Monday, December 28, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 18, 2015

This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee recently blew off a charity meet and greet. Several people had paid $10K to meet the actress and attend a premiere. They got to be at the premiere, but the actress said she had a headache. It didn’t stop her from partying all night though.

Jennifer Lawrence


  1. Zilla11:46 AM

    The more I read about her and hear what she has to say, the less I like her.

  2. Tapioca2:08 AM

    she was probably busy sucking dicks for more roles.

  3. aemish2:14 AM

    I don't see what the big deal about this girl was in the first place...

  4. huggiebearisme2:27 AM

    When you have the success she's had you don't need to suck dicks for parts anymore. Dick sucking for parts is over for her, unless her career completely goes off the rails, then she's going to have to go back to doing that. Now she's doing it because she's a skank.

  5. Courtney2:30 AM

    She reminds me of "friends" I used to have. The girls who soooo desperately tried to make themselves the cool, quirky, everyone's friend, "guys girl" but they failed miserably once people began to see right thru them. She just seems incredibly fake to me.

  6. Ammin2:54 AM

    You are confussing her with Kristen Stewart

  7. Thatan2:58 AM

    She doesn't need to do meet & greets anymore, she's not doing shows for the WB. She needs to get new management if they are signing her up for that kind of shite.

  8. Honeybunny4:15 AM

    Luv this girl but her attitude stinks.

  9. I think she's overrated & overexposed (in every sense of the word), but even if I felt differently I wouldn't pay to spend time with her. Who pays 10K to meet anyone?!

  10. Anne B.5:18 AM

    She was "adorable."

  11. Molly5:26 AM

    Julia Roberts will forever be the most overrated actress ever, but this one might actually come close. Also, incredibly immature and not so bright.

  12. syvyn115:29 AM

    Let's just remember, last week Ms. Lawrence spent several hours at Louisville's Koscar Children's Hospital. She was talking to patients and staff. She brought presents for all the kids who had to spend Christmas in the hospital.

    When she stands up for Louisville, I say good for her.

    Proudly from Louisville for all 47 years of my life!

  13. Molly5:34 AM

    Yeah, she appears to be doing this only when promoting that film of hers, that received lukewarm reviews.

  14. Riven5:36 AM

    I admit that I liked her at first. But she looks far too young for many of her roles and the influence of the good ole boys club in Hollywood is becoming obvious (and annoying).

    Like say Joy, where she looks like a child playing dress up in the Rocky Mountain Couture side of mommy's closet.

  15. Puffy7:15 AM

    You'd be amazed at what people will fork over to meet their "idol". After all, Demi Hovato & Nick JonASS are selling $10,000 meet & greets.

    I personally know of people who've forked over thousands of dollars to sit on a stage while a band performed, with not even a meet & greet. A fool & their money is soon parted. Trust me.

  16. shiba9:30 AM

    'Hollywood' thinks Jennifer L is the only box office bankable female star, right now. She is being overcast & mis-cast (i.e. Joy) - running the serious risk of over-exposure. And, not having the career depth to have developed 'chops', will she just repeat what has worked for her so far and basically stay a bubbly one-trick pony?

  17. elbessaersa12:02 PM

    TBH, who pays 10k to meet a celeb? This is the problem we have, where everyday people worship freaking celebs for nothing. For one, most celebs are entitled rude brats when no one is watching and talk down to 'peasant ppl'. The only time they keep up their fake goody two shoes act is when it puts money in their pockets.

  18. She was too young for the American Hustle part, too. She was just annoying.

  19. numoon31:31 AM

    Who is she related to? I have never understood her meteoric rise to fame and fortune - she ain't that great! In fact, she does bad acting. Water seeks its own level and blowing off events and appearances where large payments by fans are made seems a sure-fire way to get right where she belongs, in my opinion. Time will tell...

  20. MrsCharles3:00 AM

    Anyone else recall her one-planed Pillsbury dough face from the television series 'Medium'? Something about her voice grates as much as her lack of acting talent -- and her eyes are just blank. Anyway, Medium was a while ago so she didn't come quite out of nowhere, but will likely return there quickly enough...

  21. Penelope 25:44 AM

    She said she loves Woody Allen. She said this AFTER his ex'es daughter accused him of being a pedophile. So with me, her name in mud.
