Saturday, December 26, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 6, 2015

This A list in her mind do everything diva had a party at her house that involved about 20 horses all standing in the street leaving their fecal matter everywhere. Her neighbors had to live with the smell for weeks because she wouldn’t do anything about it.

Jennifer Lopez


  1. Marianne2:05 AM

    You would think certainly if one would have enough money for 20 horses for whatever reason they would have the staff pick the crap up, just sayin....

  2. She prob flew out the next day. Most richies stop caring how they imact humans around them. I woulda hired kids to smear it on every reachable surface of her property while it was still fresh. If Oakand can buy professional vandals, why not a rich community?

  3. cate chandler2:17 AM

    MV needs better housekeepers

  4. Kathy2:18 AM

    I would have paid to have the poop picked up and placed all over her yard...just nasty

  5. PoniTayl2:28 AM

    Maybe I should change my meme to "No Horse Shit"...What's the draw to having horses stand around? That's just weird.

  6. just4fun2:50 AM

    I'm with Marianne. I'm no JLo fan but I'm having a little trouble believing that whomever supplied the horses was not also responsible for the cleanup.

  7. This blind reeks of horse shit.

  8. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob3:34 AM

    Either the supplier of the horses of the city hall (it reads as being in the street, which happens to be public) did not do their job.
    You can throw any waste to the street if you are a swine, but the city hall pays people to clean it with your taxes.

  9. I worked at the horse park and horses would poop in the street and by the end of the day it would be little clumps of hay.

  10. I'm so glad I'm not the only one curious as to why there were 20 horses standing in the street to begin with. Rich people and their f^cking theme parties...

  11. nasty babay4:58 AM

    bet the street smelled better than her career

  12. Cant stand that bitch.

  13. Scrooge7:54 AM

    Jlo lives in hidden hills same as Kardashian and Jessica Simpson. She just sold it. Wonder why she wanted new neighbors

  14. Whywhywhy???10:00 AM

    And I read this one back in September. I think it was Jennifer Lopez as the guess. or blind..

  15. LA Equestrian11:17 AM

    Hidden Hills is specifically an equestrian community. There are 20 horses in the street EVERY day and it's landscaping's job to clean up. If that's where this happened, it isn't newsworthy.

  16. Honeybunny11:22 AM

    Lol! I almost choked on my juice reading that!

  17. […] Blind Items Revealed #5 – CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS – She prob flew out the next day. Most richies stop caring how they imact humans around them. I woulda hired kids to smear it on every reachable surface of her property … […]

  18. […] Blind Items Revealed #5 – CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS – She prob flew out the next day. Most richies stop caring how they imact humans around them. I woulda hired kids to smear it on every reachable surface of her property … […]
