Saturday, December 12, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 16, 2015

February cannot get here fast enough. This A list reality star is probably the only person on the planet who does not know (or maybe she doesn’t care) that her athlete boyfriend hooks up with as many women as possible.

Khloe Kardashian/James Harden


  1. French girl12:41 AM

    I thought Enty had some blinds saying KK's boyfriend was gay and KK ignored it

  2. meowie1:19 AM

    He did @French girl.

  3. Groaning1:41 AM

    Run away Janes run away fast.

  4. Khloe stay dating gay men cause she's gay herself. Harden, Lamar, French Montana all sleep with men and trannies.

  5. Whywhywhy???2:28 AM

    Well Khloe being gay would be a great story line. She could be on Caitlyn's show as well or are we looking for spin-off.

  6. Zilla13:25 AM

    I thought Kendall was assigned to be the gay one.

  7. Since this is your board Enty, you don't have to wait for February to deep six these boring fug hos.

  8. texasrose4:10 AM

    Maybe she loves him so much because she occasionally finds tasty nuggets in his beard.

  9. AllieCc877:20 AM

    James Harden is not gay. He regularly meets strippers and girls on social media and flies them in and pays them! I used to like Klo but she's turning into another vapid, self absorbed reality star like her sister Kim. Ugh

  10. Ruth Akin7:22 AM

    We have a lottery going here in Hell's Kitchen as to which Krazy K gal will become HIV+ first!

  11. Ibebackyo7:40 AM

    Kylie 1st to hiv

  12. Snarknado10:41 AM

    Khloe may already be on that miracle "diet".
