Monday, December 28, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 16, 2015

This foreign born A- list singer who just keeps pumping out great music says that she almost didn’t make her latest record because guys still want to have sex with her before they will work with her. It took her several months to find a guy just willing to work for money and nothing else.

Ellie Goulding


  1. Scrooge12:17 AM

    Unless you're Adele you have to fuck for tracks.

  2. Honeybunny12:45 AM

    Way to go Elle. I bet Adele is happy to have such a voice.

  3. cebii2:26 AM

    I hope she stays strong.
    I'm so glad my kids don't have any particular extraordinary talent and won't be tempted by that mess.

  4. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:54 AM

    If every chick did this, celebrities would stop being the STD vade mecum they currently are, but they prefer the easy/short way of riding dick, and therefore making the STD pool bigger.

  5. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:55 AM

    TLDR: Have some dignity, you f wording whores in the celebrity world.

  6. Have you not been paying attention? Nobody has to have any actual talent anymore!

  7. TheBaron7:37 AM

    This is crazy, but sounds true, considering Kesha is suing Dr. Luke for something similar. This just means that we need more women need to enter the industry and become producers!

  8. shiba9:39 AM

    It's not the women, though of course there are always some who don't mind.
    The music industry is cutthroat and men hold all positions of power - they set the rules. There are more talented, beautiful women than opportunities and NOTHING to stop producers from saying their fee is $50,000 a session & sex, too. Because if Singer A says no, Singer B is right behind her saying ,"Yes."

  9. shiba9:52 AM

    And before you judge, imagine spending 5 or 10 years working your ass off to meet the right people, get an introduction, have your demo listened to…and then have it all be coming together. But maybe, you're too "uptight" to really have a creative partnership, take advantage of this opportunity - or why put conditions (no sex for trax) on it?! Other (female) artists aren't like this.
    It is an unbelievably f*cked up world for a solo female performer.

  10. Scallywag2:04 AM

    Notice it says "because guys STILL want to have sex with her before they will work with her."

    Which intimates she did go there before.

  11. Mildred Pierce2:53 AM

    Ellie has a rep for sleeping around. Maybe now she is a bigger star, she feels she doesnt have to screw for tracks
