This B list mostly movie actress who is only B list from past work and her name, thankfully does not act much any longer. She is married to an A lister. Our actress, who has A+ list name recognition was taking a class with some other women and it was a five night thing. One of the women in the class went by herself. Every night. On the third night, our actress asked her about it and they got to talking. The woman's boyfriend is overseas serving in the military and because the couple is not married he has to wait for regular leave and can't come see the woman, who is pregnant even if she has the baby. Our actress made some calls to people she knew and nothing could change that, but they all did say that the policy would be different if the couple were to get married. So, our actress flew the woman to the country where her boyfriend is serving. Private. No commercial because they would not let the woman fly. Our actress paid for every last thing and the couple got married. The actress flew the woman back home and has her staying at her house until she gives birth and then is going to fly the new husband back to the US so he can spend more time with his new wife and baby and not taking all of his vacation flying.