Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 11, 2015

She has never said she has split with her husband so this former A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee turned television actress is a cheater I guess. I mean the husband cheats a bunch, so who could blame her, but she is cheating with her co-star. Not even shy about it this past week while promoting their show together.

Halle Berry (Apparently she is now hooking up with a producer on the new show she is working on, but hey, at least she is single)


  1. sandybrook1:24 AM

    coocoo coocoo

  2. MontanaMarriott1:50 AM

    Wait, someone is giving her a new show after the bomb that Extant was?!?! Wow she must have an amazing.....uhm.... persuasion skills

  3. Annasophie2:23 AM

    I once told my sig other that he could go for Halle. He'd be back in less than five. That woman is certifiable. Pretty, untalented, and cer-ti-fi-a-ble.

  4. Scrooge4:30 AM

    She got the cray cray gene

  5. Malibuborebee4:47 AM

    Lately she's been looking old for the first time. Still lovely, just looking more her age. I'm sure she'll be joker-faced-tight in no time but it's a shame. Beautiful batshit girl.

  6. Mrs.K2:51 AM

    Well apparently crazy girls are great in the sack so she has that going for her. My advice to the guys is RUN!
