Sunday, December 13, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #8

September 11, 2015

Apparently this A list talk show host has learned no lessons. The married host was bombed out of his mind at a club and loved all the attention he was getting from women and got lots of phone numbers.

Jimmy Fallon


  1. Snarknado.com3:19 AM

    Heading for a "carsh and bern".

  2. Sadie5:42 AM

    Really? Why does Fallon set off my gaydar?

  3. Sarahelizabeth6:05 AM

    Wow! Just watched "soaked in bleach" Courtney definitely had her hand in killing Kurt cobain.

  4. Snarknado8:42 AM

    Wonder if she had her bandmate done in too? Kristen was supposed to be having an affair with Kurt.

  5. meowie9:20 AM

    Felt the same way after watching it.

  6. Not because it's designed to make you feel that way, or anything.

  7. Batman1:06 PM

    Bat signal to Derek Harvey: please come back. New names are being issued hourly. Take one!

  8. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)1:06 PM

    I came away from it feeling like the detective was grasping at straws to make it look like Courtney was in on it. I don't really have an opinion about whether she did or not but when I really looked at the detective's theories and evidence critically, there really was no evidence.

  9. Never surprised by these blinds. My friend and I met him when we were in high school and he tried to buy weed off of us
