Thursday, December 17, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 4, 2015

This A list rapper is not above picking up a few extra dollars by spending some time with men for cash and gifts. It would take her several weeks of touring to make as much as she will make from a few nights of partying with men in this foreign country.

Nicki Minaj


  1. sandybrook1:57 AM

    she's a ho, no?

  2. Yeah. She is a HO HO HO. (Just to keep everything in a Christmas spirit) ;)

  3. Majik8bong2:06 AM

    T'is the season....

  4. Salaam2:53 AM

    The first wave of female rappers demanded respect for being independent women. Monie, Latifah, MC Lyte decried the stuff that Minaj brags about.

    It's become a disturbing trend - call your women whores long enough, and eventually they will behave like one.

  5. needle3:00 AM

    Jizz the season!

  6. Paczki4:36 AM

    Yeah, I don't believe this for one second. I don't doubt that she makes appearances at events for money, but no way she's a prostitute.

  7. Mrs.K5:51 AM

    Just like Jennifer Lopez, All the Kardashians and the one Jenner, Christina Milan etc. All ho's and not the christmassy kind.

  8. Sharon9:44 AM

    Um no and that is a pretty crass/shitty thing for you to imply. Plenty of celebrities get paid to attend events, dinners, etc. Nikki has been in 2 very long term, public relationships during her career. She is big enough where she doesnt have to give it up to make a buck. This blind probably came out becasue she is scheduled to perform for a dictator in Angola this week. And make a ton of money doing so (oil state).

  9. Cupcakes4all10:01 AM

    not surprised at all, she wouldn't be the first nor the last.

  10. SugarBaby4:09 PM

    Nicki Minaj has gone Hollywood.

    So she makes visits to Dubai ?

  11. mary contrary10:41 PM

    hahahahaaa- "paid to attend dinners, etc", someone tell me how to make a side eye emoticon.

  12. Bad Penny12:48 AM

    Nikki is not a ho at all and doesn't prostitute herself for money. She is the proud songwriter who penned the hit Truffle Butter

  13. Diana9:25 AM

    She's so horrible. It completely amazes me that there are people defending her. Gross.
