Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Blind Item #7

This A- list singer from a group that was just about A+ list at one time and has probably slipped to B over time told his significant other that he had to meet with a producer. Considering the significant other had just gone through a major life event and the producer was actually the woman the singer has been sleeping with the past three months, he perhaps should have stayed at home.


  1. back again12:42 AM

    Billy Corgan


  3. Timberlake?

  4. Snookiemonster12:55 AM

    Nick Carter and pregnant wife?

  5. sandybrook1:21 AM

    Hopefully never A but you never know here--Nick and Vanessa Lachey?

  6. Cinabun3:49 AM

    Cousin was in Miss Teen w/ her. Said she was very mean and and snotty. Cousin saw her after Nick and said she was the same and he was snowed. :(

  7. chickenhead3:53 AM

    Billy Corgan slipped way past B. I love Smashing Pumpkins in the 90s but I wouldn't know if he was still alive. Without reading other sites, I'll go with Eddie Veder.

  8. Billy Corgan fits. I looked up his astrology chart once after reading an interview. I think it's the Venus in Aries that has made love challenging for him. Looks like he's not rising to the challenge if it is him and this is true.

  9. Tricia135:33 AM

    Nice@BA..never would've thunk it. Would've said Wentz again probs or Jack White but Corgan seemed to recently have a baby?!! And here I thought he was asexual. Like cyborg asexual.

  10. back again6:20 AM

    i saw the caption in DM..& i thought that he was pretty asexual too. his 1st child.
