Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 9, 2015

This A- list mostly movie actress who is known for her big television/movie role got yet another breast enlargement. After years of being one size, she has now jumped multiple sizes over the past year. She told a friend it was just a lift, but got carried away and then wanted a little more.

Sarah Jessica Parker


  1. back again1:07 AM

    Another example of the differences between us & them...when THEY 'get carried away & want a little more' they end up with 36 Ds....when I 'get carried away & want a little more' I just get another inch taken off my hair...

  2. She always had large-ish boobs for someone who is so tiny and muscular.

  3. She is naturally flat chested. Watch Footloose. Nothing there. All fake.

  4. razzle dazzle1:24 AM

    I found out the other day that matthew broderick killed a mother and daughter with his car in ireland. he told the cops he "didnt remember the whole day!"

    he got away with it.

  5. back again1:38 AM

    yeah,,,Jennifer Grey was in the car with him...she kinda left acting (& him) after that.

  6. back again1:40 AM

    ...for a while i meant..she turned down a bunch of movie offers after the accident. .

  7. Tapioca1:40 AM

    maybe the bigger plastic boobies are here to distract the viewer's attention because nobody can do anything for that horse face of hers.

    she used to be flat as a board but with that 11 years old anorexic boy body, it's impossible to have a natural ample rack.

  8. The funny thing is if these actresses didn't strave themselves down to a size 0 they would have boobs.

    And, yes if you see her old movies from the 80's she didn't have boobs.

  9. Ammie1:46 AM

    Don't forget they wouldn't need to inject fillers in their faces to make if look like they have checks.

  10. Cinabun1:55 AM

    Yet another example of the differences. Is it any wonder so many are f'ed up?

  11. Zilla11:58 AM

    He didn't remember the accident because he was pretty seriously injured himself. He should have gotten some jail time, but it was in fact an accident. He wasn't drunk.

  12. BigBlue2:01 AM

    For SJP, the correct phrasing should be: She got an udder/teat enhancement...

  13. French girl2:31 AM

    Himself was seriously injured

  14. Calling SJP a horse? How clever.

    Did you think of that one all by yourself?

  15. Tricia134:12 AM

    Hahahahhah. That made me guffaw@BigBlue!
    Good one(sorry SJP, I love ya and all but......too funny)

  16. ettacettera4:45 AM

    Hehe..good one.

  17. Malibuborebee4:49 AM

    "They say" he's been torturing himself with guilt over that accident for years. He never got over it and never forgave himself.

  18. Tapioca5:17 AM

    ok let's be fair here, any horse look better than her and it's insulting for these poor noble animals, sorry horses i never meant to be rude to you all!!!

    first the mole, now the boobs, next time i bet she will buy herself a gigantic ass à la Kardashian but it's never gonna work.

    what has been seen, cannot be unseen.

  19. WTF?
    you can't just drop a bomb like that and not provide a link....
    you need to Detective Latoya that shiz... please :-)

  20. Yaas Kween!

  21. Tricia138:23 AM

    MB was undeniably and irrevocably changed by that accident. Whether or not alcohol played a part, he has lived a sober life for a long time......

  22. Zilla19:27 AM

    He was sober the day of the accident according to one of the officers that interacted with him. The officer also said Broderick wasn't speeding and had been going less than 40 mph. The roads were wet because it had been raining, he wasn't familar with the area and he went into the wrong lane, which was oncoming traffic. They think he might have inadvertently reverted to the right side of the road (American driving) forgetting which side he was supposed to be on. In any case, tragic.

  23. Penelope 211:08 AM

    Oh my gosh! There was always something slithery about him (when I saw Election, I felt that it was a true rendition of his real self, and of course it came out he cheats on Sarah, and came out when she was listed as one of the ugliest women in show business- a real crappy time to blatantly cheat on your hurting wife). He's an ass.

  24. […] Blind Items Revealed #2 – CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS – He was sober the day of the accident according to one of the officers that interacted with him. The officer also said Broderick wasn’t speeding and had been going … […]
