Monday, December 21, 2015

Today's Blind Items - Anything For A Paycheck

This foreign born singer was popular back in the day. A list at one point. It was brief, but she was definitely A list. She managed to keep up her career for almost a decade and made a lot of money. The thing is though a lot of that money was funny money. Sure, she sold a lot of records. A whole lot. She also toured. A lot. The problem is there was a three year period where she was making no money but sinking a ton into a new record which crashed and burned by the way. So, she has all these huge expenses but not much money coming in. Plus, the money she had coming in she was forced to split with a bunch of different entities. So, bring in the personal performances. The $50K for an office party or a birthday party. Then one day someone offered $100K for a private performance and that performance had our married singer spending the night. The next thing you know she was rolling in dough. $100K here and there at least a couple of times a month. She would sing a few songs and then spend a few hours or night with the host. Things were great until people started talking about one of her performances and the massive amount of money she received. To keep everyone from asking too many questions, she cut everything off. She got that thing out of the media super quickly and since then has been scared to death to ever do the private performance thing. This has caused her to really lower her standard of living. Hopefully she can get a judging gig somewhere.


  1. MontanaMarriott2:12 AM

    Alanis M?

  2. Kno Won Uno2:14 AM


  3. sandybrook2:15 AM


  4. MontanaMarriott2:15 AM

    Or maybe Nelly Furtado?

  5. Tricia132:18 AM


  6. Kno Won Uno2:21 AM

    I found a site with info on Brandy Norwood that says her 'event' bookings are in 'heavy rotation'.

  7. Shania Twain?

  8. Ibebackyo2:23 AM

    Olivia Newton John and xanadu crashed bigtime

  9. Kno Won Uno2:23 AM

    Oh, FML! Nor foreign-born.
    OK< but I'd like to go on record as guessing her for domestically produced "heavy rotation" event girl.

  10. Tricia132:23 AM

    Breathrough and success from about 1998- 2005, then worked on album with new producers from06-08 that was a big commercial failure...then "hiatus".

  11. Kno Won Uno2:24 AM

    She might be perma-A list, but maybe not. Enty's, like, 15.

  12. Ibebackyo2:24 AM

    Make all your dreams come true in xanadu

  13. TopperMadison2:25 AM

    Nah. Her hips don't lie.

  14. Ibebackyo2:25 AM

    But this would have been scandalous in the 80s though

  15. TopperMadison2:28 AM

    Natalie Imbruglia?

  16. Kno Won Uno2:31 AM

    Not to mention, let me hear your body talk. Sweatbands & hairspray were the shit.
    I bet we'd have sweated less if we didn't wear legwarmers.

  17. Tricia132:32 AM

    Xanadu was magic....."suddenly" is on one f my playlists- no lie:)

  18. Pia Zadora

  19. Oh! That girl from the Pussycat Dolls

  20. Oops. Just read "foreign born".

    Scratch both guesses

  21. Samantha Fox

  22. MontanaMarriott2:46 AM

    That bitch made me beeeeeeeg my parents for rollerskates and I would rollerskate all over the house much to their chagrin LOL

  23. Tricia132:57 AM

    Hell yeah!
    She and the Andy Gibb lookalike lead guy who had the acting skills of a potato were--- everything!how the amazing Gene Kelly wound up in that still mystifies me!

  24. mariaj2:58 AM

    Kilye Minogue? Just throwing out a name, i didn't check times or compatibility.

  25. hothotheat3:06 AM

    Samantha Fox has changed teams and been with her GF for many years now. I think this is Natalie Imbruglia.

  26. Caitlyn3:15 AM

    Natalie imbruglia and Shakira aren't married . Out of above guesses only Dido, shania and Nelly are I think. Shania was A+for a while, may even be perm A and Nelly didn't have a decades worth of record success I don't think.Dido fits-- she did have an album"Life for Rent"??!maybe hers was!

  27. Caitlyn3:18 AM

    Not married either.

  28. DoctorMaybe3:20 AM

    Xanadu the MOVIE crashed and burned; the soundtrack was a smash success. 5th most popular soundtrack in the US in 1981, two hit singles... and her follow-up album, Physical, was her sixth top ten album, the title track alone spent ten weeks at the top of the charts.

  29. Sheena Easton

  30. MontanaMarriott3:23 AM


  31. mariaj3:25 AM

    Ops, " married" singer, i missed that, so, ok, not Kylie.

  32. Yeah. I need to bone up on my reading comprehension.

    I missed both "foreign" and "married".


    Sheena Easton sounds about right.

  33. Janine R.3:47 AM

    Sheena intrigued me--used to love her. Checked her out and while she isn't married now she has been married like 5 times for a year or less! Can you say--- issues?

  34. lila fowler5:12 AM

    I thought she was married now?

  35. Unemployable6:06 AM

    As I type this there is an angry mob of potatoes gathering to demand an apology. His name was Michael Beck, by the way. He enjoys a small amount of cult status due to his lead role in Walter Hill's 1979 dystopian sci-fy flick "The Warriors"

  36. sandybrook7:28 AM


  37. Marci8:31 AM

    Dido can be hired for private events. I think this is her....

  38. hooper11:46 AM

    It's Nelly Furtado

  39. Trixie12:27 PM

    Has never NOT had money coming in since her first hits. Those old records kept selling, even when she wasn't in the public eye. She's never been hurting for money since she hit it big, even with the divorce.

  40. I thought about this a bit, being the oldtard that I am and I'm going to guess Kim Wilde. She fits into a lot of this, is married, and had a flop album.

  41. Tricia1310:39 PM

    I'm sorry taters/ spuds of the world- fwiw I love and cherish you on a culinary basis!That is right-- he was in another film and did have some success with it. I think he was better suited to that genre (in warriors),hey- roller skates, Electrical Light Orchestra, and Gene Kelley can all in one film can throw off anyone's acting game....?

  42. Unemployable12:45 AM

    I really liked Xanadu too. I asked for roller skates for Christmas and everything. (Please don't tell anybody I said that. Seriously, I'll give you money if you promise not to tell anyone that I said that.)

  43. Tricia137:12 AM

    I promise I won't $ necessary though-you're comments are awesome and make me chuckle- no price tag on that:)
    I totally tried to rock pastels and head bands( even though I was pretty young) and I even saw ELO at one point in concert:) secrets shared- we even!
