Thursday, December 17, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 3, 2015

He has really turned into a dirty old man. The 200 year old former A list mostly movie actor father of an A+ lister had his hand up his girlfriend’s skirt most of dinner the other night even while he was eating. They were seated in such a way that about ten percent of the place could see them and this was not on the thigh either.

Jon Voight


  1. Kno Won Uno2:33 AM

    Maybe he has Reynaud's and his hands were cold.

  2. Kno Won Uno2:41 AM

    Must take too long to google an actual age.

  3. sandybrook2:46 AM

    hahah a tv sleaze playing himself

  4. That's where Angie gets it from...

  5. AndrewBW4:07 AM

    @Me -- I know!

  6. WeirdPeopleHere5:28 AM


  7. Mrs.K5:49 AM

    Perhaps he was 'in character'. Lol! I wouldnt expect anything else from him! He plays his role in Ray Donovan brilliantly!

  8. That explains some of Jolie's grotesque behavior but now that she's older, and with a tribe of children, she's her own source of disgust. Her kids will have lots to read about, and hear about from classmates, in the not-so-distant future. Jon Voight brings a mental image that makes me cringe and throw up a little. Those poor people who had to see that. Yuck.

  9. Southern Smartass8:05 AM

    Jon Voight's behavior has nothing to do with sex but everything to do with power. However, I think Angelina's sexual escapades are all about self-loathing. IMHO, of course.

  10. SugarBaby4:06 PM

    Jon Voight sounds like a pig,as well as disturbed,I can see where Angelina gets some of her rebellious ways.

    And FYI ? I bet it was a paid escort,doubt he has a girlfriend.
