Saturday, December 26, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 4, 2015

The phone was ringing off the hook yesterday at the plastic surgeon for this former A+ list mostly movie actress turned don’t really work much, but I am going to have permanent A+ list name recognition forever. She was bragging at an event about the work she had done over the past three months and she looks amazing. I hope she gets a referral fee.

Demi Moore


  1. meowie1:29 AM

    I've only seen a few recent pap shots. She looks ok. But is this chasing after a "beauty" ideal really worth it. I look at Cindy Joseph and she looks better, IMHO.

  2. 122211:56 AM

    past a certain age it just looks like you're desperate to stay young. at least thats why I see through my eyes.

  3. shakey4:15 AM

    If she doesn't look "natural", then it isn't any good. Not sure why women put themselves through this. I almost cried when I saw Jennifer Jason Leigh on Kimmel the other night. Her face has become sculpted so much she looks like Anna Pacquin! Never thought JJL was the type to do this.

  4. She's getting that severely plastic, done look. Maybe the Beverly Hills hags think she looks great, but "unlined" does not actually equal "great".

  5. Scrooge8:25 AM

    Same dr does rob Lowe

  6. Whywhywhy???10:48 AM

    The pressure must be unreal. Damn! Especially if no one tells them, you look plastic, pulled and not hot.
