Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mr. X Blind Item #1

There was no such thing as being nice to or interacting with the troops when this A+ list singer performed on a military base. The singer refused to speak to any of the troops except when she was required to. No autographs or photos.


  1. sandybrook3:35 AM


  2. Tricia133:50 AM

    Mariah or Madonna
    Likely Mariah .

  3. Courtney4:01 AM

    Then why f'n go?? My boyfriend to this day still talks about when Robin Williams and Mr Belding came and visited with the troops and how amazing they were to them. How they took the time to genuinely talk to and take pics with anyone who wanted. He also said robin Williams didn't want to just stand next to you, he put his arm around you and pulled you close like you were an old buddy and then had them take the pic. My boyfriend was genuinely saddened to hear of Robin's passing and went and pulled out the pics of them two and reminisced. People like Robin are pure class and gave the troops an awesome memory. People like the BI states are of no use to me and would do well just to stay the hell home.

  4. Tricia134:08 AM

    I totally agree @ Courtney- Robin was solid gold as far as people go.And a real artist. One often finds, the more diminutive and meager the actual talent- the more monstrous the ego. Interesting paradox, but it lives on (think Lohan, Gaga, Madonna(to a degree),Franco , Ryan Reynolds and the lust goes on. True pros don't talk. And there humble.....

  5. Tricia134:09 AM


  6. Simon4:16 AM

    You are so right. Robin Williams worth 1,000 of those prima Donna losers...

  7. Courtney4:17 AM

    Thanks Tricia :) the "quality of talent" these days is a joke. People don't know how to treat others anymore and they're high on their own inflated ego. A little kindness goes a long way, no matter how many know your name or how many digits are in your bank account.

  8. Tricia134:19 AM

    Sad, but so true

  9. baumyak4:22 AM

    Couldn't agree more. Love hearing stories about how awesome Robin was, thanks for sharing.

  10. Would not it be on Social Media by now? Cannot find it at this moment.

  11. Bitch!
    I hope this gets disclosed soon.
    Will speak evil about her and mark her as ungrateful.

  12. http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles/rihanna-teases-new-music-at-virginia-military-base-153888/


  13. Sbreezy294:40 AM

    They should definitely be outted on the next reveal day!!!

  14. kpist4:40 AM

    JLO did a concert for troops in Germany in 2001. Riri did some concert for valor but that was in DC at the mall, not on a base.

  15. Courtney4:44 AM

    My boyfriend just got home so I asked him to make sure I had my facts correct :)
    Robin Williams, Mr Belding, and Joan Jett all came to Pakistan on the USO tour.
    He said Robin indeed was wonderful to them all and looked at everyone's name badge and made sure to call them by their name. Treated them all like family and made sure to genuinely interact with all of them.
    He said Mr Belding was great, too, and is from Chattanooga TN so as soon as he found out they were from Knoxville he considered them "his people" and hung out with them for hours.
    Joan Jett set up a small stage at their tents and put on a killer show for them all and was very pro troops. When the prayers started over the loudspeaker in the next town, she cranked it up and made sure to drown them out so the soldiers would hear music and not the prayers.
    All of this was in Pakistan, not stateside.

  16. gemblue4:52 AM

    this sounds like beyonce or RiRi

  17. NoseyNeighbor5:13 AM


  18. back again6:11 AM

    @Courtney,Great story there-- thanks ...it makes me still sooo sad about Robin though--gosh what a good soul he was---and thank your boyfriend for his service!

  19. back again6:14 AM

    +10000 on thewse awesome inside stories--thanks @ Courtney! again your beau rocks for serving...in Pakistan!!! scary stuff!!

  20. Kno Won Uno6:41 AM

    Absolutely. The fact that people who post selfies are now 'Instagram models' sums up the current standards for talent/celebrity. There aren't any.

  21. Courtney6:52 AM

    Aww I will most definitely thank him! And thank you!! I'm glad I had some happy info to share with you all :) those are the kind of stories I enjoy hearing so if I know any, I always try to pass them on.

  22. meowie7:05 AM

    I've no guesses to add. But whoever this is needs a major attitude adjustment. These soldiers are putting their lives on the line, "you" sing - high probability with autotune or voice overlays, probably lip sync and wear next to nothing, mistaking it for genius. In short, what you call being a diva is really just being a big b*tch. Get over yourself!

  23. Midge never performed for troops. I'm with the Riri guess. Mariah sound possible too, but Riri's performance was more recently.

  24. ellie2:03 PM

    ^this x infinity!

  25. Rocky1:14 AM

    Who is this G!#h??? Oh HELL NO!!! Again, why go if you're not going to interact? Please out this G@$h !!!

  26. I'm a day late, but enjoyed this thread tremendously. Nice to hear Courtneys stories. I just want to add a guess. When I hear of this attitude, I think of Arianna Not so Grande.
