Friday, December 25, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 2, 2015

Despite vows of fidelity to each of the women who are carrying/have carried his babies, this foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actor, who is still A-/A hooked up with his syrup sounding ex the other night.

Hugh Grant/Jemima Khan


  1. Molly2:07 AM

    Chick has the worst taste in men; Russell Brand, this.

  2. Tapioca2:18 AM

    he's so horny for an english, he must have some sort of sex addiction and i really don't understand why and how he's even married oO

  3. Scrooge3:41 AM

    He's not married he has 3 baby mommas in rotation and they all poppin out his babies and cashing checks. One in Sweden and two in England

  4. anna from savannah3:45 AM

    Hugh Grant has never been married. As for Jemima, she was married to that gorgeous cricket player/politician, Imran Kahn. Her family (the Goldsmiths) are one of the wealthiest in Europe.

  5. sjankis63011:15 AM

    In what Universe is Hugh Grant considered A-???

  6. Grace8:48 AM

    Use him and lose him, girl! Jemima doesn't need him, she uses him when it's convenient for her. I don't mind her, she made a great couple with Imran, so much so that they are still on great terms with each other.

  7. He must be packing, I do not see why else all these women put up with his shit
