Monday, December 07, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 29, 2015

One of the lead characters of this hit, long running ABC show is set to be killed off. Something has to be done to stop all the fighting and bickering on set between the two leads. One of them has to go. Which one will it be? Producers are hoping one of them will ask out of the show.

Nathan Fillion/Stania Kanic/Castle


  1. AndrewBW12:20 AM

    The show doesn't exist without either of them. But it's been going downhill for years. They should just kill off the show and be done with it.

  2. Anandamide12:22 AM

    You mean Stana Katic?

  3. texasrose12:29 AM

    This show has definitely run its course. They even stretched it out a few years after the leads finally get together albeit it with ridiculous storylines. Put it out of it's misery now. That being said the show could continue with Castle. She could easily get killed off and he continues to work with the precinct. Bring in a hot new detective/captain and let the sparks fly.

  4. Wasn't there a news story over the summer about the leads both signing for $8 million to continue the show just for this year?
    And, yes the Spy/Drug Smuggling story line seems rather thin. I recently stopped watching because of that DEA drug dealing/NSA Spy dumb story line.
    Time for ABC to try a new show.

  5. Vanessa1:04 AM

    Disagree. This show does not work without either of them, nor does it work with them separated be it at home or at work. Ratings have proven this. Kill one or the other off and this show dies a quick death.

  6. Jessie1:42 AM

    I think it would work without Beckett. They are pretty much spinning off Castle into his own show as it is. It's just weird and awkward having the two of them apart in most of the scenes. The scenes they do together it';s pretty obvious they are using doubles for a lot of the filming. So either agree they just can't work together anymore and end it or give Castle a spin-off as a P.I. Keeping them apart like they are doing now is just ridiculous and is killing the show.

  7. The show needs to end.

    She finds out she's pregnant, while they are working on a case they solve, but he is killed while protecting her, from a drive by shooting, she decides to move to be close to family that can help with the baby.

    Perfect Ending

  8. She then becomes a best selling author.

  9. Not surprising. They really went off the rail this season. The feud between the two leads has been rumored for a while which wasn't just innocent smoke, so this is nothing new. But I am curious, is this killing storyline still happening or do they plan something else now? And, is someone leaving? I think ABC counts on Stana Katic since they were already willing to carry on the show this season with just Fillion.

  10. texasrose2:26 AM

    So what is the backstory on why they hate each other?? Did they always hate each other. He was biggest star in beginning but because of show she is now popular- jealousy? Did he pump and dump her? Did she reject him? Or do they just have different personalities and have grown to hate each other? Does anyone know??

  11. meowie2:37 AM

    I thought it was already well known that they're icing Beckett this season?!

  12. Who is Stania Kanic? Do you mean Stana Katic?

  13. Cupcakes4all2:58 AM

    kill the whole show.

  14. Sorcha3:33 AM

    Wait...doesn't compute...Nathan Fillion doesn't get along with someone? Seriously?

    The show would work fine without Beckett.

  15. Erin B4:09 AM

    I read a revealed BI on here (I think) years ago that said she was awful to the crew & just mean in general. It said he dropped the big C on her in front of them & everyone loved it.

  16. Nerdista5:58 AM

    Let Fillion go to do a show that's a good vehicle for him. I've been a fan forever and he's the best thing about this show, she's the worst part so. Shut it down America.

  17. mooshki8:34 AM

    I've heard from people with friends on set that he's turned into a bit of a diva himself, which breaks my heart. :(

  18. Yeah, "Castle" can easily go on without Beckett - not so much without Castle! But I'm happy to watch Nathan no matter what he's doing.

  19. Zilla111:09 AM

    The execs gave interviews, after September (the date of this blind), saying they have no plans to kill off either of the co-leads.

    They should, however, feel free to kill off the oh-so-annoying Alexis Castle. Win-win-win all around!

  20. Zilla111:10 AM

    The date of their interview denying the death of a lead was at the end of October of this year.

  21. its me again1:04 PM

    Please let it be Stana so she can get out of this show! ABC begged her to come back and then completely destroyed her character. Fillion has been phoning it in for years - let him stay on the ship he helped sink. The PI arc is beyond dumb, Fillion is too old to be acting the fool.

    If they could bring back the magic, I'd continue watching. But only if alexis were killed off . . .

    I do think the only way the show survives though, is to kill off Castle. Beckett and the Boyz could carry on the show, with Martha of course.

  22. Samantha3:09 PM

    This is so much BS! It was already confirmed to be Kerry Washington and Scott Foley from Scandal. Google them. Numerous articles about their well-known feud and killing Foley's character off.

  23. RED-T3:41 PM

    Why when you finally get a successful, well regarded show do the actors all have to screw it up somehow? The show is Castle for a reason...Beckitt should go/be killed off BC of her Locksat obsession. They just sorta worked things out so having her die & Locksat revealed to be the Indian/Middle-eastern guy would be perfect. He could carry around his sadness that way or Locksat gets caught, they go into witness protection & ride off into the sunset with a little 'caskett'' baby. Just my 2 cents.

  24. Just give the show to Nathan. I can't take much more of Stana Katic's "acting". I don't know how he's hung in there this long.

  25. She's been absent a lot lately for most scenes with the current -- seemingly pointless -- plot twist, and the show has gone on (after all it IS called Castle, not Beckett). Seriously, would a police captain really be on some rogue mission for personal reasons without the significant possibility of ending up dead?

  26. Linda8:55 PM

    To me Castle is both leads,why do people have to believe all the garbage rumors?I like both of them,killing off Kate is not the answer,better storylines are the answer,getting back to what made the show great is the answer.I hate to say it but I never feel Nathan is really into Castle,he will talk for days about Firefly,ConMan even Krista's show but he never spends time talking about Castle.Everyone else does,I follow all of them,Stana shows behind the scenes pics,etc.
    There have been some recent postings on the fact that they do get along they just have separate lives away from the set,Krista has posted very nice things about Stana....but people do not want something positive it's much better making up things or believing the worst.

  27. Richard10:22 PM

    Kill off the writers. The ship has sunk with these clowns and their stupid impossible storyline. I am amazed Fillion & Katie can work with these scripts.

  28. Completely agree with this!

  29. Beckstle7:00 AM

    Really? We're going with rumors now? Someone pointed me to go look at this nonsense. Let's be real. Stana Katic has always been shown as being above and beyond lovely to the crew and basically everyone she comes in contact with. If this rumor were true it would actually point to the idea that Nathan Fillion has always had a problem with Katic - to the point of being completely unprofessional and out of line. It would lend credence to that other rumor that he threw a diva fit and told Marlowe the show was called Castle and that Marlowe needed to fix it. However, I don't believe any of this stuff. Fillion is known as a fun-loving guy who. like Katic, is known for treating the fans and those he works with very well.

    Granted, after working with someone intensely for years it's likely people have bad days and may even get bored with the job. At the same time, people who spread rumors tend to do so for their own agendas and issues. Often they are trying to get back at someone they're having problems with or cover their own shortcomings. For instance, it's far easier to blame one star or another for the totally crappy writing. that's been going on. Like it's the actors fault that the writers devised such ridiculous storylines?

    Even if were true that the actors hated each other, the means the writers came up with to "keep them apart" are awful. Great films have been made by actors who couldn't stand each other, for instance, "An Officer and a Gentleman." Rumors like this blind item diverts the focus from the main problem - the badly conceived ideas and story arcs that started with 6 x 23 and have gotten progressively worse The writers and the executives that signed off on this stuff are the real problem.

  30. Erin B9:02 AM

    Hey, I've never even seen the show. Just repeating a blind item revealed here from a few years because someone asked about their supposed issues. I don't care enough to try to find it on here. You can search around if you'd like. I'm sure not all blind items revealed here are true so you can choose to believe that one was wrong. Keep in mind this is a celebrity gossip site, not a "Castle" fan site.

  31. Never saw the show. He will always be Joey Buchanon to me.
