Sunday, December 06, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 30, 2015

This permanent A list supermodel always talks about how she has never done anything to her body, but in the last couple of weeks she had several procedures performed on her to keep herself looking like she always has.

Cindy Crawford


  1. Big Al12:51 AM

    Who cares? She's perfect, and wants to stay perfect. I'd hit it all night long

  2. meowie1:24 AM

    Actually, she did confess to some work beng done some years back. I think she had to come clan due to misleading statements about her "youthfulness" being solely derived from her skincare line.

  3. meowie1:25 AM

    clean, not clan. *sigh*

  4. Derek ibebackyo Harvey1:35 AM

    Nailed it again

  5. sarah2:11 AM

    still wont catch rande's eye unless she grows a c**k

  6. b-fab2:28 AM

    She hawks beauty products on infomercials - that's why it's wrong.

  7. They say they haven't had 'work' done but getting Botox and fillers isn't considered invasive (aka cut and stitch) so it doesn't count.

  8. Dazzle5:48 AM

    So very misleading since she's advertising her skin care product, all while having surgery to enhance her looks!

  9. Dutch7:05 AM

    Whatever she did, she still looks great! Nothing like all the botched facelifts on all the reality stars. I want to know who her doctor is.

  10. LaBomba7:20 AM

    I saw those leaked photos also. She's got a really wrinkly body, and strange for someone not yet 50.

  11. Diana9:05 AM

    Of course she's had work. You can tell just by looking at her face. So stupid.

  12. Missy9:45 AM

    Can totally tell she did her eyes years ago so no surprise. They all have. I think Christie B is another one who hasn't fessed up but has. But they, work or not, they look a amazing for the age.
