Monday, December 21, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Homeland Spoilers

November 21, 2015

It is pretty telling that this foreign born B+ list mostly television actor from a hit pay cable show has a movie in which he is starring that is scheduled to shoot at the same time as the next season of the show would film. I guess he is getting killed off.

Rupert Friend


  1. Ibebackyo1:27 AM

    Rip Quinn
    Rip Allison bye Bitch
    I hope carrie ends up with Otto he's sexy.

  2. lila fowler1:41 AM

    The writers must hate him. What a terrible send off.

  3. Ibebackyo1:48 AM

    I liked it carrie knew he didn't want to live a vegetable

  4. Whywhywhy???2:29 AM

    damn ! AM I behind on this one ...last episode I saw Nicolas was being killed and surprise Carrie was there...LOL... I kinda gave up on the lunacy of the scene. Sure she sneaks in country.

  5. Dutch4:54 AM

    That was a sad scene. I'm going to miss Quinn.

  6. back again5:26 AM

    Remember the Blind here wherein Claire Danes makes sure that the characters that get more popular than her get killed off or written out of the show??? people thought Mandy Patinkin was gonna get it soon but he just got demoted & less scenes...
    -people loved Quinn...coincidence?

  7. Ibebackyo6:06 AM

    Rupert has aa pretty good movie career going now sniff sniff

  8. It was the WORST death I have ever seen. So did he want out or did Claire?

  9. Dazzle10:44 AM

    I looooovvvvvweee Quinn!!! I'm so pissed that they had him go down that way.

  10. Minna4:31 AM

    wherein Claire Danes makes sure that the characters that get more popular than her get killed off or written out of the show??? people thought Mandy Patinkin was gonna get it soon but he just got demoted & less scenes…
    -people loved Quinn…coincidence?

    I have the same thought. Does she really that egocentric?
    Not watching HL without Quinn for sure

  11. What movie is he shooting?
