Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Blind Item #8

That excellent actress turned singer who I wrote about earlier this week has apparently been corrupted by this former tweener turned part-time singer/full-time drug user. Drugs are not what she needs right now but she has not stopped partying with him since they started.


  1. back again12:46 AM

    Hailee Steinfield but I disagreed with the "excellent actress" part

  2. Snookiemonster12:56 AM

    Justin Bieber in here?

  3. back again12:59 AM

    oops...i forgot with Joe Jonas...Jingle Ball 2015 in Tampa!
    --Hey @ Sandy & @ Tricia look what you missed in your sunny state --Testosterone & Hormonal Autotune Overload 2015

  4. Sheepskin1:08 AM

    Yeah I agree she is pretty average actress, but possibly a worse singer. Her songs are very shouty. Plus I doubt joe jonas corrupted her when there has been rumors about her partying for awhile now

  5. back again1:12 AM

    yeah.. i was thinking it could be Justin too (or Zayn Malik)- they're all so interchangable at this point..i just figured Joe Jonas since he & Hailee were together performing last Saturday Night.

  6. sandybrook1:17 AM

    Thankfully I missed it....

  7. back again1:20 AM

    Yeah @Sheepskin --she's no wallflower...remember she was on probation from Taylor's Posse when she got embarrassingly drunk at some event & she's sleeping w/the I Heart Radio married Exec according to Enty,right?
    -I haven't heard her masturbation song "Love Myself" but that sounds like a rip off of
    "I Touch Myself" sung by the late Chrissie Amphlett from The Divinyls...
    -i don't really feel the need to check it out any time soon to see though..

  8. DoctorMaybe1:43 AM

    I haven't heard it but I'm sure it's awful.

    I haven't read the book but I know it's bad.

    I haven't ever eaten that kind of food, but it can't be good.

    Hey! back again! Use your psychic powers and give us some lottery numbers while you're at it!


  9. meowie1:47 AM

    Wasn't she also the one who schtupped someone at a Paris fashion show and everyone heard?

  10. back again2:00 AM

    Hey @ DoctorMaybe, I never said her song was awful or bad or anything...just that the subject & title sounds similiar to another one but that I haven't checked it out & don't feel like doing it now to see if they are similiar or not..meaning I don't know!

  11. Unemployable2:18 AM

    I haven't read Dr. Maybe's or Back Again's comments but I strongly agree with both of them.

  12. Mooshki2:46 AM

    The only thing it has in common with I Touch Myself is the subject matter and a similar name. (But it's not exactly a reach that she could have come up with the name independently, given the subject matter.) I like the song, but find it disturbing coming from such a youngster.

  13. back again3:23 AM

    ba dump bump

  14. back again3:29 AM

    "but it's not exactly a reach that she could have...." no pun intended.. ; )

  15. Cinabun3:44 AM

    Great song fwiw.

  16. Chingers3:49 AM

    Ugh I hated her in Pitch Perfect awkward. Like, I get that it was the character, but it was mediocre stab at awkward.

  17. Tricia134:17 AM

    Me too!!

  18. DoctorMaybe5:20 AM

    Fair enough, back again. ;) You'll pardon me, I hope - I'm crotchety in the morning when I haven't any caffeine yet.

  19. back again6:00 AM

    nothing to pardon-- we're all just making silly comments on here.I know i'm often not very clear. ; )

  20. DoctorMaybe6:07 AM

    You're very gracious.
