Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Blind Item #7

This very tall B list mostly movie actress says she had her first threesome to keep her boyfriend happy but that he dumped her for the other woman in the threesome.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Uma(again?) and Andre Balacz?

  2. Kno Won Uno12:34 AM

    Uh...this sounds like someone younger unless she's talking about ancient history.
    Pro tip: If a man wants a threesome with a *specific* third person, it might be due to more than just a desire for a threesome.

  3. Kno Won Uno12:39 AM

    TIL Ireland Baldwin is 6'2".

  4. Courtney12:54 AM

    That's exactly why you do NOT share. Call me selfish but if my boyfriend wants to go explore options, I sure as hell ain't gonna set it all up and watch. You're just giving the green light for someone to replace you.

  5. Gussie Fink-Nottle1:13 AM

    ProTip: If a guy asks for a three-way then his rear is out the door.

  6. lila fowler1:35 AM

    Gwendolyn Christie

  7. Groaning2:20 AM

    I never understood why girls would agree to a threesome with a mother girl to keep a guy.....unless it was two guys and the girl, then sure, why not!

  8. Malibuborebee3:28 AM

    It's fun to try things and it doesn't have to be about keeping a guy happy. It also doesn't have to threaten a secure relationship.

    If you're worried that your partner will leave you over a threesome then he's probably leaving you anyway.

  9. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)12:54 PM


  10. meowie1:03 AM

    First 3some for Uma? I find that hard to believe. Regardless, still a solid guess.

    Tossing Liv Tyler and Famke Janssen into the ring, as well.
