Thursday, December 03, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 24, 2015

I’m not sure why comic convention organizers even invite this B+ list mostly television actor from a hit cable show. Sure, the show is popular, but once again he managed to be hammered for the entire event and was pawing and groping any fan who showed any interest in him. I think he goes for the fan attention and because the women come to him and he does not have to do any work. Plus, the free booze.

Norman Reedus


  1. Tricia132:31 AM

    Where's my new commentator friend @mmmm-- thats ya boy:)

  2. Why? B/c he's hot and Daryl is the best That's why. Bethyl forever!

  3. Sharper Teeth4:14 AM

    because the people at comic cons fucking love him, maybe????

  4. Whaaaaat? Any fan??? Even well over barely legals???? All shapes and sizes ??? Normie tsk tsk
    I gotta get to one of these conventions sometime lol. He can grope me all he wants. I promise to be a good sport and do ALL the works. Ya...

  5. OT: I saw Sebastian Roché at a fan event and he was totally coked out of his mind.

  6. back again9:35 AM

    +1000 -he's one of their most popular draws.

  7. Eclectic10:07 PM

    I'm shocked he didn't have a line forming for the opportunity to be hit on by Norman! He's the fan favorite of a wildly popular show. Damn Enty, he's Darryl Dixon!

  8. HeyThere11:54 PM

    whatttttt??? Really? I loved him in Supernatural I would have never thought he was into coke.

  9. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~4:10 AM

    i think he will be killed off by negan instead of glen in february when the show comes back on the air.

  10. Shityoucantbuy6:07 AM

    The Norman-is-a-drunk-blinds kinda bother me, because I always hear that he is polite and nice with fans and makes sure he talks to every one of them during conventions. He have read he does stare at boobs a lot (but ok, who wouldn't, especially if the fangirls push them in his face). Also the blinds about him yelling at girls when he is wasted, running down the street yelling while drunk.. Where are the pics of that? This guy is stalked by fans irl and no one is an eye witness to all his drunkness?

  11. Shityoucantbuy6:10 AM

    I think that would be TWD-suicide, because people love Daryl more than they love Rick or Michonne. I would be most upset if Carol dies, I LOVE her. Love Daryl too, but he is kinda boring lately, not a lot of storyline/screentime. That could be a bad predictor for the future, so maybe you are right.
    In the comics Glenn is Rick's right hand man, in the show Daryl is. So they could indeed do a switch.

  12. Shityoucantbuy6:10 AM

    *I have read

  13. shirleytwizzletits10:26 AM

    I need more gossip about Norman,esp. from sources who have boned him. I want to know how good he is.
