Friday, December 11, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 17, 2015

This former tweener turned singer/former reality basically drops f bombs every few seconds for most of the day. Last week a radio station was taping an interview with her and after five minutes they had nothing they could even use because of what she was saying. After a full 20 minutes they managed to keep two minutes of actual interview they could air.

Demi Lovato


  1. Kno Won Uno2:33 AM too. Probably not in an interview, though.

  2. Who fucking cares if you fucking curse on a fucking radio station with those fucking fuckers ;)

  3. JSierra2:48 AM

    I used to be a big Demi fan but now she just seems like a huge asshole. Not because of this blind though, I'm guilty of frequent f bombs too.

  4. JSierra2:49 AM

    But come on, clean it up for an Interview at least.

  5. JSierra2:49 AM

    Professionalism yo

  6. Kno Won Uno2:52 AM

    Also, fuckity fuck fuck fuck

  7. Kno Won Uno2:53 AM

    Yeah, fuck that

  8. Kno Won Uno2:53 AM

    (I don't think she's even especially talented or worthy of a career)
    (sorry/not sorry)

  9. Malibuborebee3:08 AM

    There's something off about this girl lately, even more than before. I blame that piece of shit Wilmer.

  10. JSierra3:28 AM

    I think it was the rehab. Made me feel too soft towards her

  11. So, she does this on purpose?

  12. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)4:54 AM

    I'm the queen of f bombs but there's a time and place.

  13. Emily5:46 AM

    That's awkward. It's what 15-16 year olds do

  14. Wendy5:49 AM

    I mean I've got a potty mouth on me but I know when to not fucking say fuck. FUCK!

  15. Wendy5:50 AM

    Don't You Know I Would Never Say The Word Fuck I Would Fucking Never Fucking Ever Fucking Say That EVER!

    Name the movie lol

  16. back again6:17 AM

    "Anchorman" ftw.

  17. DoctorMaybe11:29 AM

    Sounds like my kind of gal.

  18. Snarknado12:38 PM

    A library I go to has a Starbucks next it. There's a big lawn in front where young high schoolers with no car hang out.
    When I round the corner from the parking lot, they go from talking normally to having loud Fuck attacks. There's nothing like a fifty kids with Satan Sippers all having to shock the adult with their grown up fuck this, fuck that.
    I ought to make a video of it. Sneak the camera slightly around the corner and record them being normal, then walk around it and record the mass fuck outbursts. Maybe Demi has that problem around adults too.
