born B- list mostly television actress is on a show that is the brainchild of the movie version of the television show. Our actress is not shy about fame. She hooked up with the foreign born movie actor who is the lesser known member of his own acting family despite being in that franchise. She hooked up with him for two days just to get her name in the press. It worked. The creator of the show called her in and they have been hooking up since. At SXSW though she was hooking up with a different producer trying to land a movie deal. She better hope her boss does not find out or she will find her character dead on the show.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This B list mostly television actor from that network comedy that seems to have had a million homes/part-time host gave a ride to five attendees from his own event to another they were attending. They asked him as a joke but he told them all to pile in and apparently did a 20 minute stand up routine for them during the drive.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item , Kindness
This OITNB actress down in Austin for something else wins the partier of the day award. If you ever wanted to be flashed by a B- lister and made out with, whether you are male or female, then the other night was your night. Hopefully the nasty gash on her arm from the drunken fall she took on the restroom floor will be ok soon.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This former B+ list mostly movie actor who was in that huge franchise that seemed to film for two decades turned quirky television actor almost got into a huge fight with a guy at The Iron Bear. Apparently a patron mispronounced the actor's first name a few times and our actor slapped the guy on the face. Not a good idea. The actor was soon surrounded by five or six other guys before someone managed to break it up.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born A- list celebrity who also does acting didn't show up for an event where he was scheduled to make an appearance. An apparent slip in his sobriety. He has been having quite a few of those lately. Sixth Street at night is probably not the best place to stay sober.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This B list mostly television actor from a long running network show now gone turned DJ who really does not need to do either to be richer than most of the world is married, but when he was out of town working this weekend he spent a lot of time working a college student he met earlier in the day. Not like our actor is a stranger to cheating.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
He might have said he changed his ways but this foreign born former A+ list tweener turned A- list singer who needs a new hit record soon insisted as part of his appearance at a recent Vegas event that all the women who served his table must be open to having sex with him. Apparently there was no trouble finding those women. With him? Really?
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
Leave it to her to cause havoc in Hermes. This MTV staple/part-time hooker berated her boyfriend/sugar daddy in Hermes NYC this weekend when he would not drop $75K on a crocodile Birkin for her. She had to settle for a bag that cost just under $10K. Not even a thank you from her. The guy who waited on them said she was awful.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
This A list singer/diva who has been slipping with her performances over the past year or two because of her drinking performed again this week at a charity event. While she was meeting people, one of her earrings fell off and slipped down into her cleavage beneath her dress. She put up her hand to stop a person from talking, whispered in the ear of an assistant behind her who called someone who then came out to the front of the party and proceeded to reach down the dress of our A lister and pull out the earring and put it back in her ear. At that point, the diva's hand came down and she resumed her interrupted conversation.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item
October 24, 2014
This professional beard/B+ list mostly television actress most recently seen on a hit pay cable show is now offering to get pregnant for a guy if the price is right. She wants a baby and figures she might as well get paid for it.
Olivia Munn
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This former A list mostly television actress from a long running hit pay cable show which aired just under 100 episodes who is now the same character in every movie in which she appears was chain smoking the other night but only taking a puff or two before tossing it away. Ten seconds later she would do the same thing. Pacing and shaking. Something she wants to tell us? She went through two packs like this in under an hour.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:15 AM
Labels: blind item
October 22, 2014
This A list mostly television actress from a very hit network show let it slip at an event the other day that she had not seen her husband in weeks and only speak to him once every three or four days when he checks on someone in their life.
Kerry Washington
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
When this former A list celebrity/B list reality star turned B list celebrity with A list name recognition got engaged the other day, the ring was paid for by her mom.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:45 AM
Labels: blind item
October 21, 2014
This D- lister got a nice double payout this week. One check from a tabloid and one from the B+ list reality star on a long running MTV franchise who gave him some money for taking her side in a rumor. Probably going to be a week long bender for him with that kind of money.
Robbie Kidd/Leah Messer cheating with another guy
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
I wonder if this A+ list mostly movie actor knows or even suspects that his bff/A+ list mostly movie actor hooked up with the A+ lister in her own mind more than once.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:15 AM
Labels: blind item
October 21, 2014
This A+ list everything in her mind but in reality a B list singer/actress/reality star was begging this A list singer/songwriter for songs for her new record and implied she would be willing to hook up with him if he wanted. He passed on both offers and says he wanted to work with younger singers.
Jennifer Lopez/Bruno Mars
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This former A list singer in a group turned actress turned B list solo actress who had some very big problems with the law was popping hillbilly heroin the other night like crazy before getting violent and trashing her dressing room. She then gave a truly awful performance. I thought she was off that downward spiral.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:45 AM
Labels: blind item
December 29, 2014
This B+ list reality star says he has had sex with the sister of his significant other more than he has had sex with his significant other in the past year. Classy family.
Scott Disick/Khloe Kardashian
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This former tween actress was on a very hit network family show. Since then she has watched her former cast mates have a resurgence in popularity, but not her. So, she has decided to go in completely the opposite route and has shot five pornos which she thinks will be in big demand because she is attracting quite the following because of her recent risque behavior.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:15 AM
Labels: blind item
December 31, 2014
It must be pretty tough to be attached to someone forever when you blame them for your own bad reviews. Well, that is what this A+ list mostly movie actor thinks when it comes to his debut part-time gig.
Ryan Gosling/Eva Mendes/His directorial debut
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This very attractive B list singer didn't want to have tracks badly enough to want to have sex with this really short celebrity who used to be with an A+ list singer turned recluse. So, the producer started trashing her to every person he can think of to try to get her to give in to his demands. Considering our B lister used to be with one of the celebrity's best friends just makes it super creepy.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
December 31, 2014
This A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner recently got busted having sex on a pyramid and had to pay a huge bribe to stay out of jail.
Matthew McConaughey
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
For the past two years, this former A list mostly television actress turned celebrity turned reality star for a paycheck has been earning $20K a week for a two hour session with a man. It ended recently but she got a huge bonus.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind item
December 31, 2014
This recently demoted east coast (not ATL) Housewife was doing her best to pick up guys half her age this past week while on vacation. She struck out until gave one some cash to be with her during the rest of her visit.
Ramona Singer
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed