Saturday, December 19, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 2, 2015

This B list mostly television actor has not done much since his long long running network hit show ended last year. Apparently he is not the easiest person to work with and got into numerous arguments on an almost daily basis with the cast and director of his latest project so walked out on the entire production.

Josh Radnor


  1. Honeybunny12:37 AM

    Looked him up.

  2. Majik8bong12:44 AM

    Kids....lemme tell you about a time when your dad was famous for a while then copped an attitude and ended up in a van down by the river....

  3. Hmmm... a young actor hits it big on their very first TV series, so he becomes a know-it-all a-hole.
    Where have I seen that before?

  4. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)1:55 AM

    Love it!

  5. nellie3:15 AM

    seriously, who?

  6. meowie4:18 AM

    Ha ha ha @Majik8bong!!!!

  7. Wendy4:29 AM

    I could see it, Ted totally seems like he's an annoying twat.

  8. It's funny because, even being a big HIMYM fan, I also caught myself saying "Who?" for just a second!

    For as hugely popular and long-running as that show was, he IS strangely absent from television.

  9. shakey7:04 AM

    Kills me how so many actors think they're too big for this or that project and everyone should bow down to them, especially the ones who are known for only one thing and are soon forgotten. I hope he invested his money well because he must realize by now he will never have a career as long and varied as let's say, Michael Caine.

  10. Joe Nobody8:12 AM

    He should do a project with Zach Braff...

  11. Ah, but at least we all know who Zach Braff is.

  12. La Bomba2:46 AM

    It's easy to look up Josh Radnor on Wikipedia.

    He's quite successful.

    Now I know for sure the stuff on this site is mostly bogus.
