Monday, December 21, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 20, 2015

Yes, that was this B list mostly movie actress now that her hit cable show has gone off the air passed out in the grass with her dress hiked up to her waist this past weekend. She blamed it on the heat and not eating enough. Everyone else blamed it on the booze.

January Jones


  1. Ibebackyo1:01 AM

    She's retired enty back off what's your excuse

  2. PoniTayl4:05 AM

    She's like your worst exfriend, does she just roller skate legs spread wide over guys? Why is she even relevant?

  3. mailchain6:38 AM

    She's been on two seasons of The Last Man On Earth. I'm sure she is still managing to make ends meet.

  4. Penelope 27:30 AM

    I blame it on desperation. Her ex'es call her dumb, and that's saying a lot since the men of Hollywood tend to not be that discriminating when it comes to who they sleep with.

  5. I hope she was wearing underwear.

  6. CobraDemander10:52 AM

    Has she ever revealed the name of the father of her baby?

  7. She doesn't know.
